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Revision as of 23:03, 26 April 2020
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Sam Wilson (Scenesys ID: 703) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Samuel Thomas "Sam" Wilson | ||
Superalias: | Falcon | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Human | ||
Occupation: | SHIELD Agent/Avenger | ||
Citizenship: | US Citizen | ||
Residence: | Avengers' Mansion | ||
Education: | USAF Pararescue | ||
Theme: | Marvel (FC) | ||
Groups: | Avengers, Happy Harbor, SHIELD | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 34 | Actual Age: | 34 |
Date of Birth | 23 September 1985 | Played By | Anthony Mackie |
Height: | 6'2" | Weight: | 180 lb |
Hair Color: | Black | Eye Color: | Brown |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: |
Character Info
Having grown up in one of Harlem's worst neighborhoods, Sam Wilson saw both of his parents pass while he was relatively young. After taking a wrong turn in his life, he sought to make things right after one too many near misses. A military veteran and counselor, Sam Wilson's perhaps most known as the Aerial Avenger, Falcon, where he serves as a hero in his own right and Captain America's wingman.
* 1985 - Sam is born to Paul Wilson, a minister, and Darlene Wilson in Harlem, New York City. In his youth, Sam was a happy child that enjoyed birds - at one point he had the largest pigeon coup in Harlem and had taken up training pigeons to do tricks.
* 2001 - After spending many of his younger teenage days feeling jaded after many encounters with racism and in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, Sam refuses to join his father's church on his 16th birthday, claiming his parents are ignorant for their faith. Instead of arguing with him, his parents provide him with books on different religions and comparative theology to help him find a direction. The following day, Sam's father is killed trying to break up a neighborhood fight. Sam is never able to reconcile with him.
* 2003 - Darlene Wilson is shot and killed by a mugger two blocks from their home. Consumed by grief and "angry with the world", Sam turns his back on his past as a respected community volunteer and became known as "Snap" Wilson, working his way up from a simple messenger teen to an adult mob enforcer.
* 2005 - After one too many close calls, Sam decides he needs a new direction in life, and how wrong the path he is on was. That was something that he couldn't do in Harlem. He decides to enlist in the Air Force, and easily passes basic training.
* 2008 - Sam volunteers for the para-rescue forces, going through advanced and specialized training. He graduates from NCO school and goes on several military deployments. He fought alongside some amazing men and women in that squad, lost most of them, but saved a lot of lives in the process. This brought a newfound light to Sam's life. A new purpose. He realized just how important one person's help could be. During one of these missions, Sam comes across an abandoned baby hawk in the mountains of Afghanistan. Unwilling to leave the avian to perish, Sam takes it in and nurses it back to health. The hawk forms a rapport with Sam, and he names it 'Redwing'.
* 2016 - While on a mission to rescue a Marine team that had been ambushed, tragedy grounded Sam, though, when his partner was shot down in a botched mission. Sam barely escaped but he lost his wingman and he needed some time to clear his head. He is honorably discharged from the Air Force and returning home to New York, Sam set up a support group for soldiers and veterans struggling to readjust themselves to civilian life.
* 2017 - Leaving one of his group meetings is where he met and befriended Steve Rogers. Sam offered Steve his friendship more than counseling, perhaps due to the fact that he recognized Steve's face and wouldn't dream of making him have to show up to these meetings on a regular basis. Sam made sure that Steve knew to call him if he ever needed anything. Anything. Little did he knows what he would be asking for.
* 2018 - In the aftermath of Loki's attack and the scattering of the Justice League, in the months after the Avengers are formed. Sam finally gets his call. The call that came wasn't from Steve Rogers, it was from Captain America. A mission had went south and Sam was one of the few people that the Captain could trust to assist with this. The assistance went both ways as the Captain helped Sam reacquire the Exo-7 Falcon flight suit and together they completed Cap's mission and saved the day. Through friendship, trust and loyalty, the team of Captain America and The Falcon were born!
S.H.I.E.L.D., realizing that Sam has pretty much modified the Exo-7 to his personal use (and was even calling the drone 'Redwing' in homage to his pet hawk) and though about a dozen or so regulations were broken, the mission being a success earned Sam an audience with Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. The conversation was short, as it should be when one is coming into the meeting with a personal recommendation from Captain America. Sam was invited to join the Avengers, working directly alongside Captain America. Of course, Sam accepted with one small caveat:
"Count me in. But I want a new suit."
IC Journal
Dedicated Teammate:
Sam isn't necessarily a natural leader, but he makes a dedicated teammate. He once joked about his friendship with Captain America, "Don't look at me. I do what he does, just slower." Though he may seem "normal" compared to the superheroes and spies he works with, he's immensely brave and willing to risk his life for a cause -- or a person -- he believes in. Through it all, Sam always maintains his quippy, good-natured sense of humor.
Strong Credo:
Sam Wilson is a man that embodies trust, loyalty, respect and friendship. His time in the military has completed his turning over of a new leaf from the short-lived criminal antics he performed during his dark period. He's come full circle and has blossomed into the hero that he's been destined to be for quite some time. He stands by those that stand for the same thing he does. His life in the military as made him mentally strong and capable. He's definitely a soldier, he's experienced loss on various levels and has come out the other side stronger and more capable of dealing with bad things. He is strong enough to keep his emotions in check and focus his attentions on the mission.
The Champion:
Sam is outgoing, supportive, energetic, and understanding. He is warm, friendly and insightful, a people-pleaser, and sensitive to the needs of those around him. He posses closely held values and is always wanting to help those in a pinch or a bind. He'd use the dollar he was about to use on a bottle of water to make sure someone else was taken care of. He wants others to be comfortable and to have the chances he was given.
