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Revision as of 00:00, 22 March 2020

  Miss Martian  
M'gann M'orzz (Scenesys ID: 650)
Name: M'gann M'orzz
Superalias: Miss Martian
Gender: Female
Species: Martian
Occupation: Student
Education: Tutored
Theme: DC (FC)
Groups: Happy Harbor
Apparent Age: 48 Actual Age: 48
Date of Birth 11 Dec 1971 Played By
Height: 5'7" Weight: 135 lb
Hair Color: Red Eye Color: Amber
Theme Song: https://youtu.be/WKRsRrbBXlI

Character Info


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Born and raised in a bunker miles beneath Olympus Mons, M'gann M'orzz is the sole output so far of an attempt to save the Martian species thousands of years after a plague scoured the planet. Inexperienced but determined, She's on her way to earth to meet the Martian Manhunter, and find someone who can help repair the Ark and save her people from extinction.


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With the start of the Burning Plague, a group of Martians had elected to establish a failsafe in case the worst happened. Miles beneath Olympus Mons, they built an ark for the Martian species: A bunker that would last milennia, banks of cryo-frozen embryoes, and a central computer capable of holding the psychic imprint of a living Martian to serve as a caretaker. Equipped with state of the art psionic shielding, the ark would seal itself off from the planet until the all clear was sent, or the plague burned itself out...
Millennia later, the Caretaker awoke to find that she had slumbered far longer than planned. Even the state of the art had aged, and the power systems of the bunker were running low. The cryo systems were self sustaining if undisturbed, and there was currently only enough energy to thaw and grow one embryo. Needing someone able to venture outside, the Caretaker initiated the growth cycle, choosing an embryo named M'gann M'orzz...
According to the transmissions picked up from Earth, M'gann M'orzz' birthday was December 11th, 1971. Her early childhood was fairly carefree, Caretaker wishing to wait until she was older before teaching her the tragic history of Mars. When the day came, a horrified M'gann decided that she didn't want to be a white martian, and settled on a new default green form.
To help fill the time and feel less isolated, M'gann also immersed herself in Earth culture, mainly what she could see on TV and hear on the radio in between lessons about Martian culture, and how to use her abilities. It's from here that she learned about the Martian Manhunter, and came up with her plan to visit Earth, and ask him and some of the Human scientists for help. Her human identity was also based on the main character from 'Hello Megan', Both due to the similarity in names (Megan Morse), and the martian girl's wish that her own problems could be solved in 22 minutes.
Eventually, M'gann's training was as good as the Caretaker thought they could teach, and the bunker's spare biomass had been used to grow a bioship to convey the young martian to Earth. And so she set off on the journey of her lifetime, to meet her heroes and maybe become one.

* ~5000BCE: A group of Martians establishes a failsafe bunker to preserve the Martian species. Miles beneath Olympus Mons, the ark was equipped with psionic shielding, banks of cryofrozen embryoes, and a cartaker AI based on the psychic imprint of a living Martian.
* 1971 CE: The Caretaker awakens, and discovers that the ark's power systems are gradually failing.
* 2001: M'gann is taught about Martian history, leading to her decision to hide her white martian heritage, and the creation of her green Martian form.
* 2005: M'gann convinces the Caretaker that their best hope to repair the aging ark is to visit Earth and enlist aid from the Martian Manhunter and human scientists. She creates a human identity, and spends extra time studying human culture.
*2020: Her training complete to the best of the Caretaker's ability, M'gann sets off for earth aboard a freshly grown juvenile bioship.

IC Journal

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Still getting used to interacting with people other than the Caretaker AI who raised her, most of M'gann's concept of social dynamics came from television and radio shows, especially sitcoms. Needless to say, she's very socially awkward and gets nervous under pressure in social situations.

M'gann's default attitude is undeniably upbeat. She's happy, and wants to share it with everyone.

Partially due to her empathic abilities, M'gann's senses of sympathy and empathy are off the charts. If someone is feeling upset or down, she'll do her best to comfort them.

