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Spiral (Scenesys ID: 1959)
Name: Rita Wayword
Superalias: Spiral
Gender: Female
Species: Mutated Cyborg Human
Occupation: Dancer, Dimensional Sorceress, Cybernetics Installer, Troublemaker (semi-retired),

Henchwoman of Mojo (retired, until he grabs her again)

Citizenship: US / Mojoverse
Residence: New York
Education: Professional stuntwoman (on Earth), cyberneticist, swordswoman and sorceress (Mojoverse)
Theme: Marvel (VFC)
Groups: Mystic Arts
Apparent Age: 28 Actual Age: 28
Date of Birth 10 Sep 1992 Played By
Height: 5'10" Weight: 162lbs
Hair Color: Silver Eye Color: White
Theme Song: You spin me right round

Character Info


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An employee, victim and minion of Mojo, she has recently been banished to Earth and forced to make her own way in the world as a wandering six armed sorceress swordswoman. Unfortunately her abrasive, unstable personality, terrible reputation and inability to make many friends are going to make it quite hard.


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* 1992 : Born Rita Wayword, in Los Angeles.
* 2013 : Starts working as a stuntwoman in Hollywood. As time goes by gets a solid reputation as a professional in her field, sticks with it for a few years.
* 2018 : While on the set of a movie, exposed to a mutant, and attacked by extradimensional invaders from the Mojoverse. Defeats them. Later in 2018 joins a counterattack to unseat Mojo, and vanishes from Earth history.

???? : The captured Rita Wayword is transformed into Spiral by Mojo and his chief scientist Arize, spending an unknown amount of time being trained in sorcery and cybernetics, not to mention mutated.

* 2015 ish : First sightings of Spiral on Earth, associated with Mojo's plans, and also for those in the know the pro-priestess of the Body Shop, selling cybernetic expertise to the highest bidder.
* 2018 : Defeated by Rita Wayword and others in Los Angeles, retreats to the Mojoverse and is eventually pursued, but ends up capturing Rita and driving the other heroes off with Mojo's help, rather than being defeated.
* 2020 : Escapes the Mojoverse after some sort of disagreement with her boss. Is banished / flees to Earth, temporarily at least independent.

( There's no original Rita Wayword in this timeline any more, she vanished in 2018. Though I suppose if Spiral came back, a Rita could also come back too and coexist again. Time travel, it's all so confusing... ).

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She might not actually remember her own history very well. But she is at least somehow reminded of it in glimpses whenever she encounters something that she encountered in her skewed past. It tends to make her angry and lash out at things, but there's also a vulnerability there, on some level remembering a happier, two armed time.

Spiral has had a long career in the movies, in one way or another, and has a flair for drama. Whether it be a pithy comeback or an overly dramatic speech, fundamentally she likes to put on a show, even if it is quite often at the expense of other people.

Despite being a sidekick for much of her existence, Spiral is not naturally given to be accepting of authority. When forced to do so by a greater force she's makes for a particularly snarky minion, though she rarely goes as far as outright defiance, instead taking out her annoyance on her as-directed opponents. When given her freedom, she tends to do her own thing, even at the cost of legality or comfort, at least partly because she finds it impossible to really relate to people in her alien state.

Spiral's has been through a lot. Originally actually of heroic inclination, her mind has since been forcibly evolved to perceive other dimensions, and then for an unknown amount of time she was enslaved by Mojo. Her attitude varies from outright villainy - generally under Mojo's influence - to simply wanting to survive, to even, in rare cases, having a genuinely protective bond with someone.

Character Sheet


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Alien Body:
Spiral's six arms are each fully functional and she can use each one with equal dexterity, whether it be using six swords at once, or as part of an elaborate and intricate dance routine. Her physical abilities - strength, speed and toughness in particular - are mildly supernormal thanks to a combination of genetic tweaking and cybernetics.

Immune To Possession:
Spiral's warped mind is seemingly immune to effects that control her mind or steal her powers.

Spiral Magic:
Her primary power, Spiral is a powerful sorceress with a particular affinity for dimensional magic. Her spells are always controlled by movements of her many hands, sometimes forming part of an elaborate dance routine. While she has considerable power, the more powerful the spell, the longer it takes to cast, and sometimes requires her to be holding her swords. Her signature spells include...

* Teleportation, especially. Her main power, she's often used as transport for other people. Though she resents being a glorified taxi cab.
* Manipulating energy
* Invisibility
* Magical disguises
* Shape shifting
* Energy shields
* Stunning or paralysing her victims, though her spells have to actually hit them to do so
* Removing superhuman abilities
* Creating small pocket dimensions and accessing them
* While working for Mojo she can channel his own power, becoming capable of greater feats such as easy interdimensional and possibly even time travel. Her magic also generally becomes more powerful across the board.