Character Sheet
Avian Telepathy:
Sam has the ability to telepathically and empathically communicate with birds that are within ten miles of him. he has limited control over these birds as in he can guide them in a direction that he wants them to go in and with some pushing, he can coerce the birds into an attack. But that is something he tends to shy away from instead using them as spies and surveillance. This telepathy can work with certain bird based alien species as well (Inhumans or bird based mutants, for example) but he can only communicate with those and not exert control.
A masterful athlete while growing up and then through his time in the military, Sam has become a bonafide expert in the field of acrobatics. Flips, tumbles, gymnastics and more are all well within the scope and skill set of Sam. His acrobatic abilities put him on par with Olympiads at their peak levels.
Sam is as comfortable in the air as he is on the ground. A more than capable fighter and acrobat, being able to combine those things along with flight and being in the air (when suited up) has made Sam into one of the world's best aerial combatants. Experimentation with his flight suit and constant training with Captain America, as well as his paramilitary training regimen has turned Sam into an amazing aerial combat specialist.
Art of Flight:
Sam Wilson has taken the art of flight to a new level. After spending so much time inside of the flight suit, Sam has practically become a bird himself. His style of flight is a lot different from most superhuman propulsion styles and is more graceful and bird-like, which gives him a style all his own. Flying with wings is something that he has mastered and could probably outfly even some superhuman flight types. It's not always about speed, after all.
Sam is highly trained in hand-to-hand combat techniques ranging from various martial arts, street fighting and a host of other techniques. He also constantly trains with the other Avengers in various martial arts on a regular basis. This makes him a significantly effective combatant, capable of handling himself against multiple opponents, trained opponents and even able to hold his own against some superhuman types.
?Not that he's trained or even has the credentials of one, but Sam is an excellent counselor and listener. He's been through so much in his life and can almost find a way to relate to anyone that he encounters... even the bad guys. Either way, though, Sam can listen or talk or give advice or don't. He possesses a natural ability to relate to people and that gives him more power than maybe even he realizes.
Sam is a master Falconer. He has been training birds since his youth, starting with teaching pigeons to do tricks and having the largest pigeon roost in all of Harlem in his youth, to his well-honed partnership with his falcon, Redwing. He's an exter trainer as getting birds to do what he wants them to do, or training behind the scenes for others.
Sam Wilson is an incredible marksman and has been trained to handle weapons of all styles and calibers. He excels the most with guns of varying types, but his marksmanship can be shifted to other accuracy needed venues as well.
Military Experience:
There's something to be said about a person that has been in the military. They have a different outlook on life and know things about other countries that most normal people don't know. Whether it is random geographical trivia or foreign customs or even just where to get the best alcoholic beverages, there's always something that Sam knows about somewhere he's been during his tours in with the military.
Sam's time in the air force has put him behind the controls of jets, helicopters and various other flying machines and thus he is a capable and handy pilot. In addition to simple flight patterns, Sam is capable of flying in combat situations and hostile environments. He even knows how to pilot a damaged aircraft.
Sam Wilson has all the training of a special ops soldier, as well as impeccable training through enlistment, boot camp, and the air force. He's been a soldier for the better part of his adult years and he's been one hell of one through the entire ordeal. This means he knows weapons, camouflage techniques, tracking, survival and various other military tactics that most top flight soldiers would know. He excels at paramilitary techniques and practices.
While not exactly a leader in his own right, Sam Wilson works very well as part of a team. He knows his abilities and he knows his limits, which allows him to work with others to the best of his ability. Whether this be simply spouting his knowledge during debriefings or counseling a teammate or even just telling someone how it is, Sam can be counted on to be there for his team. In combat situations, he's very well versed in various team oriented tactics and strategies, always where he needs to be for an assist.
?As an Avenger, Sam has access to weaponry, vehicles, gadgets, personnel... the list just goes on and on of most primary members of the Avengers team.
?Over the years, Sam has collected a number of contacts and allies on both sides of the law. He still has some contact with his old mob associates, though that is limited. He has people all throughout the military he can call upon for favors. In addition, he's also got veterans and other civilians that may be able to offer him assistance or information.
Exo-7 Falcon - Flight:
The primary purpose of the EXO-7's wings is to facilitate powered flight. Thrust is provided by three miniaturized jet engines, housed in the backpack. They provide something on the order of 1000 lbs of thrust, which is enough rescue a grown adult from free fall, and ascend, thus countering the rescue's downward momentum. The primary control interface is a pair of hand grips, mounted on the wings themselves, and are supplemented with a cybernetic link to a pair of goggles. For safety reasons, the EXO-7 has a built-in parachute, in case it malfunctions or sustains damage. Maximum speed is Mach 3, maximum range is 7500 miles.
Exo-7 Falcon - Goggles:
The upgraded version on the suit includes several enhancements to the goggles. They now have a built-in Heads-Up Display or HUD that allows its user to see in various spectrums and zoom in on the smallest of objects or the furthest of distances. The goggles also include a sensor system that tracks incoming foreign objects that could possibly be enemies.
Exo-7 Falcon - Overview:
The EXO-7 Falcon is an experimental, military-designed winged harness created for the Air National Guard and used by former paratroopers Sam Wilson and his former partner during highly sensitive missions. The EXO-7 features a pair of retractable wings for flight. In addition to simply being retractable, the wings are also highly articulated. While the first version was designed purely to facilitate flight and as such, lack durability to withstand ballistic impacts, the wings were vulnerable to high impact strikes and gunfire. The subsequent upgraded version featured armored wings, with enough durability to allow them to move and block gunshots and other attacks.
