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|Groups=[[Mutants]], [[Mystic Arts]], [[SHIELD]]
|Groups=[[Mutants]], [[Mystic Arts]], [[SHIELD]]
|Quote="Until next time, devil. Remember my face. I'll be waiting for you."
|Quote="Until next time, devil. Remember my face. I'll be waiting for you."
|DOB=21 Mar 1963
|DOB=21 Mar 1963

Latest revision as of 19:19, 10 June 2021

  Reine du Rien  
Rien D'Arqueness (Scenesys ID: 2481)
Name: Rien D'Arqueness
Superalias: Reine du Rien
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant/Homo Magi
Occupation: Sorceress/Demon Hunter/Adventurer
Citizenship: French
Residence: Wanders
Education: Clan D'Arqueness/French Foreign Legion
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Groups: Mutants, Mystic Arts, SHIELD
Apparent Age: 27 Actual Age: 58
Date of Birth 21 Mar 1963 Played By Katheryn Winnick
Height: 5'3" Weight: 135lbs
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "Not Gonna Die" - Skillet

Character Info


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Rien is a refugee from another timeline. After a successful attempt to change the future through travelling to the past, she found herself in a new world with new choices to make and a brand new uncharted future. The daughter of Wolverine and a sorceress of one of the Great Magical Clans, Rien uses her unique blend of magic and martial prowess to hunt the demons and monsters that lurk in the shadows of the world. At one time such was her inescapable destiny, now it is her choice.


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*Rien is not native to the current timeline, she was born in an alternate timeline that no longer exists.

Alt-1944: Under pressure from Nazi soldiers seeking a new weapon, Marie D'Arqueness summons The Truth, a powerful potentially world destroying demon. However she is unable to control it. Together with Logan's help she banishes the demon but ultimately dies. However The Truth will return once a decade and must be re-banished to protect the world.

Alt-1954: The Truth appears during the 1954 Yangtze river floods. A now teenaged Sylvie D'Arqueness and Logan work together to banish the demon.

Alt-1962: The Truth appears during an American nuclear weapons test in Nevada. A grown up Sylvie D'Arqueness and Logan again work together to banish the demon. Afterwards they become intimate with each other.

Alt-1963: Rien is born to Sylvie D'Arqueness, unknown to her father Logan.

Alt-1968: At the tender age of 5, Rien begins physical and mystical training for her role as a demon hunter.

Alt-1970: The Truth appears during the Bhola cyclone. An overconfident Sylvie D'Arqueness, having grown powerful in her magics, sends Logan off to save civilians believing that she can face The Truth alone. This proves to be her undoing as while The Truth is banished, it manages to drag her back through the portal to Hell with it.

Alt-1971: With her mother trapped in Hell, presumed dead, Rien's training to replace her (and Logan) takes on new urgency.

Alt-1976: Rien's mutant abilities manifest for the first time after a particularly brutal training session.

Alt-1982: The Truth appears during the Syrian Hama Massacre and 19 year old Rien fights and banishes it for the first time.

Alt- 1989: Rien sees from afar Logan for the first time when he shows up at the ancestral village of Clan D'Arqueness, before he is banished again.

Alt-1995: The Truth appears during the Soufriere Hills eruption on Montserrat. Logan with the help of Talisman brings the X-men to fight it. However not knowing the proper spell Talisman is unable to banish the demon. Talisman and Storm are killed before Rien shows up to banish it.

Alt-2008: The Truth appears again during the 2008 Mumbai attacks, only to be banished by Rien again. Logan tracks her down after years of searching. At Logan's urging Rien opens a portal to Hell and the two of them go to try and kill The Truth on its home plane. There they find and rescue Sylvie D'Arqueness who chastises them both for their foolishness telling them The Truth can never be killed, least of all in Hell. Combining their powers Sylvie and Rien manage open a portal back to Earth, but 1944 Earth, the night The Truth was summoned.

1944: The Truth is tricked into following them into the past and Logan manages to pit one Truth against the other. With the combined power of four members of Clan D'Arqueness both Truths are frozen in stone, along with Sylvie and Logan from the previous timeline acting as the key. Marie D'Arqueness still dies. Young Sylvie of the new timeline alerts Clan D'Arqueness who become the guardians of the sealed statues. Rien is finally free.

1944-1945: After meeting her father of this timeline, Rien works with the French Resistance while waiting for him to be free of his Canadian military service. She battles the Nazis and the occult horrors of the Thule Society, among others, on several occasions.

1945-1950: After the war ends, Rien is planning to reunite with Logan when she is visited by a member of the Time Variance Authority. She is told that she must not reunite with Logan for the time being due to disruptions and ripple effects to the timeline that will cause. Though angered and saddened by this, she ultimately complies. Rien, not having a real identity, pretends to be an English woman and joins the French Foreign Legion who do not ask too many questions. She spends the next five years fighting for France in Indochina ultimately gaining citizenship for her identity.

1951-1963: Rien travels back to Europe. She visits Clan D'Arqueness telling them who she is and making her peace with them. While they offer her another name, she is content with 'nothing' and is officially named Rien D'Arqueness. During this time she makes a name for herself continuing to hunt demons and monsters throughout Europe and the British Isles.

1964-1979: Rien decides to travel to the Americas to see more of the world. There she continues her demon and monster hunting, eventually running into the BPRD. After spending the better part of a decade working with the BPRD and helping thwart a Faerie-apocalypse in the UK in 1979, Rien decides she needs to get away and disappears again.

1980-2000: Rien travels to Japan, the country that her father has such deep ties to in an effort to understand him and ultimately herself better.