Despite her people's tragic past, M'gann retains an inexhaustible hope for the future. Things /will/ go well, and she won't let her species die.

Character Sheet


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M'gann is capable of shifting the molecules of her skin and bio-clothes to bend light around her. This renders her nearly invisible when stationary, and visible only as a faint ripple in the air when in motion.

Density Shifting:
Density shifting enables Martians to grow less dense and phase through solid objects, or increase their density to increase durability. An advanced technique, M'gann is still working to master it.

Enhanced Durability:
A combination of native Martian biology and tactile telekinesis grants M'gann enhanced durability, with shapeshifting also boosting the rate her body heals.

Enhanced Strength:
A combination of native Martian biology and focusing her telekinesis on her body grants M'gann enhanced strength.

Another application of tactile telekinesis, M'gann can fly by lifting herself, which requires some element of concentration.

Martian Biology:
M'gann's martian biology allows her to survive in extremes of pressure and temperature, go extended periods without food, water, or oxygen, and her eyes are capable of seeing an expanded range from IR to UV.

M'gann's shapeshifting occurs on a cellular level, letting her imitate members of nearly any species, even non-sapient ones. Not restricted to humanoid forms, she can modify existing ones to add different limbs, and is only really limited by what she can think up.

M'gann can manipulate and move objects with her mind, with more simultaneous actions requiring correspondingly greater concentration. She can also generate telekinetic shields and shockwaves.

Martians are a naturally telepathic species. M'gann is capable of both telepathic and empathic communication, capable of forming networks of even large groups of people. In addition she can project mental 'blasts' useful for stunning targets or engaging in psychic combat, project illusions into people's minds, Control the thoughts and actions of others, and bypass language barriers for herself and those in her networks. Finally, she can extend her own trained 'psychic shields' to others in her network.


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To help pass the time when she wasn't training on Mars, M'gann taught herself to make a variety of human dishes and foods.


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The standard on Mars, these clothes are controllable with a Martian's shapeshifting ability.

A miracle of Martian biotechnology, Bioships are living starships sharing many Martian abilities, including camouflage, shapeshifting, and telepathic contact with their bonded partner. Fed sufficient biomass, they grow and expand over time and can manifest more complicated subsystems. M'gann's is a juvenile, resembling an egg the size of a washing machine when idle and an aerodynamic craft roughly as large as a sedan when active. Given sufficient time can assimilate alien tech and enhance itself. It is not currently capable of interstellar travel.


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A psychosomatic weakness programmed into the Martian race at the time of their split, being too close to fire causes M'gann to weaken and potentially lose consciousness.

I Can't Hold These Feels:
Being an empath in a society without well developed psychic shields being common can be difficult at times. Especially when you didn't have a lot of chances to practice before. Sudden strong emotions around her, especially from those she shares a link with, can bleed over or distract M'gann.

Sheltered Upbringing:
Being raised by an AI with your only exposure to Earth being broadcast media leads to a somewhat... lacking understanding of how the world works.

White Martian:
Unfortunately for M'gann, the history of her half of the Martian species isn't the best. If she had been raised in normal Martian society, she likely would have been exiled, and treated as an underclass at best. Fearing rejection and wanting to distance herself from her past, the facts of her true species are her most closely guarded secret.