Exo-7 Falcon - Redwing:
A falcon-shaped drone that assists Falcon during missions. Redwing is stored in a compartment at the back of the EXO-7 and can be flown remotely via a control panel on the suit's left gauntlet. Redwing utilizes a specialized camera to view into 360 degrees and in multiple spectrums. It also has tracking software, allowing Falcon to be able to close in on hidden targets and determine an enemy's weak-spots. It is flown remotely and controlled by Falcon using a touchscreen on his left bracer. Despite being a purely mechanical tool, Falcon himself opts to treat it like an animal partner.
Exo-7 Falcon - Shield:
The upgraded EXO-7's wings are composed from a impact-resistant carbon fiber material, making it almost immune to small arms gunfire. By utilizing this and the suit's remote control pad on the left gauntlets, the wings can be programmed to form protective shields of various configurations by positioning the wings in a pre-determined formation. The wings can form a backpack-like formation behind the user, or be clamped onto the user's gauntlets and be used in a manner similar to the way that ballistic shields are used, allowing for Falcon to use his weapons while also protecting himself and others from enemy attacks. He can defend himself against many small arms attacks. While he can defend against explosive attacks, the concussive force can still harm him.
Exo-7 Falcon - Strength:
While the EXO-7 does not provide strength augmentation in the same way as the Iron Man armor, the control grips on the wings allow the wearer to augment punches and other strikes with the powered actuators of the wing. A skilled user can use the wings and engines to increase the momentum behind an attack. These attacks have been known to hit opponents so hard that they thrown backward by several feet, being struck with the force of a moving vehicle. In addition, the user could lift up and carry up to 500 lbs while flying. The tip of the wings are also very sharp and with enough momentum, can penetrate up to an inch of steel plate.
Exo-7 Falcon - Weapons:
The first EXO-7 harness includes two collapsible machine pistols that are stored at the traditional holster position at the user's hips. The user simply reaches for one and a mechanical aid worn on their forearm grabs the gun, after which it is assembled and extended into the user's hand for them to take. The current version of the suit shows several weaponized additions to his gauntlets. The left gauntlet utilizes a wrist-mounted dual emission machine gun controlled via clenching a fist, while the right gauntlet utilizes a wrist-mounted miniature rocket launcher. The suit later had miniature guided missiles stored on the topside of the jetpack that can be launched via the control panel in the left gauntlet. The missiles' targets are determined beforehand via analysis from Redwing.
A red-tail hawk that Sam rescued in the mountains of Afghganistan during one of his tours in the War on Terror, Redwing is a highly trained creature capable of hunting and fetching small items and finding his way back to his roost at the Avengers mansion. As of yet, Sam has not asked for an armor for the bird yet.
Technically, Sam is on SHIELD's payroll. He's listed as a combat advisor and experimental pilot. He draws pay on this, but he's also at SHIELD's beck and call if needed.
Captain America's Rogues:
Returning to active duty through joining Captain America in the Avengers has put "Falcon" on the hit list alongside Captain America's name. Whether it be random evil villains or the likes of HYDRA or just those that are anti-patriots... this makes him a target. Whether he can handle these things when and if they arise, that's the question of the day.
Flight Suit:
While not completely helpless without his flight suit, Sam does rely somewhat heavily on it to perform his heroic feats and keep up with Captain America and other heroes that are above and beyond mortal men's standards. Without his suit, Sam Wilson is not helpless, but he can be considered at a disadvantage.
Past Misdeeds:
There are those that remember "Snap" Wilson, and while Sam has put that part of his life firmly behind him - there are those that would attempt to use the criminal actions of his past to try to force Sam to look the other way for their own crimes. Or threaten to expose him as something less than the upstanding citizen he is now.
es?Just because he's jumped back into the heroic side of things doesn't mean that Sam can forget about his previous responsibilities. He's started a support group for veterans and they count on him for that. He also has family members to think about and how his returning to active duty may affect the time he can spend with them. Balancing the weight of soldiering on and civilian life is going to be interesting and complicated.
