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|banner name=Miles Morales
|banner name=Miles Morales
|banner image=https://www.sideshow.com/storage/product-images/5007072AL/ultimate-spider-man-miles-morales-hd-aluminum-metal-variant_marvel_feature.jpg
|banner image=https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img922/197/b2jNue.jpg
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|FullName=Miles Morales
|FullName=Miles Gonzalo Morales
|Superalias=Spider-Man (II)
|Occupation=Student, Volunteer, Hero
|Occupation=College Student
|Citizenship=United States of America
|Residence=Gotham City / New York City
|Education=Some Private School
|Education=Brentwood Academy / Empire State University
|DOB=11 Sep 2002
|DOB=03 Aug 2002
|Weight=125 lbs
|Weight=160 lbs
|Actor=Jabari Banks
|Song=[https://youtu.be/Y88LVU7MAe4 What's Up Danger by Blackway and Black Caviar]
|Twitter=@BKLYNSpider42 (V)
|Profile=Miles is a young teen trying to find his way through a private high school. He's grown up in a world of super heroes and is now having this greatness thrust upon him by chance and circumstance. He has to carve his own spidery path.
|Profile=Miles Morales a young man trying to make his way through life while balancing all of the responsibilities of being a son, a friend, a student, and a Spider-Man. Growing up in a world of superheroes, Miles has had this same Great Responsibility thrust upon him and now strives to live up to the mantle that he stands upon and the torch that he now carries. Chance and circumstance has driven him into the world heroics and he will do everything within his power to fight for those that can't fight for themselves. Miles will always stand up for his people, his community, and the world regardless of whether or not he's wearing the mask.
<span style="color:#009999">'''Timeline:'''</span>
<span style="color:#009999">'''Timeline:'''</span>
<br>* 2004: Miles is born to his mother and father in Harlem. <br>* 2011: Even quite young, Miles wanted to go out and help his father and others after the attack on New York. <br>* 2017: Miles gets selected in the lottery to attend the prestigious private school. As a way to get extra credit and for his own sake, Miles starts volunteering at a shelter nearby. <br>* 2019: Miles is bit by an experimental spider, escaped from it's lab and granting him spider-like abilities. Miles is still learning and coping with this new life.
<br>'''2002''' - Miles Gonzalo Morales is born to Rio Morales and Jefferson Davis in Brooklyn, NY.
<br>'''2007''' - Miles and his parents move to Gotham City, NJ. when Jefferson accepts a transfer to the Gotham City Police Department. He meets and befriends Ganke Lee.
<br>'''2011''' - A young Miles is stranded in earthquake-ravaged Gotham during No Man's Land, and is inspired by Batman's work to keep the city safe during this time.
<br>'''2015''' - Miles wins an enrollment lottery that earns him a full scholarship to Gotham's prestigious Brentwood Academy.
<br>'''2018''' - Miles' Uncle Aaron conducts a burglary at OsCorp's Manhattan office, unwittingly smuggling out a genetically-engineered spider in the process. A few days later, the spider bites Miles while he is visiting his uncle's apartment and imbues him with powers! Initially believing he was a mutant; Miles keeps his powers a secret from everyone except for his best friend Ganke Lee.
<br>'''2019''' - Miles very occasionally uses his powers to help others. He is spotted saving people from burning buildings but has no costume and doesn't actively patrol. His father's distrust of costumed heroes compels him to hide his abilities.
<br>'''2020''' - The destruction of Genosha leaves Miles wondering if perhaps he could have done more by having a costume and being on-hand to help save the island. He creates a makeshift costume and begins to actively patrol.
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Caring:'''</span>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Brave:'''</span>
<br>Miles is and always has been one to put others before himself, even if it would get him in trouble or danger, Miles always cared for everyone.<br><br>
<br>Despite the fear that Miles often feels in the face of great danger, running away just isn't in his blood. Even when the odds seem impossible and he feels as though he may well die, Miles will stick it out if it means doing the right thing. He isn't immune to being scared, nervous, or even terrified but he has the strength of will necessary to continue on regardless. If running away would leave people to suffer or die in his stead, he will fight on until the end.<br><br>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Headstrong:'''</span>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Everyone Lives:'''</span>
<br>Miles rarely does something without having thought it out or without knowing what the possible consequences are. He is quite smart and yet he's also cautious but not to the point of inactive.<br><br>
<br>Miles isn't a killer. Even though his powers would allow him to do that if he truly wished to, he just doesn't have that killer instinct in him. He would rather help see justice get done, binding up his enemies for the police so they can be tried and hauled off to jail. Sometimes the battle requires him to fight much harder but even when his own life depends on it, he's unwilling to take that last and desperate measure. This mostly applies to living, sentient creatures - sometimes robots just gotta get blown up!<br><br>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Outcast:'''</span>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Fear:'''</span>
<br>Maybe not an outcast but he does have a few good friends, he isn't exactly the one to have a lot of little friendships, though he does act friendly, he just doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve and is a bit of a loner at times.
<br>For all his bravery and power, Miles Morales is still a young man and the world can be a scary place. He worries that he's inherited his father and uncle's propensity for criminality that his father rose above, and his uncle never did. On top of this, he knows well his father's staunch disapproval of masked vigilantes and costumed heroes. Miles worries his father may disown him or never speak to him again if he were to find out what Miles has become. Finally, there's just the overall worry of being a teenager in the world - will he pass this next test? Will he get detention and have to skip a patrol? These are the things that weigh on his mind.<br><br>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Friendly:'''</span>
<br>Miles is a likable guy. Inside his element he's a confident young man who knows what he likes and is comfortable in his own skin. While the masked side of his life makes him a bit more wary and uncertain, this natural charisma tends to shine through. He values his friends and shows a true loyalty to them, which often leads to others feeling the same way. Coupled with his good and wholesome nature, Miles has a easier time being accepted than most.<br><br>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Good:'''</span>
<br>At the heart of Miles Morales is a truly good and decent person. His thoughts very rarely verge into the selfish, and he feels an overwhelming desire to help. Not only does he rush to the rescue when people are in danger and he thinks he can help, but he finds time to help in his own time as well. He volunteers for a variety of charitable endeavors, helps friends with their problems, and generally goes out of his way to be a good person.<br><br>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Kind:'''</span>
<br>Miles' drive to help doesn't just extend to rushing out and saving the day with web-slinging and wall-crawling. He likes to help in smaller ways, too. If his friends need help with something, he'll gladly take time out of his day to help them. He's the sort who sees someone struggling to carry their groceries and offers to help or even do it for them. He isn't looking for praise or acknowledgment, kindness is just his natural inclination.<br><br>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''New Guy:'''</span>
