Pamela Isley

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  Poison Ivy  
Poison Ivy (Scenesys ID: 574)
Name: Pamela Isley
Superalias: Poison Ivy
Gender: Female
Species: Mutate
Occupation: Eco-terrorist
Citizenship: USA
Residence: Gotham City
Education: Doctorate
Theme: DC (VFC)
Apparent Age: 26 Actual Age: 26
Date of Birth 06 May 1993 Played By Katherine McNamara
Height: 5'8" Weight: 115 lbs
Hair Color: Red Eye Color: Green
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Poison Ivy is an infamous criminal. She's focused on helping plants because they can't help themselves and is on a mission to force people to respect nature. She is very dangerous and untrustworthy, often armed with a deadly plants. She's a known affiliate of somebody named Harley Quinn.


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1995 = Pamela was born in Seattle to boring parents.
2010 - Started her first garden.
2011 - Fell in love with deadly plants and developed an immunity to toxins
2014 = Moved to boring Gotham City and attended Gotham University
2016 = Got a PhD in biochemistry and worked as an intern
2016 = Hospitalized for serious toxic exposure in the lab
2017 - Opened the beautiful Baudelaire Flower Shop
2018 - Ivy became Poison Ivy and started a crime spree as an eco-terrorist. She became known to superheroes of Gotham.
2018 - Arrested and sent to Arkham for psychological "treatment", becoming a reoccuring Gotham villain
2019 - Breaks out of Arkham and meets Harley Quinn but arrested shortly after
2020 - Ivy disappeared after discovering The Green....essentially breaking out of Arkham again...sorta

IC Journal

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Ivy has a twisted sense of morality and ethics, often putting her quest for a better Earth above human life. She's an advocate for plants, who she feels are victims but it's not above her to appear Motherly just in general. She can be reasoned with but has a strong-will and believes nothing would make the world better than a little bit of love and good-will and plant lovin. She's passionate and waffles between introverted and partying but often withdraws sullenly to consider her feelings or other people's feelings.

Poison Ivy has obsessive-compulsive tendancies, centered around plants. She has a preoccupation with nature and the things she does are usually concerning plants or the Earth. As a result of this, she's fickle and short with people and more focused on how she can help the plants, instead of the people around her. This appreciation for plant life strangely makes her seem appreciative of life and beauty.

Ivy has charm and charisma, and some of it is all for manipulation. She's very intelligent and knows what she's doing, sometimes flirting to get what she wants. She's okay with people joining her on her quest for a better Earth and might even appreciate it. She's extremely complex and can overdo it with her motivations and passionate ploys. In one sense, she can see what she's doing and knows she shouldn't but it feeds her compulsion.

Character Sheet


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Ivy is completely immune to all toxins, poisons, and disease. She is generally more immune to harsh weather conditions and temperature.

Mental Ability:
Ivy can mentally command and communicate with plants. She can ask them how they're doing and get a general status about the Earth around them. If there's a disturbance that upset the plants, Ivy will know about it, the greater the disturbance, the easier it is to pinpoint just what happened. She can mentally sense the Earth and its plants through The Green. Some of her toxins or pheromones can alter a person's mind, weakening willpower to make someone susceptible to command or suggestion.

Ivy can control or command plants about a mile away and usually within sight. She can cause plants to grow hundreds of times their regular size and direct traffic to command plants to grab at people in a violent way. She can mutate the size or shape of plants, trees, bushes, or other things growing from the Earth. She can cause them to move fluidly like a creature and obey her commands. She can also create plants from the Earth by cultivating the Earth, forming pets and creatures she can command. Her mental ability allows plant creatures to operate almost independently like an avatar. Their durability is similar to a real plant although the size and number may make the plant more versatile.

Plant Physiology:
Ivy was injected with an experimental serum and her body mutated into something plant based, with green chlorophyll running through her veins instead of blood. She has a special affinity with plant life and her body has become two or three times more durable than a regular person. She can rejuvenate ten times more quickly under the full sun or in pure oxygen. She exudes different kinds of toxins, poisonous to human beings, if she so wills it. Her body also gives off pheromones or perfumes into the air like plant. She can alter her own body to change her skin color or warp her appearance with some application of will.

She can secrete and use a variety of toxins. Ivy's toxins can create a number of effects in human beings, including mind-alerting effects, such as intense pain, addiction, love, paralysis, weakness and/or total susceptibilty to command. Her most famous transmission of her toxins is through her kiss but they can also be wafted into the air like a flower. Her phermones can permeate the air around her and impact those nearby in a short amount of time. Some effects last after Ivy leaves the area, depending on their impact to a person's condition.