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Sam Wilson has
168 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Twelve New Students | March 16th, 2025 | Sam discusses the discover SHIELD made in Belgium with Morrigan and makes plans to follow up. |
The Youth of the Past | March 13th, 2025 | A SHIELD team arrives at an abandoned laboratory, and confronted with an old HYDRA plot - and now have to figure out how to handle it. |
There Are More Than One Way To Be A Hero | February 22nd, 2025 | Sam assist with establishing a veterans homeless support group at the Jamii Shelter, while Morrigan promises tablet and tutors. Jamii Shelter and Cinque have benefitting this night from the present of the Wilsons. |
She Sees In Colors That Don't Exist | February 2nd, 2025 | Morrigan and Sam discuss a student that has a not so unique problem and how to address it. |
I was strolling through the park one day... | January 16th, 2025 | Cold meeting in the park regarding stuff between Symkaria and Latveria. Pepper is brought up to speed for multiple reasons. One, mention it to Tony, and two, perhaps something can be worked out... |
Packing the Holidays Away | January 12th, 2025 | No description |
After Doom Recovery | January 6th, 2025 | It's the afternoon after a Doom attack and Morrigan is making sure Sam is alright. |
The March of Doom | January 6th, 2025 | Latverian war machines march on a Symkaran village a little over two kilometers away from the border shared by Latveria and Symkaria. Devastation is wrought, but the village may be damaged, but it can be rebuilt. The loss of civilian life is minimal due to the intervention of some of Earth's greatest heroes and Cliff Steele. |
A Wintery Date | December 19th, 2024 | Just newlywed Winter shenanigans! |
A Merry Married Christmas | December 7th, 2024 | No description |
Krampusnacht 2024 | December 5th, 2024 | Just a little Yuletide celebration! |
Happy Harbor: Game Night (Nov 24) | November 7th, 2024 | Game night for November goes off without a hitch! |
A Haunted Walk | October 22nd, 2024 | Sam and Morrigan go for a walk around Happy Harbor and talk about different things. |
A Good Rare is no Mis-Steak | October 9th, 2024 | No description |
Operation Honeymoon: Day 1 | September 29th, 2024 | No description |
Hunger: WAKANDA UNDER SIEGE | September 28th, 2024 | Hunger comes for Earth, and Wakanda proves to be up to the challenge. Heroes assemble within the African Kingdom, to help push back the Herald of Galactus. |
Happy Harbor: Civics Field Trip | September 23rd, 2024 | A class on Civics turns into a surprise wedding. Congrats Sam and Morrigan. |
Happy Harbor: Homecoming 24' | September 20th, 2024 | No description |
Putt Putt for the Heart | September 18th, 2024 | Sam takes Mo out for a golf date, and for once, there is no job talk. |
Marriage Blues | September 15th, 2024 | Sam shows off his dress blues, and he and Morrigan talk when they want to start their future - if Galactus doesn't ruin it for them. |
Just A Friendly Chat | September 7th, 2024 | Lucian comes to speak with Sam. No harm is done to either! |
What To Wear | August 28th, 2024 | No description |
Happy Harbor: A Little TLC | August 19th, 2024 | Morrigan is trying to get the front lawn of Happy Harbor in shape for Halloween. Sam stops by to help and Caleb also wanders by with ideas on the Galactus situation. |
What About Those Plans | August 12th, 2024 | No description |
Falcon Saves The Day | August 9th, 2024 | Heavily armed bank robbers in a shootout with police draw the attention of Falcon. He gets an assist from an unrecognized man. |
Lizard League: Helicarrier Hunt | August 6th, 2024 | The Lizard League attacks the Helicarrier with shocking results! |
The Wrong Fun Robin and Caleb Dykstra | July 30th, 2024 | Falcon and Morrigan go to Gotham to flag down a Bat-Family member. They get Robin (the fun one) and share the file on Caleb Dykstra with them. |
Important Questions On Both Fronts | July 26th, 2024 | Sam and Morrigan are enjoying some quiet time. She has a question for him and he asks her a question. |
Goblin Slayer | July 24th, 2024 | No description |
Gangs of New York: Bless the Children | July 24th, 2024 | One more battle in the war to save the soul of Hell's Kitchen is won while one more soul in Hell's Kitchen is saved. |
Discussing Caleb's Case | July 22nd, 2024 | Over a steak dinner, Mo and Sam discuss Caleb, living together, and underwear. |
GNATION: Trouble at Oscorp | July 22nd, 2024 | In a daring rescue at Oscorp Tower, SHIELD agents and heroes battled the Goblin Nation. Despite intense combat, hostages were saved, and the Elite Goblin Knight was defeated. The mysterious stolen device remains under investigation, leaving many questions unanswered. |
Pause for the Cause | July 21st, 2024 | Enough money was raised to nearly rebuild all of Hell's Kitchen between Illyana's rocks in the tip jar and hefty checks from Morrigan and Joan - but the most important thing learned? Stephen Strange should wear jeans more often. |
A Lazy Friday Night | July 19th, 2024 | It's only August and Morrigan is already talking about Halloween decor for the school and home! |
DAMN, it's the Brotherhood! | July 18th, 2024 | When Deport All Mutants Now (DAMN) tries to take control of a train with mutant prisoners aboard, they draw the aggro of the Brotherhood! Jaxon, Lorna, Clarice, Spiral, and Madelyne all attack to free the prisoners! Kid Devil and Mary Jane show up to help. It was sometimes awkward! |