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M'gann M'orzz has 115 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Hanging out with Oscar the Grouch May 21st, 2024 Jason invades The Roost to drink Tim's beer and play his video games. M'Gann shows up and ignores his usual surly behavior by bribing him with cupcakes. Is it a surprise that this works?
Too Cute For Words May 21st, 2024 M'gann cooks dinner for Jon, they decide to take their relationship to the next level!
A Portal Beyond May 19th, 2024 A portal to Mars is discovered and a powerful Quantum Terraforming engine begins to change the surface of the red planet!
Injustice For All: The Defector May 11th, 2024 The Justice League and their allies are drawn to an isolated and deserted airfield by an anonymous member of the Injustice League claiming to want to turn himself in. But is it all just a trap?
A Quiet Night Of Non-Heroing May 6th, 2024 M'gann teaches Jon how to do laundry. They have a lovely meal together, then retire for the night. Super nights that follow super days.
Jon Drops In On An Old Friend April 27th, 2024 M'gann and Jon will end up eating a cold breakfast. Worth it!
A Day in the Life of Heroes April 23rd, 2024 M'gann backs up Superboy in thwarting a robbery, then the two retreat to converse among the butterflies.
Injustice For All: Imma Gonna Make A Monkey Out Of You April 20th, 2024 The Justice League and their allies pursue the Injustice League to Gorilla City and face down the trap that Grodd has prepared for them...
Turning the Page April 18th, 2024 Lois and Jon share a bit of conversation and are soon joined by M'gann M'orzz. Secrets are revealed and things take a turn for the fascinating.
Unexpected Electricity April 17th, 2024 Tim is having a moment to himself and M'gann appears with just what was needed to cheer him up. They greeted each other single and left dating.
Lunar Colony April 17th, 2024 The first public gathering upon the Lunar Colony of Earth's first base upon the surface of the Moon! Drinks are had, speeches are made, and Lobo suggests a topless bar be added to the construction plans!
The Unpleasant Truth April 8th, 2024 Mgann tells Jonn about who she is. He accepts her despite the pain.
Hydra vs UN: Underground Breakdown April 3rd, 2024 Hydra bombs detonate along the Holland Tunnel, and a group of heroes from different walks of life have to team up to stabilize it and evacuate the people there, and improvise to prevent a collapse.
Injustice For All: The Assault On The Legion Of Doom March 30th, 2024 The Justice League and their allies finally track down the Injustice League's base. But their dogged foes might still have some tricks up their sleeves...
The Sweetest Thing March 25th, 2024 The young couple shares in the joy of their closeness.
Curious Revelations March 24th, 2024 M'gann tells J'onn about her and Jon dating.
Art, Culture and Being Green March 16th, 2024 Kyle and M'Gann keep their conversation going...and going...and going.
The Analysis of Coffee and Doughnuts March 16th, 2024 Doughnuts are eaten. Coffee is consumed
Cafes and Casablanca and Ice Cream, Oh My! March 13th, 2024 The date goes better than either of them expected!
A Casual Campus Date! March 13th, 2024 Jon and Megan share lunch on the quad and make plans for a date!
Injustice For All: The Assault On Belle Reve March 12th, 2024 The Justice League and their allies confront the Injustice League to try and prevent a mass breakout at Belle Reve.
Lord of the Monsters - Malevolent Surprise March 10th, 2024 Two Martians face off against a giant leviathan and must make a hard choice on how to handle something with a beast that cannot be redirected and poses an eternal danger to humans.
A Much Needed Homecoming March 6th, 2024 M'gann and J'onn have a nice reunion and make plans for more regular visits!
Zoom Zoom in the Zoo March 1st, 2024 Bart and Megan hang out
HUNGER: The Blackest Night February 10th, 2024 A delegation from the Justice League and their affiliates discover the scene of a Green Lantern massacre in the Crab Nebula. Who is responsible? And what will they tell the Green Lantern Corps?