<br>There have been costumed superheroes in the world since World War II, and in some cases since before even then. For Miles Morales, however, it is all very new. His experience is incredibly limited and almost every meeting or confrontation with a villain is something he's never experienced before. It tends to show in his personality, prompting others to view him as green or untested. While he tends to have the courage and tenacity where it counts, he seems to naturally fall into the category of 'new guy' when working with other superheroes.<br><br>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Polite:'''</span>
<br>Miles was raised to be a polite and respectful young man. While he's still a teenager and not beyond moody outbursts, occasional sulking, and even dreaded back-chat, he is for the most part a respectful young man. He will happily defer to more experienced and revered heroes while he is in costume and genuinely tries hard to make his parents proud of him (as difficult as that can be while living a double life).<br><br>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Quippy:'''</span>
<br>Miles has a sharp wit and he enjoys making jokes. When he is wearing his mask, he often employs jokes and mockery as a way to throw his enemies off balance and drive them to make a mistake. As well as being a handy weapon in his arsenal, Miles finds that making light of the situation is a helpful way of dealing with the fear and nervousness that he often feels. Outside of his costume, he can be a little more reserved, but he's not beyond letting that wit shine through around friends.<br><br>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Responsible:'''</span>
<br>For a long time, Miles kept his power a secret. Despite the urging of his best friend to use them to become a 'super hero', he wished more to be a normal young man without all the chaos and drama. But despite this desire, he could never quite keep himself from using his powers to help others whenever he was in the position to do so. He came to the conclusion that his power came with the responsibility to do good and to use them to help wherever and whenever he could. As much as being a costumed superhero complicates his life and could potentially put him at odds with his law-abiding father, Miles finds it impossible to truly step back from and ignore his powers. As long as he has them, he will always try to help.<br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Invisibility:'''</span>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Agility:'''</span>
<br>Miles has an adaptive camoflauge ability where he and what he's wearing and even holding (depending on size) turn fully invisible to the visible spectrum.<br><br>
<br>When coupled with his spider-sense and incredible speed, Miles is capable of some incredible feats of agility. Firstly, he is able to achieve a perfect balance on any point of his body. This means he can support himself on the tip of a single finger at the top of a flagpole several hundred feet above the city street and feel just as steady as he would if he were standing on the ground. He is able to contort and turn his body in the air, enabling him to dodge projectiles and attacks with ease as well as move through tight gaps even while swinging at high speeds. Finally, his hand-eye coordination is top-notch, allowing him to throw projectiles or fire webbing with exceptional accuracy.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Camouflage:'''</span>
<br>Another of those fancy abilities that Miles developed but the other spider-people don't seem to enjoy. Miles possesses a form of natural camouflage that allows him to perfectly reflect his surroundings and effectively become invisible. This camouflage also affects whatever clothing he is wearing but cannot be extended to other individuals. The camouflage only serves to hide him from visible light, and other senses may be able to detect him.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Durability:'''</span>
<br>Miles' skin and muscles are made from something altogether tougher than a normal human. While bullets will still penetrate it and knives will still cut it, he is able to withstand blunt force trauma much better. He can be thrown through walls, struck by superhumanly strong individuals, and even fall from great heights without really feeling more than pain and discomfort. In short, it takes a lot to truly hurt him.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Regeneration:'''</span>
<br>Miles heals at a rate much faster than an ordinary person. Cuts and scrapes that might take a week or two to disappear are gone within a few hours. Broken bones can take longer, but once they are set, they are usually mended within a week or two. This also allows him to operate for much longer before he gets tired, as his body recovers from the lactic acid build-up at a faster rate. This doesn't stem to things like diseases or poisons, however, which affect him the same way they would a normal human.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Speed:'''</span>
<br>Miles' agility was greatly increased by the spider-bite that gave him his powers, but he has also developed the speed to match. Amongst the spider-kind, he is likely the fastest even while still learning to understand and use his powers to their fullest. He can outpace a moving car on foot and is easily able to cover the distance of several city blocks in a matter of minutes. Though not of the same caliber as the famous speedsters, he is easily faster than even the most highly trained and genetically gifted athletes.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Spider-Sense:'''</span>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Spider-Sense:'''</span>
<br>Miles has a subtle precognition that only acts when he feels a sense of approaching danger, though it does rise and fall in intensity depending on the level of danger, but it doesn't tell him where or what, it's just a feeling he has to learn how to use.<br><br>
<br>The world-famous (sorta!) spider-sense (or spidey-sense, if you're nasty). Don't leave home without it. This is the preternatural ability Miles has to sense incoming danger and react to it. This sense manifests as a tingling at the back of his skull and typically alerts him to the direction and nature of the danger. This is what allows him to dodge bullets and even avoid ambushes. There are chemicals as well as certain powers that can baffle his spider-sense, and less obvious dangers (like someone who may ostensibly wish him harm through an intricate plot) still trigger it but don't give him an exact idea of what the danger is. Learning just what his spider-sense is trying to tell him has become something of an art.<br><br>Though Miles cannot control his spider-sense, it has actually proven to be more advanced than other examples of the danger sense. It can occasionally give him precognitive dreams, warning him of dangers to himself or to others closer to him. However, it's a rarity, and it's not easy to tell the difference between 'spider-sense dreams' and regular nightmares.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Super Strength:'''</span>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Strength:'''</span>
<br>Miles has enhanced strength proportionate to that of a spider, he's super strong and as such his muscles allow him to move faster than a normal human as well, though his true reaction times are the same, his muscles move faster and thus he does have enhanced agility.<br><br>
<br>The proportionate strength of a spider! While Miles won't be trading blows with such world-famous bricks like Superman or the Hulk, his strength far exceeds that of even the most highly trained human athlete. With effort, he is able to lift a car over his head, and even shatter super-strong metals with a single blow. In general, he can lift about ten tons and exert a similar degree of force in his punches and kicks. These abilities also enable him to launch himself several floors into the air from a standing start.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Venom Strike:'''</span>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Venom Blast:'''</span>