The Curious Case of Caleb Dykstra | July 17th, 2024 | Caleb visits Sam to discuss his grades and his situation. Thoughts are made, plans considered. |
Surprise | July 17th, 2024 | Sam finds out about Morrigan's secret identity and they talk about some heavy stuff. |
New Orleans By Night | July 16th, 2024 | There is a magical disturbance the alerts SHIELD and WAND. Plus another. |
And While You Were Gone | July 14th, 2024 | Sam's resting after the oil rig incident and Morrigan gets him up to speed on the addition to Happy Harbor Schools. |
This isn't over... | July 13th, 2024 | SHIELD manages to, mostly, stop the oil refinery in Galveston Bay from going BOOM! Bucky survived, maybe Steve did too. |
Let's Talk | July 12th, 2024 | They expected a zealot, what they got was a psychopath. One name was the reward for all their trouble - a breadcrumb to be followed to the next. Oh, yeah, and Becker managed to survive yet again like the cockroach he is. |
Catching Sam Up | July 11th, 2024 | Morrigan catches Sam up on her death and what else had happened while he'd been gone. It's a lot... |
The Head of the Snake. | July 11th, 2024 | Sara and Sam make a go at being there for Bucky. They both figure out pretty quickly that Bucky is still Not Okay and probably won't be until the find the actual head of the EPA snake. |
Knocking it Out of the Park | July 10th, 2024 | Morrigan catches Sam sorting out his thoughts on things, and makes sure his thoughts about her are a home run. |
Happy Harbor: A Bird Returns | July 17th, 2023 | The Falcon returns to Happy Harbor High School after some time away. And of course he still has a job. |
A New Bird In The Nest! | July 16th, 2023 | Sam and Clea meet and...well it's weird for Sam! |
How To Resolve Interpersonal Conflict At Work | December 21st, 2021 | Jon and Cael are forced to sit down and air out their issues. By Sam. |
Post-Script: Christmas Trees | December 2nd, 2021 | Just a little matter about a missing spear, no biggie. |
The Return of Old Enemy Part 2 | December 1st, 2021 | Sam, Cael and Sara investigate the Thule Society's location in Elizabeth, New Jersey and find a trap for the Witchblade waiting... one that apparently works. |
SHIELD Nacho Night | November 20th, 2021 | A group of SHIELD agents converge on the recreation room for a night of nachos and margaritas and nothing really terrible happens, aside for the invention of a new form of chemical warfare. It all ends with a ghostly revelation. |
Rockefeller Christmas Tree Lighting | November 17th, 2021 | The Christmas tree is lit to much fanfare! Love and holiday spirit are in the air! |
The Doctor Is In (Medbay) | November 16th, 2021 | Sam checks up on one of his two new trainees. Jon passes on a message. They have tea. |
Training Days | November 6th, 2021 | Sam puts two SHIELD agents through their paces in an early morning training session. Falcon Jr. takes flight, and the Archivist throws some punches. |
Into the Zone: Great Falls | November 6th, 2021 | A rescue team of SHIELD agents enter an area of anomalous red fog on the Potomac River. Inside, the rules of time and space need not apply. This time, at least, everyone makes it out unscathed... except for their quinjet pilot. |
The Return of Old Enemy | November 4th, 2021 | The Thule Society is back, and apparently gunning for the Witchblade. A few items have gone missing from the Museum of Natural History, a few left behind, and too many questions left unanswered. |
An Avengers Thanksgiving | October 31st, 2021 | Steve invites a bunch of people to the Avengers Mansion for a Thanksgiving dinner. It was wholesome. Even Wade. |
Meet the Scrubs | October 28th, 2021 | Jon and Martin head to the food court as order by Chief Carter, and run into a variety of other SHIELD agents. Sam Wilson, Jessica Drew, Michael Erickson, and Jane Foster are all there, and they discuss various matters over food. |
0-8-4 Files: 056 | October 24th, 2021 | A deadly runestone is smartly and safely snapped up, then SHIELD gets the hell out of Russia before anyone notices. Hopefully. |
0-8-4 Files: 073 | October 24th, 2021 | Boston does not blow up in pursuit of a Daemonite flash suit, but SHIELD keeps up a vaunted tradition of destroying vehicles and property all the same. |
0-8-4 Files: 024 | October 24th, 2021 | An 084 is recovered, a man shot in the back of the head and... ghostbusting??? |
Non-Irradiated Boozy Brunch | October 17th, 2021 | Cael and Sam catch up over brunch. It's 5 o'clock somewhere on the planet, so brunch includes alcohol, which is maybe the only reason why they manage to have a whole discussion about serious emotional topics. |
Agents of Halloween (Special) | October 14th, 2021 | HYDRA crashes the Zephyr Halloween party to steal the plans and blow the base up with a nuclear missile. Dr. List personally attends to the operation with his goons dressed up as the villains from Squidgames. Too bad for them, SHIELD doesn't need their superpowers to kick butt and they soon take back the base and stop List once and for all. |
Happy Harbor: Operation Halloween | October 11th, 2021 | Halloween is in full swing. And Todd almost ruins it! |
The Black Eyed Children | October 7th, 2021 | Happy Harbor is visited by the Black Eyed Children. |
The Dollhouse: The Incident (Team 3) | July 30th, 2021 | While Agent Morse leads her team into the tower to rescue the people trapped within and Agent Couson leads his team to keep deadly Terrigen bombs from unleashing Inhuman hell on the city, Agent May leads a team of agents into the streets to prove SHIELD is still on hand when they're needed.