2001-2020: Rien continues to travel the world both hunting demons and other monsters, and enjoying life. She crosses paths with old BPRD aquaintances, who have now been become part of something called WAND. Rien works with this new organization from time to time occasionally taking assignments from them.

2021: Rien has another encounter with a Time Variance Authority agent who informs her the timeline has progressed enough and she has integrated enough such that contact with her father is permissible again. Rien journeys to New York to track him down.

IC Journal

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Rien is nigh fearless, she has faced threats that would make lesser individuals blanch head on without so much as flinching. Part of this can be traced back to her sense of duty, the need to use her powers to protect the world from supernatural threats was drilled into her from a very young age. But it is also simply not in her nature to run away and her fight or flight tends to favor fight almost invariably. She is not stupid however and given the opportunity may still make a tactical retreat in the face of obviously unwinnable odds.

Rien cares. The world has thrown a lot at her and at times she can seem as gruff as her father but beneath it all Rien is a caring person at heart even if she has difficulty showing it sometimes. This has become a bit more pronounced in the decades since she was freed from her endless cyclical battle with The Truth. Freed from the chains of that obligation she has been able to be more herself to take time figuring out more of who she is aside from a tool bred to hunt a demon. No longer afraid to feel, she has discovered a side of her that genuinely enjoys helping people and keeping them safe from the demons and monsters that lurk among the dark corners of the world.

To call Rien strong willed would be a vast understatement. Once she has resolved to accomplish a task there is very little that can stop her from seeing it done. She won't give up, she won't surrender, she will doggedly pursue her objective until it is completed or she is somehow convinced to take another course of action.

Rien can be a very passionate individual. She has the temper that French women are famous for and then some. She is also a fighter like her father and at times is prone to let her fists do the talking instead of her words. During her time in the French Resistance and Foreign Legion many was the drunken soldier in a bar who underestimated her only to wake up later kissing the floor boards with a splitting headache. This is not to say she has no discipline, her training by Clan D'Arqueness imparted a great deal of that to her. When she chooses violence it is very much a choice, one she does not have many reservations upon visiting upon those who deserve it.

French society places a great emphasis on family and tradition, but above and beyond this in the Great Magical Clans loyalty is all. Rien had loyalty to the clan drilled into her to such an extent that she never questioned her role or why they did not give her a name. Her entire existence was to fulfill a debt, to cover the sin committed by a member of the clan. While she has since broken free from some of these chains and made her peace with her clan in the new timeline, her sense of loyalty remains. Family, blood or found, is very important to her.

Character Sheet


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Enhanced Dexterity:
Rien is not just fleet of foot, she is also incredibly agile and quick, possessed of phenomenal agility. She is adept at dodging gunfire and capable of weaving through a melee of multiple opponents with acrobatic ease. She can even parry high speed projectiles or mystical blasts with her claws. Her reactions are such that she can often get the drop on regular humans unprepared for just how fast she can move.

Enhanced Stamina:
Rien's stamina is greatly enhanced by her healing factor giving her a superhuman level of endurance. Simply put her body's advanced regeneration removes the fatigue toxins preventing their buildup. As a result where some people might pull an all nighter, Rien could go days several days without sleep if she needed to without much difficulty. Or in the case of intense exertion, such activity could be kept up for several hours straight before the levels of fatigue toxins being produced would begin to overwhelm her body's ability to remove them.

Enhanced Strength:
The result of grueling training combined with her healing factor, Rien's muscles have torn and rebuilt themselves so many times that she possesses strength far in excess of what should be peak human potential. This physical training has been further reinforced mystically using the sorcery of Clan D'Arqueness. The end result is that Rien can lift and throw up to about two tons of weight before her muscles start to tear themselves apart. This strength also makes her an incredibly fast runner and able to leap great distances both high and long.

Healing Factor:
Rien heals at a phenomenal rate, far quicker than a normal human. Small cuts and lacerations disappear near instantly. Bullet wounds and other high trauma punctures will force out the slugs and close up within a minute or two. More severe large scale or severe damage may take tens of minutes, hours, or even days depending on the scope and severity of the injury. Even severed limbs and internal organs can be regrown. She could be blown up, cut to pieces, or worse, but eventually she'll still heal from it. It will hurt like hell though and she'll probably wish she was dead while it is happening.

This healing factor also has less overt aspects as well. As her cells naturally repair themselves and remain in peak condition, Rien ceased aging in her prime and it is unknown how long she might live. Poisons also have little effect, alcohol included, although a large enough quantity is still capable of overwhelming the healing at least for a short time. She is also functionally immune to all Earthly diseases.

Heightened Senses:
Rien has incredibly heightened senses of smell and hearing. Part of this is due to the animalistic nature of the mutant powers she inherited and part of it due to the healing factor keeping her senses from dulling due to age.

The result is that she can hear far off conversations, even whispers, as well as things like heartbeats. It is very difficult to lie to someone when they can literally hear your pulse.

Her sense of smell is such that she can distinguish and track individuals by scent, and even smell the emotions people are feeling from the different pheromones they give off.

Strong stimuli can prove incredibly distracting to these senses. To combat this, Rien generally carries some form of earplugs for when things get too noisy and has taken to smoking her own blend of herbal cigarettes in order to reduce the number of scents she is taking in, save when she actively wants to utilize these senses to their fullest.

Magical Blasts:
Rien is capable of hurling damaging blasts of raw arcane energy at her foes. It is not the most complex weaving of mystical power, but it is effective. With a modicum of magical exertion these can be shaped into more traditional elements found in nature such as fire, ice, or lightning. She can also gather the arcane energy around her hands or claws for a more up close and personal enchanted strike, greatly enhancing the force of the blow.