I'm Not Sleepy, Promise! February 1st, 2024 Jon and Megan have a brief Facetime before bed, the next date is set.
Injustice For All: Isn't It Amazo January 28th, 2024 The Justice League and it's allies faces down Professor Ivo's Amazo android as the Injustice League tries to lure the white hats into a trap.
High Tea at Wayne Manor January 26th, 2024 High Tea is served, which quickly devolves into shennanigans and socializing as soon as Alfred's back is turned!
Seeing Green! January 24th, 2024 Gar and Megan share a 'light' lunch and catch up while they wait for the food to arrive!
Injustice For All: A Shadow Falls January 10th, 2024 The Hall of Justice finds itself invaded by the Heart of Darkness. Whispering shadows try to corrupt both the Leaguers on site, along with their allies and visitors.
Titans Tower Pizza Party! January 8th, 2024 Irie throws a pizza party to have the titans (and their plus ones) meet her boyfriend. All goes well!
Name this plz January 6th, 2024 From prior player
The Way of the Hegemony January 2nd, 2024 The unexpected journey to an unknown planet ends in a battle to free the people from a Hegemony ship and its captain Gn-Ga. Using Singularity to get back home, they now know more about the threat than before.
Moles on the Farm December 29th, 2023 Nick Nottles (who gets kidnapped so often he should get a punch card) hosts The Moles (Oppo, Norjak and Clem) along with the Outsiders for a rural Christmas on the Farm. You won't see everyone piled into a 'slay' looking for 'snipes', but you can imagine everyone piled in to a sleigh pulled by the local marvel, The Monster.
New Years Eve - First Date Edition! December 28th, 2023 Jon and Megan have their First Official Date... and everything goes surprisingly well!
A Quick Hello December 25th, 2023 Jon and M'gann exchange Christmas well-wishes... and the first date is agreed on!
Injustice for All: A Very Green Christmas December 20th, 2023 The Justice League and their allies look to thwart the latest scheme of the Injustice League before they can interfere with the world's financial system, doing untold damage.
A Surprise Encounter at the Christmas Tree December 18th, 2023 Jon and Megan meet, finding friendship with each other, and enjoying a bit of Christmas fun!
Where we are gods December 17th, 2023 Instead of ending up on New Krypton with aid, the team ends up on a strange planet conquered by the Hegemony.
Rogues Gone Wild: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall June 19th, 2023 Mirror Master, the Trickster, Girder and the Pied Piper join the growing list of Rogues who have attempted to rob the high-tech firms along Metropolis' Avenue of Tomorrow in recent weeks. But this time a powerful telepathic presence is detected as well. Could this be what is truly behind the whole, strange affair? And the Rogue's sudden indifference to human life as well?
Burger Blonde May 30th, 2023 It's a thing.
Rogues Gone Wild: Fire and Ice May 21st, 2023 Two of the more prominent Rogues attempt to rob a technology lab along Metropolis' Avenue of Tomorrow. Things don't go according to plan.
Sharing the Tea April 7th, 2023 Tea is had, old friends united, talk of organizing fights occurs.
The Title Of That Irene Cara Song December 5th, 2022 Sight-seeing is a fun thing to do, unless you end up being the sight being seen.
A Rare Respite of Relaxing Recreation November 4th, 2022 A few of the Outsiders catch up over eclairs.
Goddess of Hammers September 23rd, 2022 Thor Girl and Caitlin Fairchild stop a monster.
Not Quite Shakespeare in the Park July 14th, 2022 No description
Thor...Girl June 23rd, 2022 No description
The Unforeseen Consequences of Being Awesome June 2nd, 2022 Thor saves the mild mannered Megan Morse from a rampaging fire giant, little knowing just what he has inspired...
Thorny Questions May 21st, 2022 Laura reviews intel in the dining room. M'gann and Conner both stop in to say hi. They chat about recent developments with the Outsiders and M'gann fools everyone with her smile.
Zzzapp! May 1st, 2022 Two members of the Justice League face off against a brain-eating electro-charged psychic devourer.
