Jennifer Walters

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Jennifer Walters (Scenesys ID: 455)
Name: Jennifer Susan Walters
Superalias: She-Hulk
Gender: Female
Species: Metahuman
Occupation: Lawyer
Citizenship: USA
Residence: NewYork
Education: University
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Groups: Avengers, Fantastic Four, SHIELD
Apparent Age: 32 Actual Age: 32
Date of Birth 13 Oct 1987 Played By Jen Walters=Thylane Blondeau
Height: 5'10"/6'7" Weight: 150/700 lbs
Hair Color: Brown/Dark Green Eye Color: Green (may glow)
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Wonder Lawyer Extrodinare helped shaped modern superhero law while breaking several of her own laws. General friend to many many supergroups as Jen and she-hulk and Generally trying to find her place in the world still.


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1987: Jennifer Walters was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. She was the daughter of Sheriff Morris Walters and Elaine Banner-Walters.

1989: Jennifer Growing up she was meek and mousy and had little confidence spending most summers with her cousin Bruce Banner To help him escape from his father's abuse, Jennifer and Bruce would spend hours in a public library, reading books to each other, and sometimes hiding at closing time to spend the night.

2002 Just as smart as her cousin At 16 enters attended UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) in law.

2007 Jennifer Becomes a full fledge Lawer in the office of Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg, & Holliway

2008: Agents of Nicholas Trask, a crime boss who had crossed paths with Jen's father, shot and seriously wounded her on a day when her cousin Bruce was in town. Realizing Jennifer was going to die, Bruce gave her a transfusion of his own blood.

2007-2018 Jen would interact and even become part of groups like S.H.E.I.L.D , Fantastic Four , X-men , Defenders .

2019-2020 Joins Avengers both as a lawyer and as a Hero to help when her cousin isn't around.

IC Journal

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For her cousin Bruce Anger is his Trigger for Jen it's a bit different she's more mentally stable than her cousin .. So for her, Both fear and Anger are her Triggers.. While she doesn't get as mad a fast as her cousin if pushed like him, her Anger has no limits.

Jen has a deep care for her cousins and her friends. She Value's Friendship deeply because of how she was bullied when she was younger. It's deeply connected to her sense of Justice and belief to make a just world.

Is for the most part like she looked most of her Life she's kind of Shy, Reserved Girl who likes her books and anime . It's only recently she's started to come out of her shell after learning that working out can make her stronger as shehulk.

Character Sheet


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the purpose of the hulk was to make a super soldier like Captain America to that effect she-hulk can Adapt to various situations given the right amount of time. She's been seen able to hold her breath for Hrs not just minutes.. Or adapting to environments filled with poison. Her cousin even adapted to being able to survive in space.

She-Hulk also has an ability like her cousin but seems to a greater degree to absorb radiations of all kinds, giving her a boost to her powers but often comes at a cost to her mental state.

Healing Factor:
while it's hard to Hurt Jen it's not impossible, but keeping her down is made even harder by the fact she's got a healing Factor while not on the level of wolverine. She's Even healed from getting disemboweled by wendigo. The bleeding stopped in about 8 min . the healing factor gives her immunity to all forms of disease, aging and makes her virtually Tireless.

Recently thanks to Doing Cap's and widows exercise program she's gained some muscle mass. But she's only as strong as a fit woman her size.

The Hulk, however, possesses some major strength. She-hulks Baseline Strength has always been higher than her cousins in any of his forms.. While her Anger or fear will cause her Strength to rise, it's not at the speed and level of her cousin. At her baseline, she is able to toss around cars, tanks, and boulders with ease. Now that she's working out her baseline continues to rise exponentially. She's beaten Thanos and ripped visions Vibranium/Admantanium Body in Half.

This Strength makes her a dangerous combatant. She can use her Strength to slam her hands together in a powerful "thunderclap", which creates powerful sonic vibrations and also produces powerful gusts of wind. her Strength allows her to create small earthquakes and tremors in the earth, which she can somewhat direct at foes.

She can mimic her cousins Travel via super leap Crossing Vast Distance using the power of her legs.. or even using that Strength to Run almost as fast as a speedster .. though she can't turn or slow time down like they can.. but just thanks to the sheer power in her legs she can move very fast in straight lines.

Shehulks Toughness is much like her cousin as a Hulk. She's able to ignore gunfire and most missiles don't so much as mark her skin . Like her cousin her Durability Even her Stamina are all linked to her mental state.. the Angrier or more Scared she is the tougher and less likely to tire .

