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Revision as of 08:32, 6 March 2020

Xiomara Rojas (Scenesys ID: 666)
Name: Xiomara Rojas
Superalias: Crush
Gender: Female
Species: Half-Czarnian
Occupation: Vigilante Punk
Citizenship: US Citizen (Undocumented)
Residence: Variable
Education: Home Schooled
Theme: DC (FC)
Groups: Happy Harbor
Apparent Age: 15 Actual Age: 15
Date of Birth 04 Sep 2004 Played By
Height: 6'1" Weight: 375.lbs
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Red
Theme Song: https://youtu.be/3GpOd3vuOGg

Character Info


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Better known as Crush, Xiomara is the bastich daughter of Lobo. Half-Czarnian, she can be violent, cude, and rough- all traits she undoubtedly received from her father. Unlike her father, however, she has made the choice to be a heroine and to help people.


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*2004: Xiomara falls from the sky at Burning Man festival. She?s found wrapped in a living chain (Obelus) by Lisa and David Rojas. The two adopt Xiomara as their own.

*2004-2018: Lisa and David, drug addicts, raise their adopted daughter with a surprising amount of love and care. It would be difficult to say Xio?s early life is one to know true neglect- her parents truly love her and consider her a treasure. The reality of their addiction, however, often has Xiomara taking care of herself- and her parents. The family moves around constantly- never staying anywhere more than a few months.

*2018: Like so many teens, Xiomara has a fight with her parents- specifically, she finds out her father is actually Lobo from a Television spot that informed the world about this particular Czarnian. Having been raised told her birth parents were like Superman- were heroes fighting to save the universe- she takes issue with the lie David and Lisa told her and runs out. After a particularly violent encounter with some racists in the town center who saw the SAME TV spot she runs home. Her trailer is on fire. Her parents are dead. Obelus, her chain, is missing. She?s given no time to mourn, the police arriving- she runs in fear she?ll be blamed for killing her own parents.

*2018-2019: Crush is born. In the months after her parent?s murder, Xiomara goes to ground- just like her foster parents had taught her. She starts to fight for money in underground cage matches. By the end of the year she?s running a circuit of various fight clubs just to make ends meet, while centering her movement amongst a number of squats in New York, Gotham, and Metropolis.

*2020: Crush discovers an abandoned Junk Yard somewhere outside of Happy Harbor. The fact no one really goes there, and it?s easily made into a secure location makes it Crush?s squat of choice. She begins to center her activities from here- using this location as her primary living space.

IC Journal

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Xiomara is an angry young woman- she's got a lot to be angry about. It's a constant undercurrent in who she is and how she acts- her anger often gets the best of her, but she is trying to control it.

Xiomara is supremely confident in herself and her skills. Once she's made a decision she sticks to it. Some of this is because she's a teenager- and some it is because she's managed to survive everything the world has thrown at her so far.

Xiomara has made a conscious decision to NOT be like her father- to be a hero and to help people when she can. She's not particularly sure how to do it- but she knows she can be someone who can change the world for the better.

Riot Grrrl:
Xiomara is unapologetically punk and unapologetically female. She is very interested in protecting other women, and supporting their struggle. She lives a lot of her life with this feminist-punk do-it-yourself ethos.

Character Sheet


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Near Invulnerability:
Xiomara is very nearly invulnerable. Most mundane weapons won't even break her skin, let alone cause any damage. She has literally nothing to worry about from any standard weapon a human being can wield on their own (Guns, knives, et al.) She's been shown surviving truly massive explosions, and having a building on top of her. She would likely be majorly annoyed by more heavy weapons such as tank or explosive rounds if not designed specifically to handle people with her kind of invulnerability.
However, it is important to note that she is only NEARLY invulnerable. The truly strong (such as her own father) can break her bones. She's not invincible and she can be injured, her bones can break, and she can be hurt by a number of things that are just beyond her abilities as they stand.