Probing the Boardwalk April 10th, 2022 An impromtu gathering on the boardwalk is disrupted when a glowy flesh ball with tentacles falls from the sky. It is promptly sent to Death Valley before being returned to the sky.
A Case of Mistaken Mom-dentity March 19th, 2022 M'gann meets Gar. M'gann looks like a teenaged version of Gar's dead mom. Much flustered awkwardness ensues! And it's all solved within 20minutes plus commercials.
At the gates of N.O.W.H.E.R.E. March 16th, 2022 The Outsiders and their allies assault Colony Zero, defeating and capturing the bulk of the remaning N.O.W.H.E.R.E. agents. NPCs: Templar, Match, Bright Eyes, Hammersmith, Psykill, Windshear. All captured.
To Strike Back N.O.W.H.E.R.E. January 9th, 2022 The Outsiders and friends gather to exchange information. Viv is quite sure she has found another of NOWHERE bases. They will go investigate.
N.O.W.H.E.R.E. To Run January 5th, 2022 The Outsiders and their allies return to the Roost to retrieve Red Robin's stash of kryptonite ahead of the final confrontation with N.O.W.H.E.R.E. to rescue their friends and teammates. The N.O.W.H.E.R.E. agents left lying in wait for their return were not prepared. NOTE: This scene is forward-dated to some point in the future to avoid scene-lock. Date of Scene will be updated at the conclusion of the arc!
Picking up the pieces after N.O.W.H.E.R.E. January 4th, 2022 In the aftermath of the attack on the Roost by N.O.W.H.E.R.E., the remaining team has to reckon with the absence of Red Robin, Superboy, Balm, and X-23 while also protecting the Outsiders from potential discovery. Thankfully, with a little bit of adult supervision (and medical aid) by the Archivist and a surprise special appearance by Karen Starr, Honey Badger secures the Roost with the help of Impulse and Miss Martian. Injured and unconscious Bluebird and Pixie are both evacuated. NOTE: This scene is forward-dated to some point in the future to avoid scene-lock. Date of Scene will be updated at the conclusion of the arc! (This scene is still technically pending a future timing!)
Leaving the Roost December 22nd, 2021 Jon, M'Gann and Gabby retreat in the Bioship while realizing the extent of the situation at The Roost.
Outsiders, Meet Thoth Dad, MD December 4th, 2021 Wherein the Outsiders are introduced to the long-suffering Archivist, who has been brought in by Red Robin to provide informal mental health counseling, self care advice, and some basic adulting skills.
EROTEME: Less Than Zero December 3rd, 2021 Another piece of the Riddler's puzzle comes to light, and Mr. Freeze strikes the most brutal blow yet.
It's A Birthday! November 18th, 2021 A birthday scavenger hunt sends Harper across Gotham, before she's brought back home to the Roost to join the Outsiders as a full member. Also, there's cake!
Birthright: The Earth Moves November 12th, 2021 The Fantastic End of the Birthright TP. In the Village in the Reeds, Zatanna Zatara, Jonathan Sims, M'Gann M'orzz, Tim Drake, Chas Chandler, Lydia Dietrich and Bart Allen defeat Leksandria, the Lady in Red known as the Necromancer Asenath, and preserve the remaining knowledge gathered in the village's underground library -- now the birthright of Phoebe.
Scour From Existence November 9th, 2021 The Justice League discovered that what appeared to be a suburban nightmare hidden beyond the distortion in the Mojave crater was actually a hidden AIM facility transformed in the wake of a one-man raid by a mysterious, Scrabble-faced assailant. The team confronted the modified Adaptoid unit maintaining the environment and destroyed it, clearing the way to rescue the scientists trapped within.
When We Last Left Our Intrepid Adventurers... October 31st, 2021 The Outsiders come together for a special Halloween edition of a long-standing (and long-paused) D&D campaign. New members are initiated to the party, a haunted manse is explored, and ultimately the great, terrible beast lurking in the attic is slain. The group earns some experience points and a haunted orchestra of mechanical instruments. Plans are put in place for more meetings around the gaming table in the future.