While in her Base state it takes attacks of Tremendous power and force to hurt her she's not as big as her cousin, so she's easier to knock off her feet, Though in her base state she's stronger than him so harder to hurt least till his anger overshoots her power.


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Little known Fact is that Jen is almost if not as smart as her cousin, While she didn't go into the Science Field, she holds a Law degree and was smart enough and skilled enough to be called by the living Tribunal to serve as his lawyer.

She's also a skilled pilot learning during her time at the fantastic four and Avengers that she's licensed on almost all their vechicles.

when to UCLA School of Law where she was a member of the Order of the Coif, a national merit society for top legal scholars. she earned a master of laws (LL.M.) degree at Harvard and has been instrumental in Forming Modern Super hero Laws, to the point she was called by the living Tribunal to Serve.

One of the greatest gains Jenifer ever did from joining all those various supergroups was Training.. She's trained with the black widow, Captain America, even Gamora! And the brawling king Ben Grimm. All that has been absorbed and learned by Jen allowing her to be a rather accomplished fighter in her human shape and downright scary in her she-hulk form

Normally she just smashes but when facing stronger foe's like her cousin or even he's enemies like wendigo or abomination, She doesn't have the same level of strength instead she uses her agility skill combined with her strength to keep up with the boys who would normally overpower her.


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Shehulks Pride and Joy is her Custom Harley Davidson Motorcycle complete with a Stark upgrade so it can support her power and weight and the Just in case a Hulk happens .

the Advantage of being in a lot of groups is well clearance.. She has Avengers Identicard, giving her "Full Security Clearance". She's got the same for Shield and Fantastic 4 , If anything, she has even more clearance from the Fantastic 4 as she was a core member for a while helping out while Ben Grimm was away. She's also Reconized by Cerebro as a mutant some times

While Not a multi Millionaire Jen makes good money as a lawyer Especially since she's almost made Partner. She also has tony managing her money, so it should only go up.


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while More stable than her cousin, she has been of two minds viewing booth forms as different people. It was never long, but she's very clear that her personality as she-hulk is Extremely different to herself as Jenifer, She's Far far more confident and bold as shehulk. Much to her shame, it's also been proven that's she's far more promiscuous as she hulk .

For all her power she has 0 Defense against Magic other than her normal toughness and powers .. but she can't stop a curse or see through an illusion etc .

hile resistant to an extent in the form of the Hulk, Jen is in her normal form is no more resistant to psi powers than anybody else .. While as shehulk she has a bit of a two minds issues it's not as bad as her cousin making it easier to manipulate her !



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Jennifer Walters has 122 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
A Spring Fling April 12th, 2024 Janet throws a costume party. It ... goes well?
A Stilted Interview April 8th, 2024 Jennifer Walters has a surprisingly touching interview with her one (1) paralegal prospect after a disastrous encounter with one (1) Stilt-Man. Ruth doesn't know MUCH about the law, but that's okay -- the power of prophecy has led her to the one lawyer in the universe who hires based on feels.
Not An Imaginary Story April 7th, 2024 During a very official meeting at the Genoshan Embassy between old, green friends, the threat of an uncertain future looms over wine and pizza puffs. (Backdated!)
Hell Seared Steaks March 28th, 2024 A great dinner day for two powerful ladies.
Proper Technique March 22nd, 2024 Val invites Jen over for some pointers in using super strength for lifting vehicles and possibly other relatively fragile objects. Val's technique is pretty beginner, but some coaching goes a long way to learning to lift free of liability!
Terror Tuxedos on Trivia Night Tuesdays March 19th, 2024 She-Hulk tries to do a theme night with her best bud Captain Marvel. It goes about as well as you might expect.
Every child a winner October 31st, 2023 The last Halloween party of the night is suggested by Janet. Jen is all for it, Pepper is dubious until Tony finds a costume that goes with hers. Then, it's off to the party, and the entire Manchester United football club.
Themy-Scare-Ya October 23rd, 2023 We did the mash. We did the monster mash.
A Maximoff Birthday! October 12th, 2023 Pietro and Wanda's birthday goes off without a hitch...or well...almost!
Cakes in Fancy Dresses October 4th, 2023 It's Wednesday, which means Patsy and Jennifer are out to eat cakes in fancy dresses. Which they do! The waitstaff get in on it and their server is in a tux.
Barda and the AVENGERS! August 19th, 2023 Big Barda and Scott Free join the Avengers!
Enter the Reanimen! July 31st, 2023 She-Hulk, Huntress and Golden Eagle stop a pair of ReAnimen from rampaging on the New York City Docks!
Operation: London Calling - Part One July 9th, 2023 Jack the Ripper is located and on the run!
Coffee and cakes! June 24th, 2023 Patsy and Jen meet up at Cafe Lalo to eat a spot of lunch and have tiramisu.
Flashback: Unmasking the Hellcat May 30th, 2023 The one where She-Hulk figures out who Hellcat really is. Always remember: the burgers don't lie.
Just some stuff in the kitchen May 11th, 2023 Greer and Jen get a chance to catch up.
It's Patsy! (and Jen) April 18th, 2023 (Flashback to 2018)