Spiral is also aware through some mystical means whenever her name is mentioned - including somehow filtering out mundane uses of the word 'spiral'.


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Expert Swordfighter:
Spiral would be a deadly swordswoman if she just had two arms, but with six fully coordinated ones, she's beyond deadly. She's generally capable of handling multiple deadly combatants at the same time in physical combat.

Spiral has a twisted genius and has been trained in alien science. Her skills particularly focus on the use and abuse of cybernetics and genetic engineering - she takes a certain relish in doing to other people what was done to her, especially when they come to her willingly, not fully appreciating the cost. She also has considerable, if specialised, magical knowledge, especially concerned with magic that controls, crosses and creates otherworldly dimensions and pocket universes.

She was once a professional and sought after stuntwoman. While she rarely has to crash a car in a spectacular fashion as a movie requires, she's still capable of doing it.


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Body Shop:
Spiral has access to the Body Shop, a sort of bazaar of scientific gadgets and toys especially concerned with cybernetics and biotechnology. She has used this in the past to turn people into superpowered cyborgs, usually charging great sums to do so. She can also fix people, either cyborgs or not, if she has access to her Shop.

She possesses two swords of alien metal. These are stronger than any (conventional...) earthly metal.


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Bad Rep:
Thanks to past escapades plenty of people have a reason not to like Spiral. While generally the worst stuff was as a result of her being an agent of Mojo, people might not be too discriminating about that - especially if was them or someone close to them that Spiral screwed over.

Currently having "escaped" from Mojo and dumped on Earth, she has nothing. Aside from the Body Shop and her personal possessions (clothes, swords...) she's got very little. It's not like she can or has the personality to get a bank account and a job. Her interactions with mundane resources are limited to the basics - food to eat, somewhere to lair, the end. And no minions.

She is ultimately a slave of Mojo. Sometimes her attitude means he banishes her to Earth, but he can just as easily re-enslave her again. Her powers are derived from his, and she cannot directly stand against him.

With six arms and and a shattered mind, she won't be fitting into human society ever again. Her personality is such that she always considers herself an outcast even if people are accepting of her appearance (and her past). If she found herself in a team of some sort she would be the most unhelpful, snarky and unmotivated member of it, though she has formed bonds with individuals in the past on a one on one basis.

Throwing all cares to the wind is probably the main reason why she has been defeated so many times in the past, with divided loyalties as the close second.