Birthright: Shipping Into Boston October 29th, 2021 Zatanna Zatara, M'gann M'orzz, and Bart Allen show up to an Oddities market in Boston Common, and eliminate the rest of the cursed Shabti, dealing a major blow to the necromancer hunting Phoebe Beacon
Birthright: Cairo Connection October 29th, 2021 The Outsiders and Zatanna Zatara manage to break onto a truck, destroy the appropriate cursed objects
Birthright: Den of Sin October 29th, 2021 The Outsiders and Zachary Zatara journey into the Jackal's Den, a new Egypt-themed casino, to liberate more false artifacts stained with their Teammate's blood. Zachary retains status as King of Cheese Pyramids, Tim pitches a well-orchestrated fit, M'Gann brings all the Southern Martian Charm that she can and cleans the place out, and Gabby gives the manager a couple of
EROTEME: Lore October 22nd, 2021 The Bat-Family take on the Riddler's Hall of Death Traps!
Into the Shadows October 6th, 2021 M'gann comes to the Watchtower with a request for Batman and leaves with the first test of her new training.
The Birthday Party September 28th, 2021 Everyone shows up to celebrate Bruce Wayne turning 43. Beware strangers bearing gifts in salmon pantsuits.
Breakout September 25th, 2021 Catwoman, Ms. Martian and Batman rescue Red Robin from Apokolips ... sorta.
Alpha-Omega: Down Among The Dead Men September 23rd, 2021 Beneath Manhattan, the Forces of Apokolips emerge.
Tim Doesn't Actually Know Everything September 11th, 2021 Conner and M'gann get an update about an ongoing investigation from Tim-the-Outsiders-team-leader, and then Conner and Tim-the-person-behind-the-mask have a long talk.
A Brief Jaunt Home September 5th, 2021 Phoebe makes a stop to restock both her medical bag and her candy drawer. There is dissatisfaction, and the team meets Lonnie.
PoP: Murder in the Streets August 14th, 2021 A map pings trouble, John answers the call and finds a lot more than he bargained for - fortunately help shows itself in some unfamiliar faces. It's a win in his book, until someone tries to separate him from Meggan when he knows she needs him most. Chas winds up with unexpected house guests.
Outsider Saturday July 31st, 2021 It is Saturday morning at the Roost. And M'gann cooked ALL the food. She was bored.
Storm of the Century July 24th, 2021 The Outsiders are called to a hostage situation on the high seas! Yes, technically they fight pirates, and there are enough ninja-types on the team for the makings of a joke. Pretend there's one here.
Weekly Weirdness: Black and White July 23rd, 2021 If the first night The Laughing Magician is opened for business is any indication, Hell's Kitchen is about to get a whole lot hotter.
A Dick Grayson Birthday Bash March 20th, 2021 A birthday party for Dick Grayson's 27th birthday on the ritzy Lady Lovelace anchored passenger ship. Booze and cake and high society all in one.
Mystery Night! March 17th, 2021 The thief was caught! M'gann had unexpected help.. much needed! She's not good at this whole detective thing! But the thief was inside the store already, not much investigating needed! After a brief struggle, Cable and M'gann were able to tie him up, and determine whether he was alone. Laura called the cops and the day was saved! There was even a brief philosophical debate on morality!
The Martian is Back March 13th, 2021 M'gann is back to Earth and of course the Outsiders kitchen. So are burnt cookies.
They ARE the Brute Squad October 25th, 2020 Mary and M'Gann keep Grundy from stealing all the Halloween candy!
Three Meras Enter a Park... October 6th, 2020 D&D? The Meras join forces.
Umbrella, Ella, Ella September 3rd, 2020 Off for a walk in the rain, things go well.
On Matters of Security August 29th, 2020 There's a long conversation about security risks and breaches.
Mission: A Covert Rescue August 28th, 2020 Rescuing kidnapped metahumans!
Recon at the Spa August 27th, 2020 The ladies of the Outsiders do some recon at a spa. Miraculously, no one bleeds and nothing blows up - except those blow outs!
A Visit from a Large Bat August 24th, 2020 An evening of pool and socializing turns awesome when Batman shows up bearing gifts of new transport. Also, Hope shoots Batman.