<br>Miles can release a bio-electrical blast from anywhere on his body though the main focus is the hands. It's basically a taser at his finger tips.<br><br>
<br> Miles' most unusual power is his ability to generate bio-electrical charges that function in a number of strange ways. Of all his powers, this is the one Miles is still learning and which seems to have the most untapped potential. It began as a time-delayed form of electrical shock that could bring down even large and extremely durable foes but has developed to include a number of other utilities. For one, it can be used through any conductive surface (typically water or some metals), allowing Miles to shock others without actually touching them. If he concentrates, he is able to create an even stronger blast, though such an effort takes a lot out of him.<br><br>Miles' venom blast also has a number of other functions he has yet to discover. He is able to channel it into an actual blast of energy from the palms of his hands with enough concentration. He is also able to use it much like webbing, firing of luminescent tendrils than can wrap around and bind others as well as be swung from. It's important to note that Miles is still learning to use his bio-electrical powers, and he often outright forgets that he has them.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Wall Crawling:'''</span>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Wall-Crawling:'''</span>
<br>Miles can now climb and even walk or run up walls and ceilings, even through clothes, and even shoes he can stick and support himself on vertical surfaces.
<br>What kind of Spider-Man would Miles be without the ability to walk on walls? This is perhaps the ability he gets the most use out of, as it makes traversing the cityscape a breeze even without the aid of his webs. His fingertips and feet exert a sort of bio-magnetic field that allows him to cling to all but the most frictionless surfaces. Even if someone with incredible strength were to try and pull him off the surface, it is more likely that they'd have to rip a chunk of the wall away with him that actually causing his hands or feet to separate.<br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Academia:'''</span>
<br>Miles was smart enough to be accepted into Brentwood Academy on a scholarship, and he's got the makings of an extremely gifted academic. He hasn't quite decided how he wants to apply these talents and he often finds himself distracted by his masked vigilante work, but he definitely has the natural gift and love of learning that this requires. He easily picks up complicated subjects and is able to understand them on a more profound level than most students. He's not a super-genius, but he would easily rank within the top percentile of his school.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Artist:'''</span>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Artist:'''</span>
<br>Miles likes to spend his free time working on his art and design skills, good with a pen and pencil, better with a can and paint, he's not shy about graffiti.<br><br>
<br>Miles' true passion is in art. He enjoys all kinds, though he tends to resonate most with street art. He often carries a sketchpad and assorted colored markers with him in order to get designs down. He possesses a talent that may well make him money one day if he chooses to focus on it, but for the moment it is more of a hobby than anything else.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''People Person:'''</span>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Bilingual:'''</span>
<br>Miles can smooth talk people when the inspiration or need arrises though he's not exaclty the best at it, as he's just as likely to get himself into more trouble than not.<br><br>
<br>Miles' mother Rio Morales is Puerto Rican and has spoken Spanish around Miles since he was young. As a result, Miles is fluent in both American English and Puerto Rican Spanish.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Skate:'''</span>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Spider-Fu:'''</span>
<br>Miles, as a young man wanting to rebel, has always skated around the city, avoiding the helmet his mother bought him as soon as he was out of sight, so he's able to move up and down the city streets and sidewalks with some skill on a board.
<br>This mostly self-taught form of combat is unique to someone with Miles' abilities. It takes advantage of his spider-sense, strength, and agility to make him an intimidating foe. It usually involves a lot of complex aerial maneuvers coupled with verbal rejoinders that throw his enemies off balance. While it's not something that one can really teach and it mostly has to be learned through experience, it is an effective means of fighting crime.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Webslinging:'''</span>
<br>There is actually a bit of an art to swinging through the city like Tarzan, and Miles has gotten very good at it. He is able to trust his instincts enough to allow him to latch a line onto a suitable anchor point so he can swing from place to place without finding himself suddenly falling rather than flying. He is also able to use his webs with swiftness and efficiency to bind up foes and even plug the barrels of guns!<br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Emergency Family:'''</span>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Ganke Lee:'''</span>
<br>His father is a NYPD cop as his mother is a Nurse at a near by hospital and they both worry about their boy non-stop.<br><br>
<br>Miles' best friend is Ganke Lee, who attends the same school as him. Ganke is a genuine superhero super-fan and knows perhaps all there is to know about that world. He's proved to be an excellent source of information for Miles about different villains and costumed superheroes, as well as keeping him up to date on what is happening in that world. Above it all, Ganke knows Miles' secret and is one of the few people he can confide in.<br>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Skateboard:'''</span>
<br>Miles has a couple of old skateboards, one broke but it was older and a new long board for getting around town and is a bit more easy to use for transportation.
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Science Experiment:'''</span>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Life Juggling:'''</span>
<br>He is a metahuman, there's no way if a true scientist learned about his physiology he wouldn't be captured and disected or at least experimented on.<br><br>
<br>Miles Morales has significantly more things to do than being Spider-Man. He has school to attend, homework to do, extracurricular activities to attempt to make, family events to attend... Miles has a life outside of this superhero gig, and each time he makes a sacrifice of deciding to be Spider-Man first? It continuously hurts his 'normal' life.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Shadow:'''</span>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Secret Identity:'''</span>
<br>With such obvious connection to spider-man he's going to be called and considered a sidekick or a back up or second rate. Automatically he's starting behind the curve and yet he doesn't know how to deal with it or react to the idea.<br><br>
<br>Obvious one. Very few people know that Miles Morales is (a) Spider-Man. If his identity became known, a ton of people close to him would be in grave danger. That would suck.<br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Uncle:'''</span>
<br>Miles looks up to his uncle, greatly, though he doesn't know about the nefarious second life his uncle lives, working for the kingpin and other such dark figures.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Young:'''</span>
<br>Miles isn't even out of high school yet, he's young, impressionable, inexperienced, and still lacking in some convictions. He's got a decent grasp on what is right and what is wrong but he's still learning.
Hero name = None
Hero name = None
| Actor name =  
| Actor name = Jabari Banks
| Theme = Marvel
| Theme = Marvel
| Character Type = FC
| Character Type = FC