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Spiral has 87 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
The right vibe for the wrong business May 31st, 2024 Spiral is up to some summoning, and is surprised by the arrival of the ruler of Hell. She shares some words, tries to be sassy. She winds up being the one to vacate the room though, flustered and needing a breath of fresh asteroid air.
Removing A Threat to Mutant Kind May 31st, 2024 The strike team assaults the Friend of Humanity's secret stolen Brainiac factory, taking out the guards and two working Sentinels before the entire location is blown to kingdom come.
Fancy Trouble April 19th, 2024 In an unexpected twist, Selene gets not one but TWO sword wielding scrappers under her wing in a single encounter. Surely this can only end well for everyone involved.
Mutant Field Trip April 10th, 2024 The Field trip does not go according to the script. The abducting and coaxing of attendees does, but everything after that hits a few potholes on the way to the mysterious destination intended to wow and amaze. Interdimensional uh-ohs catch wind of the transdimensional trip, after dodging some pesky authorities. Always trying to stay ahead of the consequences for a wild and fun future is risky. Through some valiant defense, the creatures are held off while the ripcord on the engine is pulled and the Bus comes in for a sandy landing in strange place. What sort off solutions can be found to get home, and whether the nearby saloon has something worth lingering in, are to be revealed.
MojAD Blockers April 9th, 2024 Spiral crash lands into the GIRL building, bringing with her a helmet spewing spamware and commercials from Mojoworld. Unable to remove it herself, she's lucky enough to crash near Vivian, who can rather effectively remove the headgear. Spiral parts ways maybe promising someone will pay for damages, and probably comes off as dismissive and abrasive. She's hard to like, but does remember when she owes favours.
A Smashin' Business Proposal April 5th, 2024 Many faces are seen, punches are thrown and a violent but potentially lucrative business opportunity begins.
Assassin's Ball March 17th, 2024 The Assassin's Ball in the Aegean Sea, mingling and making friends, and shrimps consumed by the Yeen-load.
Triggers and Sniggers February 29th, 2024 Spiral sets a spicy ambush for X23, offering forth a briefcase of trigger scent as bait. But when Laura reaches the roof, it turns out it's more of an audition. Spiral and her surviving Reavers depart via her portal but offer the prospective of teaming up later a possibility.
What can I do to you, I mean for you. February 2nd, 2024 Spiral invites Tigra into her Body Shop after some attackers try and get the better of the Avenger. Within Spiral's sanctum, spells are woven upon her guest. What starts as a game of mirror-mirror becomes more literal. The results are Tigra gaining some extra limbs to experiment with, courtesy of magic. That the changes were so well received speaks of a deeper mystery that demands more experimentation.
Mystical Mingle - Open Night at the Sanctum January 13th, 2024 Stephen Strange opens the Sanctum for guests for the first time in ages. Mingling was performed and conversations were had, both above and below tables.
Dredging dark places November 21st, 2023 Closing out old scene
Today's Your Lucky Day October 25th, 2023 The X-Men (and friends) encounter Longshot, but a threat from someone who seems to know him sends the newcomer into hiding.
Tiger Trap October 9th, 2023 Mutated animals are sent to chase and capture Tigra, but are introduced to a topsy-turvy situation where the hunters can become the hunted. As more of the creature try and converge on Tigra, Spiral just happens to appear and offer a means of quick escape. The two are transported to the Body Shop where sanctuary and sightseeing are on offer. And more.
Spiral's suspicious stalking September 23rd, 2023 Spiral stalks Lorna, finding her in NYC and propositioning her for services muchly required. She's patient enough to allow Lorna to finish her meal before whisking her offer without further ado. While the particulars are lacking a few important details, something very important is afoot.
Where at, Hellcat August 28th, 2023 Hellcat is abducted by Spiral for some perilous games in a pocket dimension. The promise of accumulated points suggests a prize. Hellcat excels at avoiding the worst hazards and traps. Was the game rigged in the end? Unconsciousness is the only prize so far at the end of this particular stage of what Spiral ultimately intends.
Spiral seeking Susan August 2nd, 2023 Spiral goes to confront Susan over her recent interactions with Franklin. After snitching, Spiral drops hints of dangerous doings afoot, tantalizing transgression to see what Susan's responses will be. The conversation takes a turn towards negotations and cosmic details that aren't for the Public's consumption.
UN: Shi'ar Treaty Signing Ceremony & Reception July 22nd, 2023 The Shi'ar formalize peace with Earth, and no one is assassinated. Some back channel diplomacy provides information about the war, while unfortunate strains of human xenophobia show through.
Target Found! July 16th, 2023 Spiral and Franklin meet. Only trouble could follow this.
Spiral Stalks Her Prey June 11th, 2023 Spiral stalks someone from afar and is accosted by Hellcat and Tigra.
Shopping for Components May 19th, 2023 Closing old scene.
Half a Dozen of Swords, Same as the Other May 17th, 2023 Stabbageddeon
Suicide Squad: Here we are, Pismo Beach, and all the clams we can eat! May 16th, 2023 Operation Atlantic City is a Go.
Good Sportsmanship December 16th, 2022 Wade steals stuff that doesn't belong to him. He loses a hand and makes an enemy.
Whiskey, Rum, Scotch, and A Lot of Hands July 19th, 2022 Spiral manages to piss Mystique off, but reminds the blue mutant there is more to life than lost love.
Time To Feed The Fish May 28th, 2022 Six o'clock on the nose, Mystique goes to feed her koi and happened upon Spiral performing dancing katas. They sit for a time and talk.
Attention: This is not suspicious May 24th, 2022 Spiral hires June to help rough up some FoH members, and Hannah ends up getting caught up in the middle of it as well.
She's Always Armed May 8th, 2022 Emma meets the Spiral, and there's some magic left in the trance.
Too Many Arms Catting About April 10th, 2022 Spiral plots ninja kidnappings!
Who Wants To Jump From A Sign June 5th, 2021 Jean, Nazo, Rogue and Cliff prevent a woman's media career from launching by
Magicking Magic Kingdom June 3rd, 2021 Scott and Tigra team up to deal with an ominous Spiral at Disneyworld, fending off the threat with Dole Whips and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. The Avengers hard at work once more.
Getting a Half-Life December 4th, 2020 Alyx Vance and Spidey foil a bodega robbery and have a run-in with Spiral.
The Dimensional Nexus strikes again! December 3rd, 2020 Alyx drops in at April's apartment when Spiral and Harley are lounging. Standoff ensues.
Aspiraling to Sally Forth. December 1st, 2020 Sally and Spiral find out they've met before and there's a surprise appearance from Rita Wayward! Wait, what?
Cleanin the nexus November 23rd, 2020 Harley is on clean-up duty after their adventure out of time when Ivy arrives after her own adventure mingling with Ace Chemicals execs. Spiral and her TROPES drop in and they mingle. Harley does dinner because she is nice like that.
Six Arms, One Brotherhood November 14th, 2020 Mystique recruits Spiral into working with the Brotherhood
I Keep You In, I Keep You Out. I Will Not Move, I Will not Shout. November 8th, 2020 Edward Nygma meets Amanda Waller,
Bank to the Future November 7th, 2020 Spiral, April and Harley make their way back to 2020 once more, via a bank. It makes sense to Spiral at least.
The Clown Prince of Crime November 7th, 2020 What's more fun than robbing banks? A visit to the Iceberg Lounge!
The Clown Princess of Crime November 6th, 2020 April, Harley and Spiral go back in time to avert shenanigans. Part 1 is April making sure Old Harley doesn't get in the way. Which she does with her vast knowledge of Harley's fave movies.
Karaoke is back in town, baby! November 5th, 2020 Karaoke, dancing, and Spiral's resume in a bar.
What Kind of Circle Never Ends November 4th, 2020 Spiral and Harley Quinn appear out of no where to question Edward Nygma. Even now, he has no idea what they were trying to recruit him for is the Suicide Squad, but it seems he's agreed to an additional meeting. Perhaps with The Wall herself.
The great game! November 3rd, 2020 Togther we will save this city!
April's Apartment : Multiversal Temporal Nexus November 2nd, 2020 April's apartment is a temporal nexus as well as a multiversal one. After it gets wrecked the three go back in time, to save the Joker!
Six Peace Signs October 31st, 2020 Wade and Spiral make peace.
Dancing with the Stars: Wildways Edition October 29th, 2020 (Note: This happens the day after scene 3760)