Xiomara has an impressive level of natural regeneration- minor injuries that manage to bypass her natural resilience heal almost instantly. Cuts, bruises, cracked bones- all of those heal in moments.
More serious injuries, like broken bones, take between fifteen and thirty minutes- this class of damages would cover things like deep puncture wounds, or violent energy damages.
Truly serious and life-threatening injuries would be healed over a 24 hours period or so- for instance, being totally exsanguinated to the point of desiccation has been shown healing in a period overnight.
In theory, Xiomara could heal a lost limb or organ- but it likely take weeks or even months. In the case of a major organ, she'd likely be in a state of suspended animation that entire time.

Super Senses:
Xiomara's natural senses are well beyond the human standard. Her sense of smell particularly stands out, as she's able to track people by scent alone in environments such as cities. She can recognize people by scent alone, and can even do some rudimentary navigation with her sense of smell.
Her vision is likewise better than human norms, particularly in her ability to see in dimly lit areas. She can see in near total darkness without too much issue, and her visual acuity is good for picking up fine details that might otherwise be missed.
Xio's hearing is also particularly good- perhaps two, or three times better than a baseline human's. She can hear a wider range of sounds, as well as those that are quieter than a human being is able to normally hear. Her hearing is NOT at the level of a Kryptonian, however. She can hear people down the hall- not down the street.

Super Strength:
Xiomara possesses an impressive level of superhuman strength. She's been shown throwing people into orbit, or a tractor as far as the moon. She can create localized shockwaves with a stomp or her fists. She's even been shown single-handedly shouldering the entire weight of a collapsed building. With that strength she can 'super-leap' miles at a time. She's probably just under half as strong as a full-blooded Kryptonian, although it might be a pretty close contest.


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Xiomara is an accomplished brawler. She's used to fighting- it feels *good* to her to fight. Her style is primarily focused on strength and hitting as hard as she can. It's important to note that her style is best considered 'street fighting' and she, while competent, is not a top-tier technical fighter.

Xiomara knows how to drive cars and motorcycles

Xiomara is bilingual and speaks both English and Spanish.

Off-Grid Living:
Xiomara has spent most of life living "off grid", moving constantly, using cash for everything. She knows how to live that life- and, in fact, is most comfortable in living that life. If things turn sideways, she knows how to go to ground and seem to disappear.

Xiomara is very good at scrounging. She can find all sorts of things she needs to survive- she's been doing it for so long she can survive with relative comfort in almost any urbanized environment. Materials, food, clothing- everything is available if you know where to look.


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Obelus is Xiomara's oldest friend- the fifteen feet of sentient chain can move fully and freely on it's own, requiring nothing from Xiomara to do what it needs to do. The chain is apparently unbreakable, and was able to hold Lobo without any problem.


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Anger Issues:
To say that Crush has anger issues is understating things. In her heart blazes rage, anger, and hurt. Between just being a teen, living on the street, and the loss of her foster parents she's got a lot to be angry about. Sometimes, anger will overtake her and make her make bad decisions- she's also prone to rush to bad decisions when angry. She hasn't gone off the deep end and killed anyone or anything like that- but if she doesn't start working on her anger, that may be a potentiality in the future.

Xiomara doesn't blend. She's obviously a Czarnian. They're well known throughout the galaxy at being 'bad news' and between that and the fact she's just so obviously different it causes issues.

Xiomara typically lives in places that would best be called 'squats'. She doesn't typically have the money for long term habitation- and she's so used to moving around, it feels odd to her to stay in once place.

Crush has no special defense against magic.

Over Confident:
Xiomara is supremely confident in her abilities- and she's got every reason to be. Almost nothing she's faced seems to really cause her permanent harm. That over confidence can be used against her.

Crush has no special defenses against psychic/mind based attacks

Xiomara was home schooled by her parents- while she's got a lot of street knowledge, higher learning is not something she knows a lot about. There are large gaps in her knowledge where science, math, and other such subjects are considered.