Latest revision as of 16:27, 10 March 2023

  Miles Morales  
Miles Morales (Scenesys ID: 987)
Name: Miles Gonzalo Morales
Superalias: Spider-Man (II)
Gender: Male
Species: Mutate
Occupation: College Student
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: Gotham City / New York City
Education: Brentwood Academy / Empire State University
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Groups: Spider-Verse
Apparent Age: 20 Actual Age: 20
Date of Birth 03 Aug 2002 Played By Jabari Banks
Height: 5'8" Weight: 160 lbs
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown
Twitter: @BKLYNSpider42 (V)
Theme Song: What's Up Danger by Blackway and Black Caviar

Character Info


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Miles Morales a young man trying to make his way through life while balancing all of the responsibilities of being a son, a friend, a student, and a Spider-Man. Growing up in a world of superheroes, Miles has had this same Great Responsibility thrust upon him and now strives to live up to the mantle that he stands upon and the torch that he now carries. Chance and circumstance has driven him into the world heroics and he will do everything within his power to fight for those that can't fight for themselves. Miles will always stand up for his people, his community, and the world regardless of whether or not he's wearing the mask.


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2002 - Miles Gonzalo Morales is born to Rio Morales and Jefferson Davis in Brooklyn, NY.
2007 - Miles and his parents move to Gotham City, NJ. when Jefferson accepts a transfer to the Gotham City Police Department. He meets and befriends Ganke Lee.
2011 - A young Miles is stranded in earthquake-ravaged Gotham during No Man's Land, and is inspired by Batman's work to keep the city safe during this time.
2015 - Miles wins an enrollment lottery that earns him a full scholarship to Gotham's prestigious Brentwood Academy.
2018 - Miles' Uncle Aaron conducts a burglary at OsCorp's Manhattan office, unwittingly smuggling out a genetically-engineered spider in the process. A few days later, the spider bites Miles while he is visiting his uncle's apartment and imbues him with powers! Initially believing he was a mutant; Miles keeps his powers a secret from everyone except for his best friend Ganke Lee.
2019 - Miles very occasionally uses his powers to help others. He is spotted saving people from burning buildings but has no costume and doesn't actively patrol. His father's distrust of costumed heroes compels him to hide his abilities.
2020 - The destruction of Genosha leaves Miles wondering if perhaps he could have done more by having a costume and being on-hand to help save the island. He creates a makeshift costume and begins to actively patrol.