Mystic Bone Claws:
As her father before her, Rien possesses retractable bone claws. She can extend three from each of her hands and they are about the length of her forearms, where the bony protrusions are stored when not in use. Where Rien's claws differ from her father's however is they glow with faint blue mystical light having been enchanted with the magic of Clan D'Arqueness. This enchantment has strengthened them greatly, making them nigh unbreakable, and able to cut almost anything. This includes the hide of demons and other magical creatures otherwise invulnerable to non-magical harm.

Mystic Senses:
As a trained Sorceress of Clan D'Arqueness, Rien has been taught to detect mystical changes in the warp and weave of the world around her. She is particularly sensitive to dimensional breaches and the summonings of entities from beyond the Earthly realm, but will generally pick up on magical workings in her vicinity as well. The range on this is directly proportional to the potency of the working, for a small spell she would have to be pretty close, while opening a portal to Hell might well be felt on the other side of a major city.

Rien is capable of shielding herself from damage with her magic. This can be done reflexively in the heat of the moment, however the more powerful the attack the more of her mystical energy reserves it will use up. With slightly more effort, she is capable of extending this power to another individual as well though its effectiveness is diminished requiring more power to achieve the same results. Overusing her magic in this way power can drain her reserves if she is not careful.

Rien is part of the Clan D'Arqueness, one of the Great Magical Clans. As such she has been trained in sorcery and witchcraft from a very young age and is versed in all manner of spells and incantations. These range from simple effects which need a mere focusing of her will upon the desired outcome to complex rituals such as summonings and banishments and everything inbetween.

Common examples of Rien's sorcery include:

Teleportation: Rien can teleport herself and others seemingly anywhere in the world. Members of Clan D'Arqueness have also demonstrated the ability to summon others to them from afar via such magics.

Dimensional Travel: Rien is capable of opening portals to other dimensions, such as Hell.

Transmutation: Rien can transmute matter into other similar forms, such as turning rags into a suit or changing someone's hairstyle.

Summoning, Binding, and Banishing: Rien is highly proficient in the summoner's arts. In particular she excels at banishing what others have summoned, though she possesses a strong understanding of that entire school of magic.

Using her magic Rien is capable of moving objects and individuals through sheer force of will. At its most basic this power allows her to reach far away things or help someone out of a river. It can also be turned inward upon herself though, allowing her to fly.


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Rien is an exceedingly skilled combatant. Her training to fight actual demons began when she was only five years old. Once her mutations manifested, this training took on brutal dimensions as her body could just heal itself, strengthening her muscles further each time. These lessons were then further honed in actual combat with demons, and later added to during her time in the French Foreign Legion and East Asia.

As a result Rien is highly trained in a variety of hand to hand fighting techniques, including Boxing, Savate, Muay Thai, Kyokushin karate, and Aiki-Jujitsu. She is also proficient with a variety of traditional weaponry, both European and Asian. During her time with the French Resistance and the Foreign Legion she was drilled in the use of various kinds of firearms as well. Though in the end her weapons of choice, and with which she is most deadly, are the retractable bone claws she inherited from her father.

Through a convergence of her occult knowledge and wilderness survival skills, Rien has developed an extensive knowledge of herbalism. She is able to identify most plants that she comes across, knows which are edible, which are poisonous, what sort of mystical properties they might have, etc. She can also process them into a variety of natural remedies or poisonous concoctions, given enough time, should the situation call for it.

Rien was schoold by Clan D'Arqueness, has been around the world, across two timelines, and is just over a century old. Due to all of this she has learned a variety of languages.

These include: French (her mother tongue), German, Italian, Spanish, Latin, Greek, English, Vietnamese, Khmer, Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, and the ability to read several dead languages only found in mystic tomes and dusty ancient libraries anymore.

Occult Lore:
Clan D'Arqueness is one of the Great Magic Clans of the world and Rien received their full education from the time that she was a small child. As a result she is extremely knowledgeable about the occult, whether it is history of magic and its practitioners, cosmology of the different dimensions, or the workings of different types of magic.

Her global travels and time spent hunting demons and monsters have only expanded this repertoire with firsthand experience. Through this she has gained a strong understanding of not just European mysticism, but Asia and the Americas as well. Africa, however, still remains something of a mystery, outside of what she has read in books, as she has still yet to set foot there.

During her time with both the French Resistance and the French Foreign Legion Rien often functioned in advance recon roles and became quite adept at operating behind enemy lines and quiet infiltrations.

With the Resistance this was in urban environments where she learned to blend in with crowds and take advantage of situations where her presence would be more easily overlooked due to being a woman.

The Foreign Legion on the other hand built on skills she had already developed tracking her prey in her life as a demon hunter to move quietly and leave as little trail as possible in wilderness settings such as the thick jungles and mountains of Indochina.

Clan D'Arqueness trained Rien to be self-sufficient no matter where her quarry might take her. These skills have been further honed through her time in urban warzones and the French Foreign Legion's own intense survival training.

Rien is able to able to survive in the wild. She is an expert hunter and tracker, both actively and through various sorts of traps. She can also make shelter and gather food from local plants, as well. She is adept at urban survival and tracking, too. She can generally track down her quarry and some food and a place to sleep one way or another.