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Ivy has a doctorate in botanical biochemistry, the study of the chemistry of plants. This is her area of specialization in botany, her life's work. This knowledge translates into a great deal of practical knowledge of poisons, harmful toxins, bacteria and other foreign substances. Her experience with chemstry gives her insight into the effects and dangers of botanical chemicals and other substances used in agriculture. She is experienced in anatomy, ecology, genetics, physiology, cytology, ecolongy, taxonomy and genetics of plants.

Ivy knows way too much about plant life than anyone should know. She knows plant history, and can recognize all plant life on sight, diagnosing plant structures and chemical make-up with further examination. She is a published botanist and has her doctorate in botanical biochemistry. Her expertise with chemicals, poisons/toxins, fertilizers, soil, and germination all stems from botany. "Herbal Supplements or Toxic Hyacinths?" is her published work but it is out of print.


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The Green:
Ivy can mentally communicate directly with an elemental force called The Green and therefore all plant based life. She can channel her powers through The Green to manipulate existing plants. She can sense shifts in The Green because she's tied to it in some way and use it to speak, communicate, or command plants. She can also use it as an information gathering resource.


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Ivy is obsessed with botany and insane. There's no rational reason why anybody would be so focused on plants, especially someone like her with so much intelligence. She often toils over plant-based plots, how to get back at other people for abusing plants and she generally takes eco-terrorism to a new level. She teams up with other insane people and justifies her actions with a variety of crazy reasons, fighting superheroes over and over, getting nowhere. Did the plants tell her to?

Plant Sensitive:
Ivy can feel the pain of the Earth and its plants through The Green. The plants complain, whine or scream in pain, causing her a lot of anguish. This usually makes her angry at their treatment. She considers herself a Mother to the plants and they are her children.

Pamela Isley is publically known as Poison Ivy, so she's not flying under the radar by any means. She also doesn't really try to. She has a criminal record and many people have tracked and monitored her in the past. Many superheroes know her abilities.

Poison Ivy is one of Batman's rogue's gallery. She's a convicted felon and should not be away from her treatment at Arkham Asylum. Superheroes will usually attack her on sight. Some villains don't take seriously either.