IC Journal

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Despite the fear that Miles often feels in the face of great danger, running away just isn't in his blood. Even when the odds seem impossible and he feels as though he may well die, Miles will stick it out if it means doing the right thing. He isn't immune to being scared, nervous, or even terrified but he has the strength of will necessary to continue on regardless. If running away would leave people to suffer or die in his stead, he will fight on until the end.

Everyone Lives:
Miles isn't a killer. Even though his powers would allow him to do that if he truly wished to, he just doesn't have that killer instinct in him. He would rather help see justice get done, binding up his enemies for the police so they can be tried and hauled off to jail. Sometimes the battle requires him to fight much harder but even when his own life depends on it, he's unwilling to take that last and desperate measure. This mostly applies to living, sentient creatures - sometimes robots just gotta get blown up!

For all his bravery and power, Miles Morales is still a young man and the world can be a scary place. He worries that he's inherited his father and uncle's propensity for criminality that his father rose above, and his uncle never did. On top of this, he knows well his father's staunch disapproval of masked vigilantes and costumed heroes. Miles worries his father may disown him or never speak to him again if he were to find out what Miles has become. Finally, there's just the overall worry of being a teenager in the world - will he pass this next test? Will he get detention and have to skip a patrol? These are the things that weigh on his mind.

Miles is a likable guy. Inside his element he's a confident young man who knows what he likes and is comfortable in his own skin. While the masked side of his life makes him a bit more wary and uncertain, this natural charisma tends to shine through. He values his friends and shows a true loyalty to them, which often leads to others feeling the same way. Coupled with his good and wholesome nature, Miles has a easier time being accepted than most.

At the heart of Miles Morales is a truly good and decent person. His thoughts very rarely verge into the selfish, and he feels an overwhelming desire to help. Not only does he rush to the rescue when people are in danger and he thinks he can help, but he finds time to help in his own time as well. He volunteers for a variety of charitable endeavors, helps friends with their problems, and generally goes out of his way to be a good person.

Miles' drive to help doesn't just extend to rushing out and saving the day with web-slinging and wall-crawling. He likes to help in smaller ways, too. If his friends need help with something, he'll gladly take time out of his day to help them. He's the sort who sees someone struggling to carry their groceries and offers to help or even do it for them. He isn't looking for praise or acknowledgment, kindness is just his natural inclination.

New Guy:
There have been costumed superheroes in the world since World War II, and in some cases since before even then. For Miles Morales, however, it is all very new. His experience is incredibly limited and almost every meeting or confrontation with a villain is something he's never experienced before. It tends to show in his personality, prompting others to view him as green or untested. While he tends to have the courage and tenacity where it counts, he seems to naturally fall into the category of 'new guy' when working with other superheroes.

Miles was raised to be a polite and respectful young man. While he's still a teenager and not beyond moody outbursts, occasional sulking, and even dreaded back-chat, he is for the most part a respectful young man. He will happily defer to more experienced and revered heroes while he is in costume and genuinely tries hard to make his parents proud of him (as difficult as that can be while living a double life).

Miles has a sharp wit and he enjoys making jokes. When he is wearing his mask, he often employs jokes and mockery as a way to throw his enemies off balance and drive them to make a mistake. As well as being a handy weapon in his arsenal, Miles finds that making light of the situation is a helpful way of dealing with the fear and nervousness that he often feels. Outside of his costume, he can be a little more reserved, but he's not beyond letting that wit shine through around friends.

For a long time, Miles kept his power a secret. Despite the urging of his best friend to use them to become a 'super hero', he wished more to be a normal young man without all the chaos and drama. But despite this desire, he could never quite keep himself from using his powers to help others whenever he was in the position to do so. He came to the conclusion that his power came with the responsibility to do good and to use them to help wherever and whenever he could. As much as being a costumed superhero complicates his life and could potentially put him at odds with his law-abiding father, Miles finds it impossible to truly step back from and ignore his powers. As long as he has them, he will always try to help.

Character Sheet


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When coupled with his spider-sense and incredible speed, Miles is capable of some incredible feats of agility. Firstly, he is able to achieve a perfect balance on any point of his body. This means he can support himself on the tip of a single finger at the top of a flagpole several hundred feet above the city street and feel just as steady as he would if he were standing on the ground. He is able to contort and turn his body in the air, enabling him to dodge projectiles and attacks with ease as well as move through tight gaps even while swinging at high speeds. Finally, his hand-eye coordination is top-notch, allowing him to throw projectiles or fire webbing with exceptional accuracy.