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B.p.r.d. and W.a.n.d.:
Rien has had an on again off again relationship with the B.P.R.D. and W.A.N.D. for decades. During the 1960's she encountered the B.P.R.D., assisting them with several cases. Eventually she was recruited as a defacto agent and despite a tendency to wander off on her own was a net asset to the organization through the end of the 1970's. After the narrowly averted faerie apocalypse in the U.K. Rien dropped off the map two decades, only to reappear and find the B.P.R.D. had been folded into something called W.A.N.D. She has since renewed her on and off cooperation with she had with the B.P.R.D. with W.A.N.D. agents since the early 2000's.

Clan D'arqueness:
One of the Great Magical Clans, Rien's relationship with the Clan D'Arqueness is a complicated one. The Clan D'Arqueness of this timeline is ostensibly not the one that raised Rien and while she has their blood she is in some ways an outsider to them. Still, she helped save the young Sylvie D'Arqueness (her mother in the other timeline) and now in her 80's Sylvie has become the current matriarch of Clan D'Arqueness.

Should she be willing to make the trip to France Rien can count on Clan D'Arqueness for assistance with things like mystical research or other aid. This is a double edged sword however, as Clan D'Arqueness may also attempt to call Rien's aid from time to time.

Herbal Cigarettes:
Rien's hand rolled herbal cigarettes are more tool than vice. They are made with a blend of aromatic herbs that she uses to overpower many of the scents around her so that her heightened sense of smell doesn't get overwhelmed. There is a dual function, however, with the specific blend of herbs having been chosen for their occult properties as much as their scent. In theory when burned the blend should be capable of warding off 'evil spirits', at least weaker ones.


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The blood of Clan D'Arqueness is not an insignificant thing and because of it Rien stands to inherit their list of enemies, whether seeking settle some ancient vendetta or purely for the magic in her blood itself.

Rien is also Logan's daughter and should this come to light she will likely inherit some of his long list of enemies as well.

Fiery Temper:
French women are known for their tempers, but Rien's is something else entirely. One of many traits that she inherited from her father, it is not terribly hard to get a rise out of Rien and if one is not careful they may wind up with a fight on their hands. This is not to say that Rien is a violence crazed psychopath, but she has very few qualms about throwing a punch as a way of expressing her feelings when she feels the situation calls for it.

Finite Mystical Reserves:
Rien is a potent sorceress capable of some amazing feats, but her power is not limitless. Failing an outside an outside source of magical power to draw upon, continuous or extremely large scale magical workings can exhaust her reserves until she is able to rest and recover.

It Still Hurts:
While Rien has a healing factor and a high pain threshold built up from a lifetime of training, she still feels everything, her wounds still hurt her. She might push through and recover from that bullet wound but it is still an incredibly painful experience. Needless to say while she can withstand a great deal of punishment and bounce back from nearly anything, she does not go out of her way to do so. Pain adds up, and everyone has their limit.

Sensory Overload:
Rien has inherited her father's heightened senses of hearing and smell. While this can be a great boon, it is also a double edged sword that can be exploited by her enemies. Particularly intense stimuli can overload these senses, temporarily disabling them and in the case of her hearing even stunning her briefly. Due to her healing factor such effects invariably do not last for very long, but that can be all the time a cunning foe needs to turn the tables.

Temporal Anomoly:
Rien is not from this timeline. The 1963 that she was born in will never come to pass. Yet by virtue of her being present due to time travel when events diverged, she managed to become a part of the new timeline. However, this means there is no record of her birth, having literally just appeared one day. On top of this like her father her healing factor keeps her from aging, forever in her prime. Which is to say keeping a mundane identity for any extended length of time is all but impossible, particularly as the modern world becomes more and more digitized and interconnected.