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Pamela Isley has 70 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Mutants and Master Molds: The First Wave April 24th, 2024 The Sentinels send out their first production line to rampage through Bushwick. A combined group of the Brotherhood and members of Xavier's fight them off.
Look at this March 28th, 2024 Help me, Obi-Wan Ivy. You are my only hope! Also, international roller derby. But Harley is keeping her secrets on -that-!
I bring you to the best places! February 1st, 2024 Harley pretends to be in dire trouble to get her friend Pamela to leave home for once. They capture Tombstone and Harley makes Ivy a proposal she can't refuse.
WWII Veterans Victory Dance and Exhibit January 12th, 2024 Damian Wayne hosts a party for WW2 Veteran Awareness. Bucky, Steve and Diana are the true stars of the show!
Gotham Greenery December 17th, 2023 Hellcat crosses Pamela Isley's path in her domain: the little bit of true greenery in Gotham City.
Trouble on Parade November 28th, 2023 On Patrol, Hellcat crosses paths with not just Poison Ivy again, but Madelyne Pryor as well.
Derby Queens vs The World November 3rd, 2023 The Derby Queens face off against the Flat Iron Flatterers in a Roller Derby game for the ages!
Bring in the reserves! October 13th, 2023 The Birds are roped into helping Harley's roller derby team. Whoever picked those tighty short-shorts!? Regardless, it will be a match for the ages, a match for ... <And now we interrupt our transmission for a small commercial break.>
Turning over a new leaf August 22nd, 2023 Batman checks in on Ivy, and seems content with her activities. For now.
Seeking an Amazon but Finding a Cat July 25th, 2023 Hellcat spots Poison Ivy and makes her acquaintance.
Tea is for Tiara June 29th, 2023 Diana and Ivy have a nice tea break as they discus happier future options.
Consider the lilies of the field June 3rd, 2023 Poison Ivy encounters The Magdalena in the remains of a community garden after fighting and killing a demon spawn of Famine. The two discover that not everyone is as quick to judge by reputation instead judging by actions.
A Vine and an Arrow Descend on a Bird May 6th, 2023 Late night plant shopping sends Ivy home with a project and Clint home with a phone number.
Checking the Flowers May 4th, 2023 Batgirl pays a visit to Gotham's nature friendly native.
In The Green Spaces April 3rd, 2023 Visiting Gotham, Shuri nearly has a dangerous encounter with Poison Ivy amid a conversation about the environment.
Early Green Snacks March 13th, 2023 Ivy meets Sprite near a food cart and enter a plan for the future.
A beam of Joy to herald spring! February 13th, 2023 Ivy gets some friends to visit as Harl performs an intervention
Hostile Flora February 5th, 2023 Susan has trouble with plants. Ivy helps and repays some plant kindness.
A Winter's Nightmare January 10th, 2023 Pamela has one hell of a nightmare that Gotham joins in and others have to save her from.
A Cup of Solitude November 30th, 2022 A second chance meeting, with less pumpkin smash
An Unexpected But Not Unwelcome Visitor November 1st, 2022 Karolina receives a peculiar package and ends up inviting Ivy over for dinner with her and Kori.
Halloween Harvest Scare November 1st, 2022 An event of the Gardens gets some surprises Halloween night as Ivy takes offense to some 'creatively' done pumpkins. Only to be 'thwarted?' by a few heroes on hand
The First Leaves of Fall September 30th, 2022 Ivy's attempt to sneak thief is thwarted and Monet may have a new enemy
Hunting a bit of Inque July 26th, 2022 A simple infiltration and sabotage job goes horribly wrong for Inque as Jim Gordon, The Huntress, Balm, and Poison Ivy all arrive at the scene at the same time.
Standoff Narrows Style June 29th, 2022 Huntress and Batgirl are surprised to find Poison Ivy assisting them in freeing hostages.
A Few Questions June 27th, 2022 Vic Sage questions Dr. Isley about the recent tremors in Gotham.
Overgrowth June 23rd, 2022 A strange, plant-like growth has taken root beneath Gotham City. For what is potentially the first time in history, Pamela Isley is not to blame.
The safety Dance March 29th, 2022 Your friends don't dance and if they don't dance then they're not no friends of mine. Harls can dance. Ivys can dance... It's the safety dance.
Birds: Kate's Birthday March 22nd, 2022 Kate's sweet sixteenth, friends, booze, cake, boys? Fights? Darts/ Steph brandished a trident! I think Harper had a hand grenade! What a bday!
Visitor Unexpectico March 10th, 2022 Kate was spying on Ivy, Ivy was calling Kate. They watched iZombie and it was cute. Only Frank knows for sure.
Boxing Day March 10th, 2022 Batwoman comes to investigate what Poison Ivy is up to at her greenhouse. A very tense and potentially violent standoff ends with a kiss and potential plans for dinner because this is Gotham City and just how things roll here.
Branching Out March 9th, 2022 Pamela returns to find Susan dutifully tending to her plants. Susan makes a request.
Hello April, I'm your roommate March 8th, 2022 Ivy moves onto April's roof. April was not told prior.
Birds of Prey: Clocktower January 28th, 2022 The Birds of Yay meet up for a nice official gathering. Pammy Ivy shows up thinking its a bookclub that Harley set her up with... Good times!
Sing it! January 9th, 2022 Harley has a cunning plan. It involved Bryan Addams, Ivy, Batgirl and an emergency. It works as well as one could expect!
There's Ivy On My Mind December 6th, 2021 A misunderstanding! It's books, and shoppers, and ...I can't really explain. But if Cass tackles someone they're evil, right?