Another of those fancy abilities that Miles developed but the other spider-people don't seem to enjoy. Miles possesses a form of natural camouflage that allows him to perfectly reflect his surroundings and effectively become invisible. This camouflage also affects whatever clothing he is wearing but cannot be extended to other individuals. The camouflage only serves to hide him from visible light, and other senses may be able to detect him.

Miles' skin and muscles are made from something altogether tougher than a normal human. While bullets will still penetrate it and knives will still cut it, he is able to withstand blunt force trauma much better. He can be thrown through walls, struck by superhumanly strong individuals, and even fall from great heights without really feeling more than pain and discomfort. In short, it takes a lot to truly hurt him.

Miles heals at a rate much faster than an ordinary person. Cuts and scrapes that might take a week or two to disappear are gone within a few hours. Broken bones can take longer, but once they are set, they are usually mended within a week or two. This also allows him to operate for much longer before he gets tired, as his body recovers from the lactic acid build-up at a faster rate. This doesn't stem to things like diseases or poisons, however, which affect him the same way they would a normal human.

Miles' agility was greatly increased by the spider-bite that gave him his powers, but he has also developed the speed to match. Amongst the spider-kind, he is likely the fastest even while still learning to understand and use his powers to their fullest. He can outpace a moving car on foot and is easily able to cover the distance of several city blocks in a matter of minutes. Though not of the same caliber as the famous speedsters, he is easily faster than even the most highly trained and genetically gifted athletes.

The world-famous (sorta!) spider-sense (or spidey-sense, if you're nasty). Don't leave home without it. This is the preternatural ability Miles has to sense incoming danger and react to it. This sense manifests as a tingling at the back of his skull and typically alerts him to the direction and nature of the danger. This is what allows him to dodge bullets and even avoid ambushes. There are chemicals as well as certain powers that can baffle his spider-sense, and less obvious dangers (like someone who may ostensibly wish him harm through an intricate plot) still trigger it but don't give him an exact idea of what the danger is. Learning just what his spider-sense is trying to tell him has become something of an art.

Though Miles cannot control his spider-sense, it has actually proven to be more advanced than other examples of the danger sense. It can occasionally give him precognitive dreams, warning him of dangers to himself or to others closer to him. However, it's a rarity, and it's not easy to tell the difference between 'spider-sense dreams' and regular nightmares.

The proportionate strength of a spider! While Miles won't be trading blows with such world-famous bricks like Superman or the Hulk, his strength far exceeds that of even the most highly trained human athlete. With effort, he is able to lift a car over his head, and even shatter super-strong metals with a single blow. In general, he can lift about ten tons and exert a similar degree of force in his punches and kicks. These abilities also enable him to launch himself several floors into the air from a standing start.

Venom Blast:
Miles' most unusual power is his ability to generate bio-electrical charges that function in a number of strange ways. Of all his powers, this is the one Miles is still learning and which seems to have the most untapped potential. It began as a time-delayed form of electrical shock that could bring down even large and extremely durable foes but has developed to include a number of other utilities. For one, it can be used through any conductive surface (typically water or some metals), allowing Miles to shock others without actually touching them. If he concentrates, he is able to create an even stronger blast, though such an effort takes a lot out of him.

Miles' venom blast also has a number of other functions he has yet to discover. He is able to channel it into an actual blast of energy from the palms of his hands with enough concentration. He is also able to use it much like webbing, firing of luminescent tendrils than can wrap around and bind others as well as be swung from. It's important to note that Miles is still learning to use his bio-electrical powers, and he often outright forgets that he has them.

What kind of Spider-Man would Miles be without the ability to walk on walls? This is perhaps the ability he gets the most use out of, as it makes traversing the cityscape a breeze even without the aid of his webs. His fingertips and feet exert a sort of bio-magnetic field that allows him to cling to all but the most frictionless surfaces. Even if someone with incredible strength were to try and pull him off the surface, it is more likely that they'd have to rip a chunk of the wall away with him that actually causing his hands or feet to separate.


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Miles was smart enough to be accepted into Brentwood Academy on a scholarship, and he's got the makings of an extremely gifted academic. He hasn't quite decided how he wants to apply these talents and he often finds himself distracted by his masked vigilante work, but he definitely has the natural gift and love of learning that this requires. He easily picks up complicated subjects and is able to understand them on a more profound level than most students. He's not a super-genius, but he would easily rank within the top percentile of his school.

Miles' true passion is in art. He enjoys all kinds, though he tends to resonate most with street art. He often carries a sketchpad and assorted colored markers with him in order to get designs down. He possesses a talent that may well make him money one day if he chooses to focus on it, but for the moment it is more of a hobby than anything else.

Miles' mother Rio Morales is Puerto Rican and has spoken Spanish around Miles since he was young. As a result, Miles is fluent in both American English and Puerto Rican Spanish.

This mostly self-taught form of combat is unique to someone with Miles' abilities. It takes advantage of his spider-sense, strength, and agility to make him an intimidating foe. It usually involves a lot of complex aerial maneuvers coupled with verbal rejoinders that throw his enemies off balance. While it's not something that one can really teach and it mostly has to be learned through experience, it is an effective means of fighting crime.