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Rien D'Arqueness has 136 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Goin' North November 1st, 2023 Logan and Rien reunite and shoot the breeze in rural Vermont.
Burning the dead November 1st, 2023 The dead are afoot in the University of Oslo, and the object they want is the same that Frigga wants, that is, the remains of a newly discovered Viking warriormaid. Many thanks to Sonja, Thor and Kelda!
What Do the French, Call French Toast October 30th, 2023 No description
Room Service October 25th, 2023 Breakfast at the Omni!
Demons Playing Poker October 24th, 2023 Luck favored the bold and beautiful tonight, and left a pair to celebrate their shared victories!
Themy-Scare-Ya October 23rd, 2023 We did the mash. We did the monster mash.
Look Who is Back October 21st, 2023 Daniel finds Rien at the Bar With No Doors. Scene incomplete.
Dinner with Doom October 20th, 2023 No description
Coffee With DOOM October 19th, 2023 Rien comes by the coffee shop and meets with Doom and they have a brief conversation.
For Sale: Guns, Slightly Used October 19th, 2023 A gun buy turns into a philosophical debate.
Stabbed It All October 19th, 2023 Two women talk about life, progress, and finding one's own path when one of them has forever ahead of her.
Sword Comparisons September 6th, 2022 Chimp is getting a sword, Megan is getting a tutor, and Gabby gets to learn something new!
15 Fears: Queen Takes Rook September 4th, 2022 The JLD travel with Rien to take care of the servitors and avatar of I Do Not Know You. After a trio of encounters, they emerge victorious and with another of Nyalathotep's agents turned to their side. But what consequences will there be for Rien now that she has come into her own as the true Queen of Nothing and what plans are in store from her new patron, Mynoghra?
15 Fears: The Throne Beyond the Waking Mind September 4th, 2022 Chas and Rien discuss their future and make plans for what to do about it. Maybe a vacation is in order? The Caribbean sounds nice.
15 Fears: Calm Before a Storm September 2nd, 2022 Mike reveals the conversation he had with (presumably) Nyarlathotep in the Astral and gives warning that the Ivory Tower is not as damaged as previously thought. The JLD will have their work cut out for them.
Coyote Pretty September 2nd, 2022 Chas and Rien wake to find that their evening was a bit more eventful than either of them had anticipated. They decide that instead of labelling it anything official they will savor the newness of it and see where their respective lives take them on the interpersonal journey.
15 Fears: Threads of the Soul August 27th, 2022 The leadership of the JLD confront Pixie about the influence of the Mother of Puppets on her soul. A confrontation ensues and with the only casualty being Thomas' car, it seems that the young mutant is back to her usual fae self.
15 Fears: Infestation August 26th, 2022 The JLD suffers an invasion force in the form of an avatar of The Crawling Rot. The defense is successful but the Sitting Room is going to need a deep clean before anyone is willing to use it again.
Reconciliation of the Trinity August 22nd, 2022 Chas and Rien find Jon in the prison of the Velvet Room. There they discuss his significance and his place among their trio. Healing has begun, but there is still road to tread.
Demon Alcohol August 22nd, 2022 Perhaps the most awkard kinda sorta totally not but maybe a not-a-date that ever might have possibly happened. Or not.
15 Fears: Buried Secrets August 22nd, 2022 The JLD manage to get through the trials deep in the bowels of the castle and find that they are Wardens of a prison of some of the worst the universe has to offer. What they do with that knowledge is now up for debate, but they have been given a tool that could help defeat the Old Gods plaguing them and reality.
15 Fears: The Heart of the Eye August 22nd, 2022 Rien and Chas discuss what they discovered in the levels beneath the Velvet Room and what their next steps are. They are joined by Cael to brings to attention their errors in how they are treating the third of their leadership trinity.
Fighting Fire with Fire August 20th, 2022 Plans were made, information shared, food and even a little fun were had!
A New You: A Throne of Flesh and Blood August 19th, 2022 The JLD and Clarice confront a cornered Lydia inside a warehouse in the Tenderloin district. A battle ensues with flesh crafted monstrosities, but ultimately the heroes win out and save Lydia from madness and Viscera. (CW: Body horror)
15 Fears: Pest Control August 16th, 2022 The JLD are in the Velvet Room when one of the attendants brings them a bug she found in the lower levels of the castle. An evil bug. It's a bad time.
Lighting the Lantern: Beware My Power August 15th, 2022 The final showdown wtih the sorcerer Akaikos Cyprus that lived in Jessica's Lantern ring! With the asisstance of Justice League Dark and Red Hood, the sorcerer was defeated and banished to the realms of the dead. With that, the Lantern ring chose Jessica as its proper bearer, and now a new Green Lantern is born!
15 Fears: Squirm August 13th, 2022 Mercy recounts her harrowing ordeal at the hands of The Crawling Rot's avatar and a new face visits the Velvet Room.
Vetting the Veteran August 13th, 2022 Off to the Velvet Room they go!
A New You: The Weight of a Body August 9th, 2022 Rien, Cael, and Chas infiltrate Lydia's apartment to find what she's done to Jon. With Rien's help the Archivist is able to return his body to some semblance of normalcy but the scars of what was done still remain.
Hangin' Out for Fun & Profit! August 9th, 2022 Circular arguments are round!
Asgardian Mead in the Garden! August 8th, 2022 Serious business is discussed, blame is insisted upon being laid, and Jon attempts to be mean to the French.
15 Fears: Beyond the Pale August 6th, 2022 The Justice League Dark gather to discuss the Old Ones, come up with some ideas to gather information, and discover that a certain book was owned by a certain Velvet Room attendant. And, maybe most importantly--their true foe is Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos.
After Nightmare Reunions August 5th, 2022 No description
15 Fears: ...And Back Again August 4th, 2022 A gathering of the JLD in the Velvet Room is interupted by the return of Jonathan Sims from his journey through Hell and the Astral Plane.