Xiomara has no proof of citizenship or any other such paperwork. She simply fell from the sky one day.



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Xiomara Rojas has 98 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
HH May Game Night May 10th, 2024 May's Game night goes smoothly!
Is This A Cult May 1st, 2024 What looks like a cult is trying to dig up relics from underneath cemeteries...but why?!
NOT The Father of the Year April 24th, 2024 Lobo drops by the construction site where Crush is working... he didn't wave a white flag, but there was no fight. Perhaps a new leaf is turned over, or maybe he's just ready for a chance.
Nothing interesting ever happens in a Library. April 19th, 2024 Crush and Phobos wade into the fray.
HUNGER: The Banished February 23rd, 2024 An alien convoy of immigrants in need of asylum arrive at the Atlantic Starport. Much fire is suppressed, and Ant-Man ends up looking like a Ghostbuster covered in Marshmallow.
HHCC Community Night: The MET February 20th, 2024 Happy Harbor Community College has its first official outing!
Injustice For All: A Shadow Falls January 10th, 2024 The Hall of Justice finds itself invaded by the Heart of Darkness. Whispering shadows try to corrupt both the Leaguers on site, along with their allies and visitors.
Drumset Takes a Beating December 7th, 2023 No description
Mysteries In The Desert Part Two December 5th, 2023 No description
Dinner With Heroines December 3rd, 2023 No description
I'm Not -that- Kind of Cop. December 3rd, 2023 No description
Finding the Destroyer... album November 26th, 2023 Crush stops in where Andi works to get a Kiss album... ends up having an interesting conversation and taking home a new drum kit.
Mysteries In The Desert November 21st, 2023 The Titans, along with several allies, head to Egypt to begin searching for answers to what caused the explosion and where Crush's friend Mari might be.
Diner Break November 19th, 2023 No description
The Siege of New Krypton November 19th, 2023 An SOS was raised and the Superfriends leave Earth to discover New Krypton under siege by the Kryptonian Hegemony. A battle with robots insues buying the time to come up with a scientific solution to the problem. More like a patch over a wound than a real solution though. They'll be back...
Kangaroo Court November 18th, 2023 Wally and Damian play a pickup game of basketball, Jon and Xiomara join in and things get judgy.
Young Avengers: Toy Drive November 17th, 2023 The Young Avengers hold a toy drive, in the midsts of it, and an attack by Toyman they discover the magic of Santa Claus!
Scoping out the Tower November 17th, 2023 Rook brings Honey Badger to Titans Tower for the tour - and learns that she and Jinx may actually become friends in some alternate timeline. Gabby meets Jinx, Xiorama and Kian and gets a taste of the Titans life.
Someone's in the Kitchen and it is Bart November 16th, 2023 Crush and Raven meet, and Bart makes nummies for the critters
We Come For Pieces November 3rd, 2023 The Cow Friends arrive and deliver an ultimatum to the Heroes of Earth and the Agents of SHIELD> They also take Xiomara's recipe for tuna on toast from her memories.
How about a Schwimmity-Swim November 3rd, 2023 No description
Science Lab, Titans style November 1st, 2023 No description
A Lovely Morning For Patrolling August 25th, 2023 Crush finds The Amazing Scott performing on school grounds and is forced to protect him from teens trying to take back their tips. They share a conversation and she does not lose her temper over the mention of a certain Czarnian she loathes.
Firearms 101: Introduction August 25th, 2023 Rick and Crush have a heart to heart about faces worn and faces wanted; Fleece is a bit of a Golden Retriever!
Firearms 101: Orientation August 22nd, 2023 Stadler and Crush have a discussion on how she can get furthur with getting an ID and Firearms training. Things get... a bit tense.
Happy Harbor: Game Night (August) August 10th, 2023 The first game night of the 2023/2024 school session!