There is actually a bit of an art to swinging through the city like Tarzan, and Miles has gotten very good at it. He is able to trust his instincts enough to allow him to latch a line onto a suitable anchor point so he can swing from place to place without finding himself suddenly falling rather than flying. He is also able to use his webs with swiftness and efficiency to bind up foes and even plug the barrels of guns!


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Ganke Lee:
Miles' best friend is Ganke Lee, who attends the same school as him. Ganke is a genuine superhero super-fan and knows perhaps all there is to know about that world. He's proved to be an excellent source of information for Miles about different villains and costumed superheroes, as well as keeping him up to date on what is happening in that world. Above it all, Ganke knows Miles' secret and is one of the few people he can confide in.


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Life Juggling:
Miles Morales has significantly more things to do than being Spider-Man. He has school to attend, homework to do, extracurricular activities to attempt to make, family events to attend... Miles has a life outside of this superhero gig, and each time he makes a sacrifice of deciding to be Spider-Man first? It continuously hurts his 'normal' life.

Secret Identity:
Obvious one. Very few people know that Miles Morales is (a) Spider-Man. If his identity became known, a ton of people close to him would be in grave danger. That would suck.



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Miles Morales has 65 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Through A Mirror Darkly: Rising Tensions May 14th, 2024 After NYPD officers shoot a mutant child in Bushwick, the Mutant Liberation Front arrives to escalate matters further.
Carnage in the City April 22nd, 2024 A rampaging Carnage is stopped by the Amazing Spider-Men and the duo of Cloak and Dagger!
The Fallout of our Non-Existent Capes! February 1st, 2024 Miles and Barbara get hot dogs. Miles gets flustered, Barbara gives him connections.
Running the League January 24th, 2024 A quick clash of ninjas is fought off by Batwoman, Batgirl, and the sensational Spider-Miles!
Can you help me out January 22nd, 2024 Mercy tries to fix Miles's old car.
Young Avenger Patrol Meet Up January 5th, 2024 While on patrol, Invinicble and Indestructibelle come across Spider-Man (the cool one) and discuss the events of Omni-Man and a pep talk for future working together.
Rah, Rah, Dinah's back in town December 31st, 2023 And so a lovely time of dancing and flirting comes to a close with the promiss of language lessons and perhaps more hyjinx in the future.
Omni-Man: The Big Broadcast of 2024 December 31st, 2023 A team of heroes moves to thwart Omni-Man's plans to contact the Viltrum Empire. Mark gets more than his heart broke. Hostages saved, Maulers defeated... but was it a real win?
The Bat and the Spider December 22nd, 2023 No description
Pizza and a catch up. December 19th, 2023 No description
Winter Village Fun December 18th, 2023 No description
Invisible Forces in Gotham December 6th, 2023 No description
A River Flows Through It November 21st, 2023 Batgirl (the OG), Misfit, and Spider-Man (Miles Morales) come across a mildly injured River in an alleyway. Everyone establishles she's a good guy.
Young Avengers: Toy Drive November 17th, 2023 The Young Avengers hold a toy drive, in the midsts of it, and an attack by Toyman they discover the magic of Santa Claus!
Spidey and Superpro October 30th, 2023 Miles meets up with a Super Pro.
Wonderful Days in New York City October 2nd, 2023 Miles gets into a sticky situation and Diana makes the save. Spider-Man nerds out but at least Diana was entertained.
A Concert in the Park September 13th, 2023 Eve and Miles finally get to use those Post Malone tickets and bring MJ along for the fun!
Noodles and Oodles September 12th, 2023 Bunny and Mark go for some Noodles, and ordering is interrupted by the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (Miles Morales)!
Light-Night Returns August 16th, 2023 Eve comes home after some late night crime fighting and early morning existential pondering to find Miles waiting up for her.
Heist at the Gotham Royal Hotel August 11th, 2023 Out on a routine patrol, Spider-Man (II) and Atom Eve stumble across a heist-in-progress at a Gotham Royal Hotel ancient artifact exhibit. With the help of Starfire, the Shadow, Osprey, and even Batman, the they are able to subdue the members of THE GILDED HAND... all except for ELARA THORNE, who escaped to pursue her coveted Obsidian Scarab another day. For what purposes? Perhaps The Shadow Knows...
Post-Mark Birthday Eve August 2nd, 2023 After Mark leaves, Eve talks to Miles about their history and the two of them decide to watch a movie to avoid having to finish unpacking.
Birthday Eve August 2nd, 2023 Mark Grayson stops by the loft to meet Miles and with Eve a happy birthday!
A New Way: Together July 31st, 2023 Eve and Miles sign the dotted line for a new chapter in their lives.
Spider-Man's Lair July 14th, 2023 Miles and Eve take a big step!
May and Cookies July 7th, 2023 A group of Spider-Folks catchup over cookies.
Talking Shop with Shazam and (Atom) Eve July 7th, 2023 Eve and Miles run into Shazam at the beach
Leftovers for Breakfast July 2nd, 2023 Eve and Miles wake up and plan their day.