The Witchblade traps the consciousness of the Living Dream. Black Widow takes out a precog who doesn't realize just how important it is to know one's history. Falcon and Redwing combat deadly drones and disable the HYDRA eye-in-the-sky PR machine. Cale Becker defeats her very own supersoldier with a cleverly placed flashbang. And May takes out all her rage on Gayle Trueshot. (There's no way anyone could survive that.) SHIELD. Victorious. |
107th Regiment Military Ball | July 30th, 2021 | The 107th military ball is a big success, and Steve springs a long-overdue promotion on Bucky. |
Insert Clever Title Here | July 28th, 2021 | No description |
Housing the Winter Soldier | July 24th, 2021 | Steve Rogers approaches several members of the Avengers to broach the topic of formally adding Bucky Barnes to their roster. Concerns are raised, but the Avengers decide that he's worth the risk. |
Mo's Saving America's Ass | July 20th, 2021 | Steve's sick, Buck's freaking out about it; pastries suffer, Sam's stoic Sam as usual and Mo saves America's Ass. |
Saving America's Ass | July 18th, 2021 | They got enough to save Steve, that's a win right? |
Zemo's Not Entirely Wrong | July 16th, 2021 | Bucky shows up with his new tech, Zemo isn't a fan. |
R.A.B.I.D. Assassins. | July 15th, 2021 | An attempt on T'Challa's life is thwarted, freakin' HYDRA. |
I trust him. | July 15th, 2021 | Sam and Steve aren't so quick to trust Zemo is Bucky might be, but plans are made and, maybe, one of Bucky's biggest personal demons might finally be exorcised, at least partially. |
It's Always Time for Brunch | July 14th, 2021 | Two regular-ass people sit down for a regular-ass brunch. They definitely don't talk about HYDRA. |
The Package | July 13th, 2021 | Agent 13 briefs the team about something no one, not even SHIELD knows about. There was just a name. Time to do things Sousa style. |
Bacon Cheeseburger and a Quinoa Salad | July 13th, 2021 | No description |
Like a Freight Train | July 11th, 2021 | What's a little blood and gutting between Battle Bros? Bucky actually manages to walk away from an encounter with an angry Wolverine, but not without a little help from his friends and a LOT of help from Morrigan. |
The Dollhouse: The Enemy We Know | July 11th, 2021 | SHIELD comes together to celebrate the heroics of their agents and hand out overdue promotions. Extremely pertinent intelligence is brought to Peggy about the identity of SecDef Denver Maelstrom and an agent loses it when a key phrase is mentioned resulting in Peggy being violently struck by a lightning gun's blast. |
The Morning After... | July 10th, 2021 | No description |
Ultimutt Road Trip | July 9th, 2021 | Sam and Bucky catch up on their regularly scheduled capital-t Talks while on the way to pick up the one and only Best Girl Lili Barnes and bring her back home. Also, they have cheesesteaks! |
Killing can be Cathartic | July 8th, 2021 | Another Red Shirt down, but the team successfully gathered information on Project RABID, now what do they do about it? |
Jailbreak | July 8th, 2021 | Bucky ... pulls a Bucky and breaks Zemo out of prison right under Sam's nose without the Falcon having a clue until it was actually happening. The flight to Madripoor is a tense one. Zemo gets punched in the face. |
Madripoor Gets Its Cut | July 8th, 2021 | The Winter Soldier, Baron Zemo, Smiling Tiger, and Angel Eyes walk into a bar. Only one of them is real, even if Bucky takes method acting a little too far. |
First Aid and Big Damned T Talks. | July 6th, 2021 | Sorry, there's too much in this log to sum up in Cliff Notes. |
So, About Phoenix... | July 6th, 2021 | Sam and Cap meet with Cael to talk about her past. That is, until Bucky interrupts with a phone call... |
Departure Into Unknown Lands | July 4th, 2021 | Sam and Bucky go on a roadtrip! Nothing terrible happens for once, but they still need Morrigan to show up for a Hail Mo(ry). |
1943: The Trolley Problem | July 3rd, 2021 | Cael and Sam bond over a bottle of whiskey and their shared dislike of time travel. |
1943: Sam, you awake | July 3rd, 2021 | Buck's bad dreams drive him to seek out Sam in the middle of the night, in 1943. In the end, he takes two steps forward and only one back, progress. |
Code 084: 1943 pt.2 | July 3rd, 2021 | They think they have it figured out, but a roadblock causes things to go south in a hurry. Someone needs to tell these guys that there are other directions. |
Code 084: 1943 | July 3rd, 2021 | A trip back in time leaves the team wondering how they'll get back home, but maybe... at least one of them isn't so eager to see that happen. |
1943: How to Handle Bigots | July 3rd, 2021 | A black dude and a white woman enter a bar in 1943. I mean, the rest writes itself. |
Code 084: 1943 pt.3 | July 3rd, 2021 | The team makes it back from 1943. Everything's fine! Yeah... juuuuust fine. |
Take Your Medicine | July 2nd, 2021 | Shuri crashes the post pit-fight mayhem, and somehow triggers a reconciliation between Sam and Bucky - while Cael tries not to get in the way. But when did Bucky see Grease? |
The Lies We Told Ourselves | July 2nd, 2021 | In Mina, Nevada.. the four person wrecking crew comes to town to GFSF after knowingly walking into a trap. |
One Time, at Fight Club | June 30th, 2021 | Shit went sideways, is anyone surprised? |
Cry the Children: Endings are beginnings | June 30th, 2021 | The Beast is defeated, more heads spring up |
The Morning After. | June 30th, 2021 | Sam and Bucky disagree on a few things, it ends about as bad as it could end between them. |
Lurking Fear: Hellish Reef | June 29th, 2021 | A SHIELD squad and their FBI liaison infiltrate a rural Massachussetts town to rescue a kidnapped research team and a pair of bickering FBI agents from creatures that are decidedly not: inbred cannibals, chainsaw wielding maniacs, or aliens. What they are? TBD. |
Leave Your Monsters Behind. | June 27th, 2021 | Six hours of uninterrupted sleep turns out to not be enough to keep Bucky from trying to kill Sam. But at least it doesn't seem like Buck's going to carry the guilt around for six years, progress. |