Jennifer goes to hire Patsy for a job, but they're interrupted by a robbery! Who is this mysterious Hellcat?

HYDRA and the Fall of New York March 26th, 2023 HYDRA attacks New York City with giant teleporting super sentinel robots. The heroes are ready and they respond in kind.
That Time Bruce Wasn't Bruce February 18th, 2023 What starts as simple breakfast at Avengers Mansion turns into finding out a number of people awoke from dreams to find themselves inhabiting the body of another!
The Great Switcheroo February 16th, 2023 A misguided attempt to help Bruce Banner sleep unleashes the Hulk. In the chaos, a bit of a mix-up happens. As Sam Beckett would say,
Indecent Exposure of the Furry Kind February 12th, 2023 No description
Fantastic Friends! January 24th, 2023 No description
Snowblind December 25th, 2022 When a Christmas Eve Heist goes a bit wrong and results in a hostage situation, Gotham City's own Balm, Jennifer Walters (AKA She-Hulk) and Talia al Ghul arrive to save the day...?
Themyscirans: New Souls November 3rd, 2022 The Themyscirans gather at the Well of Souls to greet the first arrival of a contingent of new Amazons, more women arrive in one day than have been seen in over a thousand years from the Wellspring, and yet more are set to come...
Themysciran Embassy Dinner October 16th, 2022 Diana invites a few people over for dinner and drinks, and chit chat!
Who you gonna call October 9th, 2022 Art seeks out the services of Jennifer Walters to get her mother out of prison early..Before the League finds her.
HULK SMA-- well okay not so much smash as spar October 5th, 2022 Marcy and Jen do a bit of sparring and weapons training, and then there's a bit of locker room talk.
Shi'ar: Right of Salvage September 1st, 2022 A boring conference on alien arms control ends in a less boring assassination after a trip to the Spaceport Gift shop. The civil war isn't over, it seems, and loyalists of Cal'syee Neramani - Deathbird - have shown what they think of making peace with lesser planets. Next time: SPACE CHASE.
You Meet the Most Interesting People When Shopping August 21st, 2022 Fade to black with visit to chocolatier!
Eccentrica Gallumbits and Endowments August 11th, 2022 Gotham has a weird day by Gotham standards when The Mighty Endowed tries to use her.. Hypnotic abilities to rob the bank! Only the Sensational She-Hulk and the Amazing Alfred can save the day. But not their sanity.
Kanga Court July 29th, 2022 A Kanga Court is held at the Themysciran Arts Center ARena. This is the training of new Kanga Riders who were interested in experiencing a little more Themysciran culture! Who knows, maybe they'll become totally Pro Kanga Riders some day!
Multiverse of Madness: Avengers Expedition July 17th, 2022 America takes a group on the Avengers on a tour of a fraction of the multiverse to show them what wonders lie beyond the borders of figurative reality and they also discuss the wonders unmapped on the Earth of the their own reality in the process.
July 4th BBQ July 4th, 2022 It's America's birthday! And also Steve's. There is cake, and dancers, and discussion of AI rights. All-American fun.
Odyssey to Ithaca June 23rd, 2022 A gathering happens on ancient Ithaca. Old items are found. Memories are shared over dinner. And the first step along a trail remembering an Odyssey.. Are taken.
A Round of Lethal Protecting May 23rd, 2022 When Juggernaut id deposited Earth-Side after an unwanted adventure in the Crimson Cosmos, his confusion and disorientation require the intervention of Venom The Lethal Protector and She Hulk: Attorney at Law to keep things from getting too far out of hand.
bruce May 13th, 2022 No description
palmer May 11th, 2022 The Atom finds Jennifer Walters and her latest client stranded on a Micro World after her client's failed attempt to escape his trial via extreme shrinking.
Small Claims Court May 11th, 2022 The Atom finds Jennifer Walters and her latest client stranded on a Micro World after her client's failed attempt to escape his trial via extreme shrinking.
Seriously Complicated Feelings April 22nd, 2022 Mary 'Titania' McPherran visits her former foe's office to dress her down for the grave sin of sending a bad DM.