TCOMC: One More Time - The Do Over July 15th, 2023 Things are busy at Gotham Studios as the cast and crew scramble to knock out several scene reshoots. Crush is extremely useful with setting up the set and Caleb has extra duty. Mike is late.
The Four Treasures: Masquerade June 18th, 2023 Janet, Brian and some Titans walk into a Faery Ball. It all gets a bit Shakespearian.
Happy Harbor: Prom 2023 May 27th, 2023 Prom for HHHS is interrupted by the Puritans...and justice is served!
TCOMC:From the Top Symphony of Movie Construction May 20th, 2023 As Marie and Mike set out to make beautiful music together, Caleb's sister decides to add her own spin on things while a Field Trip group containing Stadler and Crush watch on. Then they go to lunch.
Got a Crush on You May 16th, 2023 Gar finally gets a chance to learn a little about Xiomara, and vice-versa.
Midnight Pie May 9th, 2023 Crush runs into Andi while out for a piece if pie, when a couple if idiots try to rob the restaurant. Mania and Crush take care of things and save the pie.
Chance meeting in the Teacher's Lounge May 5th, 2023 Stadler and Crush have a frank discussion that starts with being more understanding to Mike, and morphs into what the future holds for an alien 20-something.
A Tour Of Happy Harbor May 2nd, 2023 Caleb looks around for possible options to protect his family. If he's not careful he may end up getting adopted by Crush.
Foiled Foliage Shopping April 22nd, 2023 A trip to the plant nursery turned in to a crime stopping adventure with not nearly enough punching for Xio.
The Count of Monte Cristo: And Action! The Count Revealed April 22nd, 2023 While waiting for filming to start on the scene that introduces the Count to the world, Belinda, and Crush are introduced to uncomfortable fashion, Caleb finds out about French King names, Nick scares an extra, and Rick gets an odd picture sent to his phone.
Brooding Beasts April 19th, 2023 The infected creatures of the Savage Lands cause a frenzied stampede that engulfs a village of innocents. Wonder Woman, and the Amazons, call to arms the protectors of the Savage Lands from the X-Men and the Justice League.
Good Intentions: Part Two April 18th, 2023 The protest is over. Though it's not really the end is it?
How to make a drummer... April 14th, 2023 Crush pulled Mike aside to ask for some lessons with drums, and attempts to get to the bottom of the issue between him and Richard Stadler. Guess what... Mike's a role model!
Protection for a fellow Student April 12th, 2023 After protestors arrive at Happy Harbor to scream about Melvin (Aka Diesel), Crush, Belinda, Mike Hannigan and Richard Stadler take the time to escort Mel to his dorm room.
Good Intentions: Part One April 11th, 2023 The Puritans make themselves known and things are civil. For now.
Happy Harbor: Spring Science Fair 23' April 1st, 2023 The Happy Harbor Science Fair is here...and yes, per usual there was CHAOS.
Titans: Touring Columbia University February 20th, 2023 Wanting to learn more about university life, Crush takes Caitlin Fairchild up on her offer of a tour of Columbia University.
Don't Tell Kian February 18th, 2023 Kían's away so it's wing day.  Except Kían came back early, discovered the Titans eating wings, and had to be placated with psychoactive Korean hot sauce.
Happy Harbor: Game Night (January) January 17th, 2023 January game night goes off without a hitch and a surprise visitor!
Justice League: The Watchtower January 13th, 2023 The Justice League meets in the Watchtower to discuss current topics, and events. Much seriousness takes place, and a paper football might make an appearance.
Happy Harbor: Ice Skating December 21st, 2022 The students and faculty of Happy Harbor High School and guests have their last meeting of the year.
How To Punch Without Murdering November 21st, 2022 While working on control in the danger room, Crush gets a chance to meet Nightwing, and accepts some advice (really, she doesn't punch him or anything!).