Old Places, New Faces August 2nd, 2022 A new ally is gained for the JLD, and some insight is offered for Jessica!
Procastinating at the Garden July 31st, 2022 Team building with Daniel and Rien
Jinkies, Drinkies! July 31st, 2022 Our intrepid heroes gather for drinks after bringing Rien back from the edge of nothing. A lot of drinks.
15 Fears: Golden Child July 30th, 2022 The Justice League Dark head to an Ivory Tower in the Astral Plane to rescue Rien from the Old Ones. In the process, Rien gets a new Name, and a certain mannequin gets blown to bits more than once.
15 Fears: Uncanny Valley July 29th, 2022 Cael, Robbie, and Chas confront the creature masquerading as Rien forcing it to reveal its true form. The confrontation that ensues proves that the JLD can fight the beasts of the Outside, but not entirely destroy them. Still, clues are given to where Rien is being held, enough clues to force the attempted rescue.
15 Fears: It All Falls Down July 28th, 2022 A sinister plan continues... but to what effect?
15 Fears: Stranger Things Have Happened July 28th, 2022 Rien is visted by an ally and an enemy as Lavenza comes to offer tidings of hope, while Nikola draws attention to despair as the NotRien lays waste to a relationship before Rien's eyes.
The Last Archivist: Connected July 24th, 2022 The finale of The Last Archivist sees the Justice League Dark face off against Asag, an Old God that is trying to force its way into the world. Its goal: to kill Jon and thus force his daughter to become Archivist, so she can be manipulated by Asag's followers into destroying the world. To prevent that from ever happening, Jon claims the Archive for his own--he will be the last Archivist. The JLD defeat the Old God, and chain it away from reality once more, but at a price--Jon and Annabelle Cane wind up outside of reality, and it may be some time before he can find his way home...
The Journey: III - The Empress July 22nd, 2022 No description
15 Fears: A View From Beyond July 21st, 2022 Rien is visisted by the ultimate servitor of I Do Not Know You and gains some insight into what the NotRien is doing to her life and what the true goal of these entities happens to be.
Explanations are Required July 18th, 2022 The Justice League Dark have conversations in the Velvet Room, about meeting and greeting, and current events.
The Last Archivist: Weaver July 16th, 2022 The Justice League Dark go to the address provided by Annabelle Cane and find a chip shop of horrors. Nothing's wrong with Rien--really!--but Jon takes control of the Watcher and there's spider goop. It's kinda gross.
15 Fears: The Wrong Kind of Mirror July 14th, 2022 Rien is visisted by the entity known as the NotThem and has her life taken over by it's insidious dark gift before it locks her away in an Ivory Tower 'somewhere' else.
Another Wanderer on the Path July 13th, 2022 An interesting welcome for Balder, but a key is gained and the JLD has a new friend!
The Last Archivist: Burned Out July 10th, 2022 The Justice League Dark travel to investigate a house in Oxford where Jonathan Sims used to live, and where his daughter was born. They discover a terrifying crack in reality, and nearly lose themselves to it. Fortunately, they have an angel on hand to fix the problem--at least temporarily. (Big chunks of Jonathan Sims' poses in this scene are taken directly from The Magnus Archives)
Completing a Triangle July 10th, 2022 Chas agrees to join the leadership of the JLD, completing the triad!
In the Aftermath July 9th, 2022 The Justice League Dark is in a rough place. Rien's slowly disappearing, Robbie's upset, Gabby killed someone, Daniel never knows where he is. Jon tries to help, and has more luck with Gabby than Rien. Mercy accidentally brings pizza, and Cael brings Bear.
15 Fears: Charred Remains July 8th, 2022 Cael, Jon and Lydia investigate the ruins of Robbie and Rien's apartment with the pair alongside. They all find that it wasn't as empty as originally thought and what was existing there spells grave danger for the JLD as a whole.
15 Fears: A Spark in the Darkness July 7th, 2022 Robbie is visited by a nightmare that tries to convince him that his true purpose is to be the Hunter of the Vile as the Ghost Rider. The nightmare boils over into the real world and his apartment suffers the consequences for it.
Wonderland: Murder on Disorient Express July 2nd, 2022 Rien learns the cardinal rule of any Wonderland Detective: Logic is the first to be murdered.
Cigarettes, Depression, and Mirrors... July 2nd, 2022 A productive, if worrisome, conversation is had between Jon and Rien. A friendship gets a little deeper.
JLD Training Session: Arqa Block July 1st, 2022 The JLD climb further floors of the Tartarus Training Program in the Velvet Room, culminating in a battle with mobile tables and a statue. And then somehow Elizabeth knows about Rien's problem with mirrors...
Family Pride June 29th, 2022 Logan finally losens up and has a fun night at a pride party.
Pride After Party! June 26th, 2022 A party after NYC's Pride Parade! Things are a bit crazy, numbers are exchanged (and not exchanged), only Gabby is a clone. Probably.
The Journey: 2 - The High Priestess June 24th, 2022 The JLD manage to overcome the trial of The High Priestess. Self-reflection can often come with unexpected consequences; only time will tell what those consequences are for this group of mystics.
15 Fears: Portents June 24th, 2022 Rien is visited by a waking nightmare that plays on her worst fears. Is this a precursor of something to come or just idle thoughts running rampant on a worried mind?
Rye Whiskey I Cry June 24th, 2022 Members of the JLD talk after the events of the High Priestess' room shake them up. Tensions run high, but progress might be made.
Same Job Different Ways June 20th, 2022 A new member is welcomed in!
Memories Best Forgotten June 19th, 2022 Gabby seeks out Rien and Robbie to deal with some trauma issues.
Family Night June 13th, 2022 And a very family-like fight broke out!
The Fall of the Red House: The Iron Fist June 11th, 2022 Deadpool, Rien, Ghost Rider, and Steve Rogers infiltrate an Alhambras Compound. Four of the six leaders are dead and a message sent that Cael Becker is off limits.
JLD Training Session: Thebel Block June 10th, 2022 The JLD's attempt to climb the first block of the Tartarus Training Program is a rousing success! There's some concern about the behavior of one of the members though...