Sunrises, Sharks, and Superheroes June 30th, 2023 Spider-Man, Atom Eve, and X-23 protect a group of teenagers from sharks at the beach! The three talk afterwards, and Spidey and Eve make a new friend in the elusive X-23.
Race to the Water Tower! June 30th, 2023 Spider-Man and Atom Eve 'race' to the Happy Harbor Water Tower after the 'beach incident' and use it as a chance to finish a date that had been so rudely interrupted.
The Eve of New Beginnings June 29th, 2023 Eve and Miles wake up on the couch, talk about their weekend, and reveal their secret identities.
Big Bellies, Billies, and Bandos June 28th, 2023 Big Belly Burger is home to some delicious burgers, some new information, some new friends, and a surprising amount of hero talk.
Miles to Go Before I Sleep June 28th, 2023 Eve invites Miles over for pizza, and the two of them spend some time getting to know each other until they both fall asleep.
So Glad I MetU June 27th, 2023 Miles, Franklin, and Eve dispense with a bully on the MetU campus. Miles and Eve chat on their way to get milkshakes.
Maximum Carnage - Late Monday Morning June 24th, 2023 Later Monday Morning. Bad guys are starting to run about. Doppelganger and Shriek are caught by Quiet and Cyber-Spider. But it just seems a rough start as a whole bunch of bad guys are sweeping through the town and ready to make it to a gorefest as the heroes go to split up and chase them down.
HELLO NEW YORK CITY! June 23rd, 2023 Spider-Man and Cypher help a runaway mutant.
Does Whatever a Spider-Kid Does June 6th, 2023 Miles and Mary Jane chat, and MIles takes Gwen swinging away!
Ancient Art and Ancient Mysteries April 24th, 2023 Miles stops a theft of an ancient spear, only to find the reason for wanting it. It seems to enhance a person's abilities!
Highway Robbery. Literally. April 5th, 2023 Heroes Assemble Team-Up: Spider-Man (The Remix) and Shazam!
Spider-Patrol! March 15th, 2023 Stop me if you've heard this one. Four superheroes walk up to a ramen truck...
Friendly, Neighborhood, Etc. January 18th, 2023 Cindy and Miles talk the future and spiderin' over a bat burger with no Picasso.
I'll Take A December 29th, 2022 A group meets over Soul Food, and Miles might be going to Hogwarts!
Rooftop Masterpiece May 4th, 2022 No description
Rooftop of Spidertude April 12th, 2022 Two Spiders, One Rooftop. Chatter Ensues.
Converging Spiders March 15th, 2022 Two Spider reconnect and make plans.
Spider-vestigation. March 14th, 2022 No description
Two Blondes, A Spider, and a Pack of Goons February 19th, 2022 Miles, Courtney, and Heather team up to take out some baddies. And someone leaves with digits!
A Day in the town February 1st, 2022 Shadow-Spider meets Robert aka Darksight
Little Russia: No Evac No Problem January 10th, 2022 A small party in Little Russia goes swimmingly several supers make an appearance.
Hangin' Out at the Coffee Bean! December 12th, 2021 Miles and Morgan chill over some coffee, and then THE Clark Kent arrives for a bit. Miles had to run, then Clark has to go...um...deal with the some stuff, leaving poor Morgan all by himself. Oh well. Maybe that cute girl behind the counter is getting ready for her break...
Dude Where's My Bike November 19th, 2021 April's bike is nearly stolen until Shadow Spider swings in and saves the day! And even the milk survived!
ANOTHER Spider-Man November 13th, 2021 Spider boys get together with Susan and hang out over pizza.
Just Another Robbery October 26th, 2021 There's a bank robbery! Shadow-Spider and Storm stop it.
Saturday! In the Park! I know it wasn't the fourth of July! October 9th, 2021 Hot dogs in the park. Heather buys for everyone and meets Miles. Artistic skills are implied!
Day At The Zoo September 18th, 2021 Miles and Kai meet at the zoo and hang out in a tree.
Shadow Spider and Kai: Rooftop August 29th, 2021 No description
One Evening In Harlem August 18th, 2021 Three heroes meet on a rooftop.
Kai and Shadow-Spider: Claremont Park July 31st, 2021 A RunAway Van, a Shadow Spider, and a Ninja Dog walk into a park...
Coincidental Collision December 19th, 2020 No description
Right time, Wrong Place. October 6th, 2020 Miles finds a body and wolves, and a name Kingpin.
A Jewel Heist! October 5th, 2020 And so The Penguin has escaped! But little does he knowthe tracker placed on him by Spoiler or the card he unluckily left! The heroes have a clue to where he'll be next! What is happening at Haverford's Freezer Warehouse? What did The Penguin Mean by turning Gotham into a glacier? Find out next time!
Spider Spray, Spider Shop March 29th, 2020 Spiders bump in the night, discuss names, origins, webbing and conventions and conference calls.
Getting High(In elevation) March 27th, 2020 Miles and Chizue talk about finances.
Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting... March 23rd, 2020 Two Spiders find themselves dealing with NINJAS!
Along came a... Beacon March 21st, 2020 Beacon and Carbon Spider run into trouble at the Gotham Docks, where Red Robin helps out and gives some advice to the young Gotham Heroine.
The Web Widens March 21st, 2020 Carbon Spider meets Spider-Man...and Supergirl. And eats the best apple pie in New York.


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Miles Morales has 65 finished logs.

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Miles Morales has been credited in 0 albums.

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