Crush and a Redhead September 30th, 2022 Mary Jane meets Crush out over at Happy Harbor.
Into the Hive September 3rd, 2022 A scouting party enters the Legion tunnels and finds out that they do come in more than one size.
Reporting Good Deeds September 1st, 2022 Crush calls on Superman to share the odd feelings of actually wanting to help people, they talk it out. Seems she'll be a hero after all.
The Emergence August 14th, 2022 A number of people investigate a subway problem and discover giant buglike creatures are to blame.
Phones are for pansies August 10th, 2022 Finished
Happy Harbor: School Assembly July 19th, 2022 Duncan introduces the replacement director of Happy Harbor to the students. It's just Morrigan back from the dead though! And it's very weird!
Checking on Crush July 15th, 2022 Superman swings by the construction site and surprises Crush with the fact that she's on the League's radar.
Everything Happens In Central Park June 15th, 2022 The Titans cross paths with... I N V I N C I B L E
A late night snack at Joe's June 11th, 2022 Crush has some late night pie when Richard Stadler arrives to share her table, conversation, and encouragement... she might actually like him.
Happy Harbor: Cairo By Night June 10th, 2022 The Happy Harborites are out for a night of fun in Greater Cairo, but fate is about to intervene. Macha returns from her dead sisters essences that have stored away in Morrigan and they both die as a result. Teens and Faculty are heroic, but sadly death takes Morrigan in the end.
Roof with a View June 8th, 2022 Crush goes to the Titan tower roof to eat some Chinese and is invaded by Kaida, Kyle and Koriand'r... totally worth it.
Evening in Cairo June 7th, 2022 While Crush enjoyed the hotel gardens i9n Cairo, Richard Stadler happens her and they sit and talk for a bit. He gets her to drop her guard and she shares too much... oh well.
Happy Harbor: Cairo By Day June 6th, 2022 Day One of Happy Harbor's end of the year trip goes off without a hitch. Which could be bad!
Miniature Painting as Relaxation Therapy May 31st, 2022 No description
For Once, the Tower isn't Full of Nonsense. May 28th, 2022 A rare day of normality at the tower, that stays at the tower. Garth and Mary have a scoop, Colette didn't really eat the Tiramisu, Bart has been visiting dinosaurs, and Crush has been punching steel beams in half. Terry rolled an eight but did something unwise anyway, so America went rushing after him.
Contrariwise May 20th, 2022 Wonderland Gang Training Scene by means of the Danger Room. Madison and Crush get introduced to the wonders of hard light simulations. Vorpal makes a lion cough up hairballs. Kate gathers data.
Finals + Teenagers=HUNGRY May 20th, 2022 There is a pre-finals gathering in the cafeteria. Food was eating, things were drawn, the building came sooooo close to being utterly destroyed.
Picnic on the Rooftops May 2nd, 2022 No description
Time to Wake up and Smell the Trouble April 29th, 2022 The Titans check in on Crush, find her mostly recovered. Conversation leads toward the half-Czarnian planning to hang out at the Tower, learn to fight with a team, and other entertaining things... oh, and apparently she's going to learn how to paint miniatures... thanks Maddie.
Just A Night On the Town April 13th, 2022 No description
You Scream, We Scream April 12th, 2022 A bond is struck between Crush and Mania (and Andi) over ice cream.
Trouble in the Underground Arena April 3rd, 2022 After the winners of the underground fighting ring are almost kidnapped, Irie West calls in the Titans to help save her friend Crush from ending up sold into slavery, or whatever it was the thugs had planned.
Early Evening on the Football field... March 23rd, 2022 Crush hangs out on the football field and meets Irie and Madison.
So. Guitars, is it August 20th, 2021 Cynthia and Pete impress everyone with their musical talents! Everyone is amazed by Pete's footie skills. There's bonding over trauma, and milkshakes. What else could you ask for?