Stand up and Fight | June 26th, 2021 | Several dead, one infected with an unknown bio-weapon and one fiery explosion. The good guys don't always win but the ones left standing will still fight another day. |
Outsourcing the Consequences | June 26th, 2021 | It's freaky Friday at the Playground when roles are reversed between Sam and Bucky, but Buck? Well, he ain't no councilor. |
Lay Down and Die | June 26th, 2021 | They thought they could just go back and regroup after gathering some samples, little did they know that the time to stand up and fight was upon them. |
The Framework: Insane in the Mainframe (Insane in the Plane) | June 25th, 2021 | The rogue AI that caused HYDRA so much trouble 2 years ago is back, thanks to Sky Commander Morse. Their assault on the Triskelion is devastating and their victory surely final. If only AIDA wasn't the key master and the gate keeper of everything in the Framework. One hack too far and it all comes toppling down. But not for AIDA.. now AIDA has learnt something new and truly improbable: free will. Sorry not sorry Radcliffe. |
Really Buck | June 24th, 2021 | After finishing business in PA, Bucky finally takes Sam to the Playground. Breakthroughs happen, progress is made... and a vacation planned. |
Winter Pays his Tab | June 23rd, 2021 | No description |
Once Upon a Dr--Nightmare | June 22nd, 2021 | Things you shouldn't do to avoid dealing with your trauma: a. eat your feelings, b. drive recklessly, c. get black-out drunk. Things that Bucky and/or Sam do in this scene: all of the above. Featuring a brief cameo by Steve Rogers! |
Sorcerers vs. Wizards: 1pt to Bucky. | June 21st, 2021 | The boys get all healed up by Morrigan before they storm the castle to rescue Tyler. Bucky wins this round in Sorcerers VS. Wizards, but was he joking about Sarah or not?! ...and will Bucky see Sam first and avoid the promise of 'talking later'? |
Breaking Point, Sam's or Bucky's | June 21st, 2021 | J'onn sweeps in for the rescue, it's a good thing too because the answer is both. |
The Framework: HYDRA Aftermath Reloaded | June 20th, 2021 | People get medical attention. Bucky has shell shock. Clarice lets SHIELD keep the remaining mutants - for now. Poor Sara is caught in the middle. |
=It's time for a big T Talk. | June 20th, 2021 | Sam wins 1 out of 3 when Bucky finally falls asleep. |
=See, I told you. | June 20th, 2021 | Bucky keeps his word and shows up with Captain America (...and Sam) to convince Cael that he was telling the truth about HYDRA. She's convinced, but Bucky isn't happy with the turn the conversation took. |
Breaching The Fortress | June 20th, 2021 | The Order of St. Dumbass is foiled finally and Tyler is regained (sorta), but sorcerors are slippery. Kids are saved. The jury is still out on Wizards vs Sorcerors. |
The Framework: HYDRA Reloaded (I) | June 20th, 2021 | SHIELD defends against a massive HYDRA attack at the Sphere, successfully defending their trapped comrades against certain death.
This scene runs intandem with Scene 6645 'The Framework: HYDRA Reloaded (II)'. |
Happenstance or fate | June 19th, 2021 | Happenstance, or was that fate, bring Sam and Bucky together again for the first time since HYDRA destroyed SHIELD. What the two find doesn't bring anything anywhere near comfort. |
A Bit Of Poetry | March 10th, 2021 | Saeko ends up at a poetry slam where Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson also show up, to listen to a World War II vet share a pair of poems. |
I'm Getting Too Old For This | February 26th, 2021 | Carl |
Nihil's Day Off | February 20th, 2021 | Sam Wilson and Nihil decide to get some grub in Brooklyn so that Nihil can experience a slice of normal human life. Batroc the Leaper shows up to complicate matters--but only momentarily. |
I Liked You Better When You Were Dead | February 8th, 2021 | SHIELD investigates a theft of prototype materials at the Port of NY. Things get explosive. |
Black Sun: The Fisher King II | October 13th, 2020 | No description |
It Comes In Pints | September 12th, 2020 | Hill, Coulson, and Falcon have beers in the Swordfish and discuss Mandatory Fun. |
Black Sun: The Fisher King | August 20th, 2020 | Sam Wilson begins his Grail journey. |
Black Sun: Glorious Summer of the Reich | August 14th, 2020 | Death and war gather at the footsteps of a necromancer wielding the Holy Lance. Now what? |
Agent Evals: Mission One | August 11th, 2020 | Agent Morse leads a team of SHIELD agents on a rescue mission into the Himalayas to retrieve an American businesswoman, only to encounter a mercenary gunning for the same prize. A stand-off ensues. |
Black Sun: Dissident Gardens | July 30th, 2020 | SHIELD saves a victim of the hateful ghost. |
SHIELD Staff Eval: Cecily Winters | July 29th, 2020 | Agents May and Wilson perform a verbal evaluation on Trainee Winters |
Recovering SHIELD Tech | July 24th, 2020 | SHIELD takes out an AIM facility in the Amazon forest, but faces off against The Preda... The Hunter. Three agents lose their lives. |
New York Minute: Presbyterian to Triskelion | July 20th, 2020 | Sam Wilson was weighed, tested, and not found wanting. Autonomous drones attack Agent Wilson mid flight, but he out manoeuvred them. |
Black Sun: The Image of a City | July 16th, 2020 | SHIELD goes to investigate a remarkable energy signature and finds one of their own viscerally murdered. |
Black Sun: Manhattan Transfer | July 15th, 2020 | The Grail is saved, but at what cost? |
Black Sun: Winter of Our Discontent | July 15th, 2020 | SHIELD enters the fray in Long Island and discovers the Third Reich alive, thriving, and growing. The world burns beneath the light of a holy relic. To be continued. |
The Search for Hulk: Part 1 | July 14th, 2020 | The Hulk was here, but then he was not. He went roughly that way. |
Genosha Burns: Avenger Weaponry | July 10th, 2020 | Tony's invention to stop Brainiac causes Tony and some avengers to have a stressful night. |