Thule Chaos in Utah March 31st, 2022 The Avengers, with the help of Deadpool and Artemis, stop the Thule Society from getting the gypsum crystals, and discover that several of them are being imitated by the Society. What sort of shenanigens will the Thule Society get up to while wearing the skin of Captain America, She-Hulk, Iron Man, Witchblade, and the Scarlet Witch?
All Things Thule March 29th, 2022 The Avengers gather to learn more about the newly reappeared Thule Society, information provided by Sara Pezzini.
Gamma Doomsday March 18th, 2022 The Hulk, She-Hulk, Black Widow, Spiderwoman, and Hyperion successfully thwart the Leader's plans to create a gamma powered army, defeating Red She-Hulk in the process. Though both the Leader and Red She-Hulk escaped (the latter after pushing Red Hulk off a very high place), the stolen equipment has been recaptured and the Leader is on the run.
Hellfire Mardi Gras 2022 February 23rd, 2022 The Hellfire Club's Mardi Gras party for 2022 sees a lot of beads earned.
Red Menace III February 14th, 2022 The Hulk and She-hulk find the Leader's base...only to be imprisoned inside a facility built to restrain the Hulk by General Ross!
A Propper First Mission January 30th, 2022 Black Cat makes a mistake and requires rescuing. Emma, Mike, Jennifer, Tabitha, and Ted all come to rescue her. They're big damn heroes in a night of horror.
Red Menace January 17th, 2022 Bruce and Jen investigate the death of Betty Ross and the mysterious Samuel Sterns, as well as what really happened at the Vista Verde base. They're interrupted, however, by Colonel Fortean of the Hulkbusters, who shows up to deliver a warrant for Jennifer Walter's arrest, supposedly for attacking the Vista Verde base!
Funeral for a Friend January 7th, 2022 Bruce Banner and Jennifer Walters travel to Vista Verde in New Mexico for Betty Ross's funeral...and discover what actually happened may not be what is publicly known. Also that the Hulk's old Nemesis, General Ross, is now the Red Hulk...and Betty's coffin has no body in it.
Madi's first Hulk November 25th, 2021 A new BFF! And she's amazingly green!
Just chatting in the kitchen over a beer October 4th, 2021 Jennifer and Cael catch up in the kitchen and have a talk about Cael's superhero secret identity. What do you mean she doesn't have one? That's what they're talking about!
Meh, what's in a name September 7th, 2021 Jennifer steps by to check in on Cael - and receives some unexpected bad news.
Just a walk through town.. September 2nd, 2021 Doreen and her roommate Beth were on a walk in Harlem, meeting up with Spider-Man, and She-Hulk. Beth developed a crush on Spider-Man, and tried -really- hard not to show it. A pleasant conversation took place, no bad guys showed up, and in the end Beth ran home embarassed, while everyone else looked on confused!
The Gnashing of Teeth August 25th, 2021 The Avengers perform much needed search-and-rescue as the city of Krozniev is destroyed by the machinations of the evil Ultron!
Something something Manor something I'll rename this later July 31st, 2021 No description
Death Didn't Stick. July 19th, 2021 Jennifer stops by to find a grumpy Bucky sleeping at Steve's.
I'll name it soon. July 19th, 2021 Jennifer stops by to find a grumpy Bucky sleeping at Steve's.
Arena Smash July 8th, 2021 Carol and Jennifer get a first hand look at Amazon warrior training, while Jenn gets to really dig in and smack sword and shields with CASSIE! SMASH! It's possible that fancy armor is being smithed for the two Avengers too.
Welcome Wagon! July 1st, 2021 Donuts and feels are shared. Not that kind!
Besties June 8th, 2021 Hank comes clean with Jennifer!
Fuzzy hugs! June 7th, 2021 Greer and Jenn meet up at the mansion and have a fun little talk, complete with fuzzy hugs and hulk hugs.
Embassy Visit June 2nd, 2021 Diana and Jennifer take a little walk around the Themysciran Embassy and discuss current events and possible things to come.
An afternoon visit May 13th, 2021 No description
Catching Up With a Cat May 6th, 2021 Jen and Greer catch up at the mansion and do a little hot tubbing.
The Incredible (Shrinking) She-Hulk! April 29th, 2021 AIM is vanquished by Jen and Joan! With a little help.
Of Ancient Gods and Androids April 18th, 2021 Diana comes over to the Avenger's mansion for a visit, and meets Jennifer there. They have tea and talk about everything from ancient Japanese gods, to Themyscira to AI rights.