A Knight Amidst The Gardens December 5th, 2021 Clarice, Pamela, and Bennet converse about troubles modern and ancient in the Asteroid Gardens.
Cable Table November 24th, 2021 Future Soldier meets Reformed Eco-terrorist. They share opinions on the Brotherhood. Agree to save the planet later.
Territory October 28th, 2021 Pam and Harley come across a Foot Clan attack! This calls for a drink at HFC.
April Ivy October 26th, 2021 Ivy comes over to hangout with April
Bookworms October 24th, 2021 Helena Wayne meets an environmental activist at the campus bookstore. And Pamela Isley meets a student biker.
A Changing of Seasons October 23rd, 2021 Ivy and Demona meet and mingle, and Ivy finds someone to check in on the biodome when she's not around. Friendship is growing!
Nothing like a meeting with Ivy... October 20th, 2021 No description
TBDD October 18th, 2021 Ivy and Harley catch up and Ivy gets Tinderized.
Outfoxing a Tiger. September 25th, 2021 Corporations and greed make strange allies.
Leave the brooding to the Bats! July 19th, 2021 Harley and Ivy go to the Sing Sing bar for Harley to sing and for Ivy to get un-broodened from her brooding, murderous ways.
Happy Birthday Pamela! June 20th, 2021 Harley surprises Ivy with a sort of birthday party but they get interrupted by Quellazaire's minions who do an attack on ArcTerra. With Brunnhilde's help who was drinking a storm they fend off the attack. It was time to go on the attack against their archenemy! Oh, and Pamela gets a tree seed for her birthday.
When the roller derby comes to you. April 27th, 2021 Harley gets Ivy to join her for a game of roller derby! Go Brooklyn Queens!
1000 Faces: Putting Romance in the Necromancer March 28th, 2021 One dead girlfriend. One undead girlfriend. A farmer's market, 4 dozen doughnuts, and the police equal a bad romance. Oh oh oh, caught in a bad romance.
Connecting the dots March 9th, 2021 Pam and Harley go to meet with a supposed client for one of their bounty hunts but instead it's some Cruella wanting to know why they were messing with their construction in the docks. Diplomacy fails and so they need a quick escape! Luckily someone liked cigarillos!
Don't Freak out! Part II February 17th, 2021 Harley, Pam and Meggan come across a construction site in the old pier which is taking down the plant life of the area. Then they remodel it.
Don't Freak out! February 3rd, 2021 Pam and Harley go get freaky at the Tiki to celebrate their first bounty hunting.. But when they go to the pier for Harley to walk off all those Tiki-Wikis she drank they find out that the old pier is going to get demolished!
The Bounty Gals January 12th, 2021 Harley and Ivy meet up at the BIODOME, where two former mistresses of crime come in and one badass bounty hunting team comes out.
Checking On A Rumour December 20th, 2020 Ivy heard about Sally and invites her to ask about the services she offers. Ultimately, as a scientist, it doesn't sit well with her.
Cleanin the nexus November 23rd, 2020 Harley is on clean-up duty after their adventure out of time when Ivy arrives after her own adventure mingling with Ace Chemicals execs. Spiral and her TROPES drop in and they mingle. Harley does dinner because she is nice like that.
Somewhere Beyond The Sea October 28th, 2020 Ivy delivers justice to one of Ace Chemicals criminal management, along the way she meets Namor, and finds he is a true hero!
How Goes The Bounting October 2nd, 2020 Ivy and Harley have a rare peaceful moment together to reflect on their friendship and challenges
A New Look September 4th, 2020 Ivy shows off her new outfit to Harley, learns of Harley's new bounty hunter venture.
Do CFOs Dream of Green August 16th, 2020 Ivy meanders about Central Park and meets an unlikely individual, along with an all too likely individuals. She tries to use the unlikely one to her advantage.
What You Find Among the Trees July 20th, 2020 Shared ideas seed possibilities... or worse.
The Best Place in NYC June 26th, 2020 Ivy goes exploring Central Park, and winds up saving its greenery from being damaged by the notorious Booster Gold
An Alliance of Convienence June 1st, 2020 No description
Anything is The New Orange May 7th, 2020 Ivy and Harley go shopping, it's never just normal.
BFF meet BFF April 28th, 2020 Harley brings Ivy home, Ivy brings Frank home, Mikey brings Klunk home, April brings sanity home... this is why we can't have nice things.
Meeting Old Friends April 22nd, 2020 Poison Ivy escaped from Arkham. Harley learned of it and decided to come and greet her, making the correct guess, that Ivy will most likely seek refuge in Robinson Park. The greenest spot in Gotham.
At the dark and eerie park April 10th, 2020 No description
Flower Memories March 12th, 2020 Poison Ivy hires Robin to help the environmental protest revolution.
Star Trek III: The Search for Quinn March 4th, 2020 The Quest for the Holy Quinn finishes this day......
Protest of the Mindless March 3rd, 2020 Ivy and a zombie gang protest environmental abuse when Killer Croc suddenly shows up but they are chased off by Leon & Gar Logan and the police.
All of it is hard February 26th, 2020 Harley is cryin', Ivy is schemin', the two friends meet back up in the park!


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Pamela Isley has 70 finished logs.

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Pamela Isley has been credited in 0 shows.

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Pamela Isley has been credited in 0 albums.

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Pamela Isley has authored 0 books.

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