Black Sun: Bonfire of the Vanities | July 10th, 2020 | Bronx sacrifices end up smoked out by SHIELD. Paint monsters optional! |
JAFA: Just Another Flying Agent | July 7th, 2020 | Mockingbird takes flight and drones are caught mid-heist. |
Mojo's Arcade Legend: Summoner's Rift | June 30th, 2020 | Mojo and Arcade, channel 3: Summoner's Rift! Five SHIELD agents and Mary Jane Watson fight their way across a League of Legends map. |
Genosha Burns! Plan and Scan | June 29th, 2020 | A SHIELD team investigates the Bushwick crater using scanning tech from Tony Stark and Dr. Jane Foster, and locates a city bus that was shrunk to just a couple of centimeters in length. |
A Hellfire Masquerade | June 28th, 2020 | A Hellfire Masquerade Ball! |
Genosha Burns: Avengers ORGANIZE! | June 26th, 2020 | Various Brainiac info is shared, and plans are made! |
Epicenter: Hunting for HYDRA | June 25th, 2020 | SUPER SHIELD WANTS YOU! |
Wakandan Aid | June 24th, 2020 | A SHIELD team goes to the Wakandan embassy to ask Princess Shuri for her assistance against Brainiac's invasion force. |
Black Sun: Wicked and Divine | June 22nd, 2020 | A special display attracts SHIELD's attention, but something unexpected turns the theft-in-progress on its head. |
A Wild Wasp Appears! | June 21st, 2020 | A Wild Wasp Appears searching for her missing father! She has a wild tale to tell the Avengers and given the numerous shady elements in her past soon finds herself under house arrest awaiting a SHIELD investigation and paternity tests. |
Treading Water | June 20th, 2020 | Avengers enjoy some last relaxing moments before world events call for attention |
City in a Bottle | June 19th, 2020 | Sentinels attack Washington DC, Brainiac shows himself to the world through his drones, and his taking Mutant Town from NYC. Despite the valiant fight from our world's heroes, they had been defeated this time...but there is more to come. |
Debriefing is Always Fun. | June 13th, 2020 | Sam and Steve emerge from the workful atmosphere of the Triskelion for some gyros and friendly chitchat. |
The Mockingbird Takes Flight | May 25th, 2020 | Sam takes Bobbi up to test out her wings. The wings glow! The results, not so much. |
Drinks and Dinner at the Dragon | May 19th, 2020 | Sam and Nicole have a good date, and retire for nightcaps. |
Good Time to Meet at the Good Room | May 16th, 2020 | Sam goes to get a drink at the Good Room and meets Nicole. Their chat is interrupted, but taken care of - and Nicole asks Sam out for a drink later. |
A Missing Student Situation | May 13th, 2020 | Sam informs Morrigan and Daniel on Andi's abscences and they make plans on the next step. |
You Got Hit By A Raptor | April 30th, 2020 | Sam and Mo have a talk post attack. |
Happy Harbor: The Uninvited | April 27th, 2020 | A visitor to the school brings along a visitor of his own when threatened by the school bully. |
A False Alarm | April 26th, 2020 | Steve speaks with Bucky about the wedding-related contents of Janet's fashion binder. Sam stops by as well to check in on his friends and all are subjected to bad bird-related puns. |
THE Talk | April 26th, 2020 | Morrigan invites Sam over to talk on things. Things go well. |
Recovery Room Visitations | April 25th, 2020 | Morrigan drops in to visit Sam while he recovers and learn more about each other. |
This Scene's For the Birds | April 24th, 2020 | Falcon, Journey and Silk take down the Penguin... but at a cost. What happened to Sam? |
Hitting The Wall: Part Two | April 24th, 2020 | Morrigan's hitting a wall with 'fasting' and she lets Sam know what's going on, before things progress. |
Happy Harbor: Hitting A Wall | April 23rd, 2020 | Morrigan asks for Sam's advice on an incident. |
Happy Harbor: Talking To Alexander | April 23rd, 2020 | Morrigan and Sam speak with Alexander about a certain beheading. Things go well! |
Avengers Ultimates: Burger Edition | April 22nd, 2020 | On a night off, the Avengers take on a diner's challenge of eating a three pound cheeseburger |
Silent Night (SHIELD) | April 21st, 2020 | Superman meets with a mix of Avengers and SHIELD agents to discuss the shadow monster expanding out of Metropolis. |
What would you like to do when you graduate, Megan Morse | April 21st, 2020 | Megan drops in on Sam for some advice on the future. Unfortunately full-time superhero is not a college course yet. |
Happy Birthday, Avengers! | April 20th, 2020 | The Avengers gather in their back yard for Thor and Scott's birthday celebrations. |
The Hunger: Wings of Destruction | April 20th, 2020 | A surprise attack on the Stark Expo in Flushing Meadows leads to a pitched battle on the ground and in the skies! |
After Dinner Questions | April 20th, 2020 | Dinner goes alright and plans are made. |
It's been 782 Days Since An Attempted Lois Lane Kidnapping... | April 20th, 2020 | Taskmaster kidnaps Lois to draw out SHIELD agents. But was it a real kidnapping or was there another reason behind it? |
Post-Orientation Chatter | April 20th, 2020 | Sam drops in on Morrigan after the first day he's spent at Happy Harbor. |
Mistaken Identity | April 20th, 2020 | Canary gets pulled over by Falcon! |
Counseling Morrigan | April 19th, 2020 | Sam pays a visit to Happy Harbor about a job and has a good conversation with Morrigan and a trial run at the school. |
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Sam Wilson has
168 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Not the Opposite of Life, but a Part of It | June 25th, 2021 | Sam brings his mom flowers for her birthday and has an uncomfortable reunion with his younger brother. |
Entertainment Credits
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Sam Wilson has been credited in
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Sam Wilson has been credited in
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Sam Wilson has authored
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Group Memberships
Sam Wilson has been listed in 2 groups.