Perfect Timing June 10th, 2022 After the exercise in the training room, Jon confronts Cael about her behavior, Rien backs him up, Robbie chills, Gabby is a voice of reason... and Johnny Blaze comes back! Just in time to piss off both Cael and Robbie. But somehow, nobody gets punched.
Magic 101 June 9th, 2022 After a good start with lots of questions and discussion, the first session of JLD magic classes devolves into quite literal chaos. For once, it's not Terry's fault; it's Ma'at's instead.
Keeping Warm June 5th, 2022 Friends meet in the Velvet Room once more. A little more is revealed about the mysterious spirit trapped in a doll, a very good boy is scolded, there is talk of a race, and Cael learns a little bit about astral projection.
The Journey: 1 - The Magician June 3rd, 2022 The door of The Magician opens and the members of the JLD work towards utilizing the power in tandem to overcome the obstacles blocking their path on The Journey.
Nostalgia and Beer May 31st, 2022 No description
Hocus Pocus and Alakazam! May 29th, 2022 No description
Happy birthday, Tony Stark! May 29th, 2022 Just another Tony Stark birthday party?
Date Night with Gabe May 27th, 2022 An excellent date with an excellent guy!
Training Program, Velvet Room Style May 26th, 2022 Jon and Cael and Lydia check out the "Tartarus" training program in the Velvet Room, fight some Shadows, and then have a chat after. Cael leaves, but Rien comes along to discuss magic and humanity. And Lydia practices her bats.
The mechanic's apprentice May 25th, 2022 Cael comes to Robbie about a proposal.
So I Says To Her I Says May 23rd, 2022 Information was shared on a number of subjects!
Well, fancy meeting you here May 22nd, 2022 Rien and Robbie attempt to go on a date. They're interrupted by a demon-killing angel.
Training Sessions: Stage 2 - Stress Test I May 19th, 2022 Chas and Jon decide to utilize Rien and Robbie for some training regimens for the new angel on the block. Needless the say, the dimensional mystic and the Ghost Rider proved very effective in showcasing some of Chas' latent flaws in his new form.
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner May 19th, 2022 And nobody was even injured!
Reconciliation and Recipes: Plan A May 12th, 2022 A number of the JLD meet in the Velvet Room. Topics of discussion include: dogs, eating habits, alcohol, and relationships. Most noteable, no one had a meltdown!
=Father Daughter time May 11th, 2022 Rien and Logan catch up and go to gabby's ritual
A Night of Enchantment May 11th, 2022 Achievement Unlocked: Claw Enchantment! ...also family time and a visit from a Red Robin!
78 Bottles of Booze on the Wall! May 8th, 2022 Cael tries to figure out what's in the bottles behind the Velvet Room bar by drinking a shot from each bottle. Rien and Robbie find out about her death. Jon drinks a nasty shade of green.
Back In The Loop May 3rd, 2022 Members of the JLD go to check over the Laughing Magician and an old member of the Night Brigade stumbles on the place.
Play Free Bird! April 30th, 2022 Chas and Rien finally meet! He took the high road and she took the low road but they got to the end together!
Juggs, Thugs, and HotDugs April 29th, 2022 Rien, Gabby and Cain run into one another around the hotdog vendor. After some mild catching up and hotdogs galore they part on good terms.
Its Fiiiiiiiiiiiine. April 29th, 2022 Cael and Rien meet up - to talk about Cael's continued recovery, and the conflict between her and Chas. Conclusion: Yeah, it's all a bit of a mess, isn't it?
The JLD Wants YOU! ...To Be In Charge April 28th, 2022 Jon invites Sara and Rien to step up and join him as leaders of the Justice League Dark. With their new Trinity in place, the three discuss changes and plans for the future.
14 Billion Years Later... April 25th, 2022 Everything is better with croissants and chocolate, even 14 billion years worth of memories!
Out on the town April 23rd, 2022 Gabby and Robbie have the most awkward chat ever. Then they show up at Rien's place, because things weren't awkward enough.
PoG: And She's Buying A Stairway to Heaven... April 18th, 2022 The JLD has a party in the Velvet Room to celebrate the end of the war with Heaven. It's mostly a success, the piano learns some new songs, and there's Asgardian mead! Which means people get really, really drunk.
Checking up on the mechanic April 16th, 2022 Gabby and Rien bring their bikes to Robbie's shop for some work, and share cookies.
Path of Glory: All is One, and One is All April 15th, 2022 The Archangel Michael is finaly defeated and dies. Chas is rescued from the Gate of Heaven and the JLD (and allies) manage to put the fate of the universe in the hands of those who live within it.
An Unusual Wake April 14th, 2022 Cael pays for a round of drinks - and explains to Rien and Robbie why she was so useless on their last mission. They were move than understanding but- ...what demon?
Coffee Beans and Sympathy April 13th, 2022 A reunion, a step back, and being called on B.S.
Is it fate April 10th, 2022 Good times were had, teasing occurred!
Path of Glory: (EPIC GUITAR SOLO IN A Minor) April 10th, 2022 Members of the Justice League Dark manage to acquire a new base of operations as well as the final piece of the Stairway to Heaven. Now all that's left is to clean it up and make it safe for the rest of the team and to take the fight to Michael and rescue Chas from his fate on the Gate of the Silver City.
Respect the library! April 9th, 2022 Loki only gets part of what he'd gone to the library to retrieve. The other, Rien has in her possession...
Missed Connections April 9th, 2022 A new potential friendship was struck up!
Time for a tuneup April 8th, 2022 A Sorceress and a Ghost Rider have a nice, friendly chat wherein nobody gets hurt.
Looking for Drinks in All the WRONG Places April 7th, 2022 A bunch of weirdos invade the Bar With No Name!
Introduction to the Extended Logans April 6th, 2022 M meets Rien and gets a headache hearing about time travel, smelling bad, and alternate universes.
Late Night Training Interuptuss April 5th, 2022 A lesson learned
Sisters From the Same Mister April 5th, 2022 Rien and Gabby reunite, and discuss possible modifications for claws. Then go off to harass Logan.
Apparently the World Didn't End February 15th, 2022 Logan and daughter agree feeling helpless sucks. Logan contemplates a diary, but decides against it.