Turns out there was magic in the drinks and Harley got a bit of it. By works of strange magics, coincidence, and copying Spiral's dancing patterns she teleports herself, Spiral and Aimee to the Wildways where, of course, chaos ensues. And they meet Spiral's nemesis, Swift Vengeance!

Group Therapy October 27th, 2020 Dr Kat the television personality finds the wrong trio to try group therapy on. Chaos ensues.
The Search for the Lair October 25th, 2020 Clock King and Spiral meet and Clock King finds his old lair
That's What I Want October 24th, 2020 Spiral runs into Negasonic and Surge in the Study Hall, and learns just why it's dangerous to push the button.
Bubblegum and Karaoke October 22nd, 2020 Harley drags Spiral down to the Sing Sing bar for karaoke where Spiral and Aimee literally crash heads together! Harley comes to the rescue with some 'Get Lucky' and then they find out what more about their new friend.
Cyborg Wars October 20th, 2020 Spiral tries her hand at marketing the Body Shoppe through the medium of cyborgs brutalising innocent boxers. And is stopped.
Is That A Turtle October 19th, 2020 A dragon's slumber is disturbed, and heroes save the day from its wrath.
It Comes From Behind:Part 2 Whispers in the dark October 19th, 2020 A demon wants blood, but his land is seen. Now clues to find, one body to examine.
Six Leagues Over The Pool (And Other Arm References) October 18th, 2020 Wade, Harley, and Spiral all bond over their abnormalities, and vow to believe in themselves and that they're human after all!
Waller's Headache. October 15th, 2020 Spiral is put on the spot when Waller discovers what she has been doing at prison grounds. Luckily there will be a mission where she will be able to redeem herself! Debrief is made to both Spiral and Deadpool about it. The 'audience' app gasps in anticipation!
Spiral Productions : the Great Escape October 14th, 2020 Slips finds herself stuck in a prison. But is it just a movie? Either way, she escapes, and the ratings were good.
ZZGU: Suicide Squad Edition October 13th, 2020 The Suicide Squad is assembled once again! They go into a camp full of nazi-cultists, get slimed, pursued by tanks, shot with miniguns but miraculously come up on top and do the mission.

RIP Jawmaw and Mysterious Ninja.