His Divine Wrath April 16th, 2021 Jennifer Walters and Scott Lang visit Katsumi Oshiro, who is trying to be fine with having weird powers. The party is crashed by the appearance of an ancient kami, come to explain the origins of her new abilities and her place in the world - whether she likes it or not.
Hello, Fellow Youths! April 5th, 2021 Katsumi and Jennifer go shopping like normal people, but talk about very abnormal issues. Ash Williams, professional chainsaw-handed guy, makes a business pitch!
A tour of the Mansion March 29th, 2021 Jen brings Katsumi to the Mansion to show her around and to meet some of her fellow Avengers. They meet Hank, which is close enough, and his friend Mike. They talk about Katsumi's powers and give a couple of things a try, but don't come any closer to understanding the mystery.
House errr Lab Warming March 17th, 2021 Tiny Hulk is Powerful!
Secret Doors: Aftermath of Headaches March 8th, 2021 Tony and Jennifer check on Wanda, after she'd had an encounter with some demons.
Feeling impish March 2nd, 2021 Imps make Wanda look like a crazy woman... Jennifer to the rescue!
The Strong Arm of the Law February 22nd, 2021 Ben Grimm and Jennifer Walters face off in an arm wrestling contest on Yancy Street, and Ben doesn't seem to recognize the danger of doing so--the stakes have never been higher!
Renaming Shenanigans February 15th, 2021 No description
Stare Into the Orb February 13th, 2021 Jennifer invites Dr. Druid over to help figure out what's going on with Katsumi.
Omega Shannon cometh February 10th, 2021 Brief fight and news cast
Another You: Interrogating a Hulk February 7th, 2021 Carol and Melinda interrogate DoppleJen to find out who was really behind the destruction of Times Square. They find out some interesting tidbits of information.
A Fantastic Favor February 4th, 2021 Jen works up the courage to ask Reed for help in being able to change back to Jennifer Walters. Reed does SCIENCE! and she and Johnny banter.
Non-Violent Heroics January 25th, 2021 Katsumi reaches the end of her rope and realizes she's found herself in a dark place. She reaches out to Jennifer for help. But this isn't the kind of problem that can be punched away.
The Path to Normal January 18th, 2021 Following the horrible mishap at the Four Corners event, Jennifer Walters pays Katsumi a visit and offers a badly needed uplifting word.
Four Corners of the World! January 15th, 2021 The time has finally come! The long-awaited Four Corners of the World professional wrestling event is underway! VIPs enjoy craft services while watching the action and getting to know the talent. Meanwhile, things in the ring heat up! Until something goes horribly, horribly wrong.
Another You: GAMMA WOMMAN FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION January 14th, 2021 Doppleganger Jennifer Walters goes on a rampage in Times Square, doing major property damage and scaring the heck out of tourists. A rag tag bunch of heroes show up to stop her before she manages to kill someone.
Training Montage! January 11th, 2021 Katsumi teaches Jennifer the basics of officiating a wrestling match, and tries very much to not be intimidated by her.
Promotion One-Upmanship December 30th, 2020 Jennifer Walters, AKA She-Hulk, is looking to get involved with the Four Corners of the World event. Through some wordplay, she wound up landing the job of referee for the main event. Whoops?
New York Style Legal Advice December 8th, 2020 A casual chat with Nadia, Janet, and Jennifer Walters. Janet gives Jen some legally questionable advice.
A Very Civil Action November 16th, 2020 Hank doesn't win his civil action.
A Timely Reunion October 30th, 2020 She-Hulk tries to reason with the infamous Clock King, and nearly succeeds as well.
Mimosas and Police Scanners October 23rd, 2020 Dr. Strange ends up visiting She-Hulk for a while. They imbibe some supernatural whiskey and have a good conversation.
Namor Gets Legal Consultation October 12th, 2020 Namor invites Jennifer over for a consultation, and they instead end up having a sparring match on an island!
A Very Welcome Home Party October 4th, 2020 A party for Nadia's return home on Janet's yacht brings out some of the best and dearest friends the Wasp and Waspette have.