A midnight cigar January 20th, 2022 Rien checks in with Logan, they share coffee and conversation, and a promise of some sweeter smelling herbal cigarettes are made... if the universe survives.
Father-Daughter Time December 30th, 2021 Rien informs Logan that the universe as they know it may very well end... she gets a hug, he does to drink.
Path of Glory: In Nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti December 18th, 2021 The exorcism of Chas Chandler goes off with a resounding success as Chas is exorcised from the Archangel Michael, leaving the Archangel free to continue his plans for Universal Reclaimation without the pesky hang ups of mortality holding him down.
Path of Glory: Call for the Sorcerer December 16th, 2021 Doctor Strange pays a visit to the Laughing Magician. Revelations as to who the JLD is actually dealing with are presented and research begins on how to adequately stop the destruction of all things.
Path of Glory: A Time for Peace December 11th, 2021 A number of the Justice League Dark members discuss the ramifications and motivations of what has been done and how they should go about fixing the matter... if it can be fixed.
Path of Glory: Work of Heroes (Mark II) December 11th, 2021 A rush to save the final victim of the Palpal Killer results in a combat of the mind and the body as a possessed Chas Chandler is discovered to be the culprit. The combined forces of Witchblade, The Archivist, Rien D'Arqueness, and an Awakened Lasariel Weiss manage to wear it down enough to bind it and release its hold over the mind of Cael Becker.
Path of Glory: The Work of Heroes December 11th, 2021 The confrontation with the Papal Killer (discovered the be a possessed Chas Chandler) ends with a massive combat/binding that leaves the outside of the Laughing Magician in shambles and Chas wrapped in the energy from a dimension that should not be touched. There are still questions to be answered. Who is in Chas? Why were they doing what they were doing? And, most importantly, how do you get the thing out of the reliable bartender?
Path of Glory: Who Will Prepare December 10th, 2021 The investigators into of Hell's Kitchen find the missing crime scene of the Papal Killer and discover his most vicious killing yet. Threats are made and then he appears! Is this the start of the final confrontation, or just a prelude to something more?
Official Recognition December 5th, 2021 The inaugural offical meeting of the Justice League Dark goes off with only the faintest of hitches including: a talking cat, BATMAN, and condiments and glitter. Seems that they're getting off on the right foot when it comes to weirdness.
Coffee and catching up... November 17th, 2021 Rien and Sara catch up a little after the trip to hell months ago... Cael learns alittle more about magic and demons... and the small bakery in Little Italy just got another customer.
Visit from daughter October 25th, 2021 Rien checks in with Logan, they catch a little and he gets her number in his new phone.
PoP: I'd Like to Speak to the Manager. October 2nd, 2021 When Karens and Kens overrun Lost Pond Mall, it falls on a small group of 'heroes' to put them in their places. The day's saved, but the rifts are getting bigger and the things coming from them stranger.
1000 Faces FINALE: Threnody September 7th, 2021 The Demogorge comes to devour the gods of death and those who would raise a last defense from Earth against him. But will they succeed in convincing Atum not to levy his judgment in a reckoning of the dead? Pray your shades have something nice to say...
1000 Faces: Dead to the World August 25th, 2021 A strange gate appears in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Brave souls dare to venture where the living must, into the Underworld, to find a means to sway the balance back against the Court of Death. What monsters lurk in the dark?
1000 Faces: Dead On Arrival August 25th, 2021 One step closer to their aim as they delve into the Pyramid of the Barbican and receive their admission to the White Hall, the final battle standing in their way divides, but does not conquer.
Mystique goes under the Lasso of Truth August 8th, 2021 The truth shall set you free, unless of course you are Raven Darkholme admitting all the wrongs you've done... in which case, Diana Prince and Donna Troy take you to jail.... justice will be served.
Whitechapel July 24th, 2021 7061
Weekly Weirdness: Hansel and Gretel July 16th, 2021 The heroines save the kids! John's cranky.
Working Dinner July 6th, 2021 Sisters catch up over dinner, and a new job is on the horizon.
La Caravane des Ombres July 3rd, 2021 When La Caravane des Ombres comes to town, so does a soul stealing monster that threatens to devour the souls of everyone in the audience. Fortunately, a pair of sorceresses, a pair of mutants, and a talented Shadow are all on hand to save the day.
It Is For A Good Cause June 27th, 2021 A Mutant Town fire station holds a BBQ fundraiser to buy new equipment.
Sion Re-Opens! June 25th, 2021 Betsy hosts a gala at a nightclub, complete with barbarians at the gate.
Du Manse Du Baton June 11th, 2021 Jovian and Rien learn that the Benevolent Cult is using Cthulutech to cause psychic projections and other weird Migo and Yithian tech to do ...not good things and somehow Jovian factors into their plans. Rien keeps a scientist from phasing out and they go to question him at her clans Ville.
The Rats in the Walls June 4th, 2021 Rien helps Jovian investigate the Esray estate and avoid a ton of rats and learn more about his enemies.
Pizza Soda and good times May 31st, 2021 Atrid meets with Gabby and her sister Rien for Pizza and soda.
Here's the story of a man named Logan... May 9th, 2021 ...That's the way we became the Logan Bunch!
Alchemax: Recouperating Losses April 25th, 2021 Alchemax makes a grab for Gabby only to be thwarted by Blue Marvel, Hyperion, and a mysterious French woman known as Rien.
Jailbreak at the Chainer of Souls April 1st, 2021 The Chainer of Souls is destroyed. Four heroes enter, three heroes leave. Hellboy rescues the soul after all.
Flashback: Against the Limner March 27th, 2021 In 1965, a BRPD team fights The Limner, wins but misses a soul in this flashback scene.
It's good to be 21 March 24th, 2021 Jean cheats at pool, and one of logan's kids is like 'LOGAN, WHERE R U?!' Remy gets lost in a bathroom and Bruce Willis wants us OUT OF HIS BAR.


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