What Evil Lurks In Yonder Waters August 24th, 2020 Two Megs, one ruined Lurker!
Movie Night August 20th, 2020 Movie night! Friends! Fun! Opsec failures! And some gentle mindwiping.
Hellfire Purgatory Teen Club Grand Opening August 15th, 2020 The grand opening is a hit! Drinking, dancing, socializing, loads of fun... oh, and a cameo by a very annoyed one-eyed security goon.
Something Just Like This August 12th, 2020 Burgers, conversation, a little drama, and plans for movie night.
A Tale of Two Changelings August 10th, 2020 Hopes and joys can be found all over.
Sunlight Heals All Poison August 10th, 2020 Conner's kryptonite shard is removed and his superdad gets him into the sunlight to heal. Afterwards, some small celebration!
Teaming Up Is Hard To Do August 1st, 2020 The new members of the Outsiders are introduced. Shenanigans and a new kitten!
Aliens Make Good Outsiders July 31st, 2020 Recruitment mostly goes off with a couple of hitches.
When Kidnapping Goes Wrong June 11th, 2020 The Order of St. Dumas tries to kidnap a new arrival to Happy Harbor. They didn't do their research. Wrong neighborhood guys.
Straight to the Moon May 13th, 2020 M'gann and Xiomara take a picnic trip to the moon.
Ghosted in Brooklyn April 24th, 2020 Crush and Miss Martian drop in on Spidey and they work together to save some people.
What would you like to do when you graduate, Megan Morse April 21st, 2020 Megan drops in on Sam for some advice on the future. Unfortunately full-time superhero is not a college course yet.
Happy Harbor: Science Fair April 1st, 2020 Happy Harbor's science fair goes off without a bang...or wait...several bangs!
What do Snarks have against Sweet and Sour Anyway March 31st, 2020 Aliens and humans meet over a bounty misundterstanding.
Happy Harbor Prom 2020 March 21st, 2020 Much fun was had by all and with minimal property damage!
Oil refinery havok! March 18th, 2020 The heroes arrive in time to save the day, disaster is diverted, and a strange Asgardian is found beneath the surface.
Green, White, and Orange March 15th, 2020 Miss Martian and Crush come for a bit of a meal and meet Koriand'r of Tamaran!
Punch Club March 14th, 2020 It's fight night in <Undisclosed Warehouse Location>! New Comers Kid Arachnid (Ben Riley) and Crush (Xiomara Rojas) fight in the ring while other faces look on with excitement!
Making It Home March 13th, 2020 Xiomara and M'gann share dinner, and admit something special to each other.
You Were Looking a Little Green... March 12th, 2020 Colette checks up on Megan after her rapid exit from class. Megan manages not to ask why the hell the TA's mind is wrapped in psychic concrete.
Roomies! March 10th, 2020 Xiomara moves into the Happy Harbor dorms and meets her new roomie and fellow alien, M'gann.
So You're Interested in Capes... March 9th, 2020 Colette and Sanjeev take a study group with Alton, Christine, Sam, Vivian and M'gann. Only two of them suffer psychological trauma.
The Burgers Are Out of This World March 5th, 2020 Crush and M'gann meet at Big Belly Burger and start to get to know one another.
Rah! Rah! Get Your Cheer On! March 5th, 2020 Spring tryouts for Happy Harbor High cheerleading squad. Bring your own pompoms. Swords optional.
Happy Harbor: Meeting A Niece March 3rd, 2020 Jonn brings M'gann to get enrolled in Happy Harbor.
Out of this world March 1st, 2020 Singularity appears in Happy Harbor just as Kate Bishop is doing an investigation & Shuri is sneaking out. Allowing a pair of aliens, a SHIELD trainee and an AI to experience just what it's like to be relatively normal in comparison.
Is Anyone There February 29th, 2020 M'gann meets J'onn, and they make hopeful plans for the future.


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M'gann M'orzz has 115 finished logs.

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M'gann M'orzz has been credited in 0 shows.

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M'gann M'orzz has been credited in 0 albums.

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M'gann M'orzz has authored 0 books.

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