Big Bob's Burgers... Yum. August 19th, 2021 Lunch break at Big Belly seems to be really popular!
It Isn't A Hijacking, I'm Totally Sober May 1st, 2021 No description
Cube: a Play in Four Dimensions April 19th, 2021 The group find more questions than answers.
When Kidnapping Goes Wrong June 11th, 2020 The Order of St. Dumas tries to kidnap a new arrival to Happy Harbor. They didn't do their research. Wrong neighborhood guys.
Straight to the Moon May 13th, 2020 M'gann and Xiomara take a picnic trip to the moon.
Ghosted in Brooklyn April 24th, 2020 Crush and Miss Martian drop in on Spidey and they work together to save some people.
TechnoImps April 24th, 2020 Crush and Hellboy bond over Imp Bashing.
Happy Harbor: Science Fair April 1st, 2020 Happy Harbor's science fair goes off without a bang...or wait...several bangs!
What do Snarks have against Sweet and Sour Anyway March 31st, 2020 Aliens and humans meet over a bounty misundterstanding.
Happy Harbor Prom 2020 March 21st, 2020 Much fun was had by all and with minimal property damage!
Oil refinery havok! March 18th, 2020 The heroes arrive in time to save the day, disaster is diverted, and a strange Asgardian is found beneath the surface.
Green, White, and Orange March 15th, 2020 Miss Martian and Crush come for a bit of a meal and meet Koriand'r of Tamaran!
Punch Club March 14th, 2020 It's fight night in <Undisclosed Warehouse Location>! New Comers Kid Arachnid (Ben Riley) and Crush (Xiomara Rojas) fight in the ring while other faces look on with excitement!
Making It Home March 13th, 2020 Xiomara and M'gann share dinner, and admit something special to each other.
Roomies! March 10th, 2020 Xiomara moves into the Happy Harbor dorms and meets her new roomie and fellow alien, M'gann.
=Stopping their first bank robbery... March 8th, 2020 IMP and Crush defeat the Vulture, as he was trying to rob a bank, in their first heroing expedition!
Happy Harbor: Meet and Greet March 7th, 2020 No one gets murdered at the first meet and greet. Someone does get punched though!
Afterparty at Joe's March 7th, 2020 Three Happy Harbor students meet at Joe's for a little discussion after the School Meet & Greet
Gym Day March 7th, 2020 Xiomara and Alexander meet in the school Gym
Happy Harbor: Recruiting Xiomara March 6th, 2020 Morrigan goes to talk to Crush. She doesn't get Crushed!
The Burgers Are Out of This World March 5th, 2020 Crush and M'gann meet at Big Belly Burger and start to get to know one another.
Diner Day March 4th, 2020 A few super-teens meet in a diner
In the Dead of the Night March 3rd, 2020 Megan runs into a punk girl and they rock the night away.
Unexpected Sightings March 3rd, 2020 The sight of a pegasus in Central Park brings a few people together.
Out of this world March 1st, 2020 Singularity appears in Happy Harbor just as Kate Bishop is doing an investigation & Shuri is sneaking out. Allowing a pair of aliens, a SHIELD trainee and an AI to experience just what it's like to be relatively normal in comparison.
Freedom Fighters March 1st, 2020 Crush and Talon meet unexpectedly to kick the bejesus out of some human traffickers.


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Xiomara Rojas has 98 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Xiomara Rojas has been credited in 1 shows.

Title Date Scene Summary
The Count of Monte Cristo December 8th, 2023 The Count of Monte Cristo is a movie adaptation of a musical based off the movie adaptation of the book by the same name.

A young man is falsely accused of a crime and thrown into an island prison without trial. Upon obtaining his freedom and acquiring a fortune, the man sets out under a new name on a quest of vengeance upon those who stole his life from him.

Xiomara Rojas has been credited in 0 albums.

Title Release Date Artist
No music submitted yet.

Xiomara Rojas has authored 0 books.

Title Release Date Synopsis
No books submitted yet.


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