It was just a Halloween costume tryout! October 13th, 2020 Halloween costume tryouts chez April goes astray when a wild Spiral appears for a long due visit! They meet and arrange dinner. Spaguetti! And Spiral gets the drinks from her old friend Elizabeth.
It comes from beyond:Do that Funky Dance October 12th, 2020 Ritual goes off at a halloween party. Something awakens into this world.
Prison fun times! October 11th, 2020 Team bonding exercise at Belle Reve With Spiral, Harley and Cole! Harley doesn't remember how she got here...! Hard partying the other night. But they decide on what Cole's title will be. Colonel Cole!
What the Hey October 10th, 2020 Blue Beetle... caught in a Downward Spiral?
When the Doctor is away the mystics will play October 9th, 2020 Strange is missing, a magical frat party has broken out. A couple of couples show up and enjoy in the dancing and festivities.
Don't mess with the clown! October 8th, 2020 Spiral angers the clownette, so she shows her a bit of what makes her so feared! Then try to have a moment but the stupid prison guards and the inmates just won't shut up!
Spiraling Down October 7th, 2020 Spider-Man crosses paths with an eight-limbed non-spider.
Spiralling trouble at the docks October 5th, 2020 Gambit + Rogue battle with Harley + Spiral over some criminal dirtbag. Waller ends up getting the dirtbags body, but whether its alive or not, is anybody's guess.
The Mouth meets the Spiral October 4th, 2020 Turns out Spiral is a Deadpool fan. THINK OF THE RATINGS
A Strange day October 3rd, 2020 Strange meets Harley + Spiral. Rocky start, strange finish.
The First Thing... October 2nd, 2020 First evening at Belle Reve for Spiral. Good news is there is gumbo at the cafeteria.
Around the World October 1st, 2020 Around the World. By Daft Punk
The new Squad starts to be formed October 1st, 2020 Welcome to the Suicide Squad, Spiral.
Down with the Ship September 30th, 2020 Spiral, arriving on ship to dance, finds herself with a different partner. There is in fact dancing, and a lot of salt water in awful places.
I Guess We Could Maybe Prevent Forest Fires September 30th, 2020 Levian and Spiral meet at a forest fire!
Reggie just wants a sandwich! September 30th, 2020 Reggie has a very bad day, with Spiral's help.
Intruder alert September 29th, 2020 Someone parking outside the Body Shop now? NYC needs more wardens
Hangin' with the 'Borgs September 28th, 2020 Harley has *more* gifts for Spiral! Including a bat! But they are interrupted by a couple of cyborgs unhappy with how Spiral treated them... They intervene to save some innocents and while Harley gets to kick some ass Spiral actually talks one down from a fight! Impressive! Also, GROUP SELFIE!
In the Darkness someone Dances September 27th, 2020 Spiral meets a new teleporter.
HI BETSY September 26th, 2020 Spiral shows up in Betsy's nightclub. This time Betsy and a lighting technician are actually present. A lawyers card is exchanged, and then Betsy makes Spiral sound like she's awesome!
Children of the Atom : Black Canary DLC September 24th, 2020 Spiral and Dinah fight it out atop a truck.
Was it the Egg or the Bacon that came first September 23rd, 2020 Harley brings Spiral to Versailles, one of her favorite grease spots. They have Harley's favorite sandwich! And Spiral gets to ask Harley some questions about her past while Harley makes Spiral uncomfortable with her own questions!
A few bad men. September 22nd, 2020 Spiral gets invaded by idiots, two are get captured, one turns up in the bay.
Bully spirals down to the Shop September 22nd, 2020 Surprisingly pleasant, Spiral and Bullseye seem to get on...
Dancing down the spiral September 21st, 2020 A scared Reggie meets with Spiral. New Body Shop in Hell's Kitchen, good times for all.
The Harley Pizza Delivery Service! September 21st, 2020 Harley comes bearing gifts for Spiral along with Bud and Lou. Pizza and movies are a no go. But a vynil record player and a new outfit are a go! They also talk about Spiral's origin story. Mojoverse is weird!
An unwlecome investigator... September 20th, 2020 Spiral driven off, Jackson's diary stolen, Psylocke stops the cyborgs!
Cyborgs in New York September 19th, 2020 Some cyborgs get whacked. Spiral and Alexander have a chat.
Body Shop Lifting September 19th, 2020 The Body Shop is almost back in business!
Deals in the dark September 18th, 2020 Meeting to make a deal, coming to a long term agreement.
The Dancing Star September 17th, 2020 Harley and Spiral do an impromptu duo for a dancing competition at the Sion. Go team!


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Spiral has 87 finished logs.

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Spiral has been credited in 0 shows.

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Spiral has been credited in 0 albums.

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Spiral has authored 0 books.

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