The Match of the Century September 19th, 2020 The Thing and She-Hulk have an epic wrestling match for charity! By the end, the stage was destroyed and everybody had a good time.
Marshal Law: Pym Residence September 12th, 2020 Federal agents show up at the Pym residence and take Hank into custody.
A Fantastic Dinner Party August 30th, 2020 Some of the Bats have a nice dinner with some of the FF. The drama may not come from the direction you expect.
Have You Seen This Girl August 20th, 2020 Avengers Mansion gets a visit from the Russian Consulate. She-Hulk is not amused.
Let's Talk About Moose and Squirrel August 20th, 2020 After the incident with the Russian Consulate Jennifer rushes over to Hank and Nadia's place to keep them in the loop as to what is going on. Donuts were eaten.
Fun in the Sun August 18th, 2020 Some time in the sun with She-Hulk.
Hunt for Green December: ReBirth August 8th, 2020 The Agents of SHIELD (and friends of Banner) finally track him down and convince him not to make a terrible mistake!
A Hulk, a Spider, and a Cat. July 29th, 2020 Ghost Spider runs into She-Hulk who ran into Tigra
The Search for Hulk: Part 2 July 17th, 2020 SHIELD learns something new about the Hulk, and know Banner is now on foot instead of bounding across the country side. Power Girl has questions.
Into The Lab! July 14th, 2020 The lab security is defeated and a portal array found, but can it be made to work again and what might lie on the other side?
Through the Looking Glass Darkly July 14th, 2020 Our heroes brave the portal to a parallel Earth, rescue Hank from the abomination that is PymTron, and break all of his stuff on their way out!
All work and no play makes Jennifer a something something something something July 11th, 2020 Kyani stops by Jen's office to give the overworked attorney a much needed break.
SHIELD Briefing - Earth's Latest Peril June 21st, 2020 Carol shares what she knows to some of the best and brightest of SHIELD. Hopefully they can pull some tricks together and help stop Brainiac.
A Wild Wasp Appears! June 21st, 2020 A Wild Wasp Appears searching for her missing father! She has a wild tale to tell the Avengers and given the numerous shady elements in her past soon finds herself under house arrest awaiting a SHIELD investigation and paternity tests.
Minding The Stores: The Attack May 13th, 2020 Juggernaut and mercenaries raid an Avengers storage facility, but are turned back by Natasha, Pietro, Thor and She-Hulk.
Meeting for Pizza. May 11th, 2020 A nice night of talking and eating pizza and Jen makes sure to give Kyani a job of delivering a subpoena.
Banner draws some blood May 10th, 2020 Banner takes a blood sample from his cousin, but it's soon stolen!
Training Day May 1st, 2020 Going to Meet up with Bruce Banner about the mechanical device they've found.
The Hulk needs bail money! April 30th, 2020 Super Lawyer saves the day and Bruce/Jennifer have a chatty chat.
Happy Birthday, Avengers! April 20th, 2020 The Avengers gather in their back yard for Thor and Scott's birthday celebrations.
Moving Day April 19th, 2020 They need to meet up with Tony Stark to findout what the device is they found.
Knocked Out Again April 18th, 2020 Spidey meets quite a few people - a lawyer, a model, and a ninja - when grabbing lunch.
The Future Future Foundation April 17th, 2020 Jennifer Walters comes looking for the founders of the Future Foundation and is surprised to find it isn't Sue and Reed.
Delivering the Law April 13th, 2020 Kyani is working with Jenifers Law Firm
New (Old April 13th, 2020 Singularity locates Jennifer Walters, but not the one she knows. This is okay! She assists with furniture movement and is hired by Jen to deliver subpoenas.
Legal Entanglement April 13th, 2020 Jennifer Walters, esq. gets a visit from a certain arachnid, in the hope they can put some bad guys away for good.
The talk in the rain April 11th, 2020 Jennifer talks to Thor and convinces him to help charity.
Is it a business lunch April 9th, 2020 The Coach makes plans with the Green Team
Latverian Embassy Opening April 9th, 2020 The Latverian Embassy opening was a grand success, acquaintances were made, and discussions were had! A glorious evening, for DOOM.
Hellfire Club Genosha Spring Benefit Charity Gala March 24th, 2020 Schmoozing, boozing, donations and more. The Hellfire Spring Charity Gala is a huge success, benefitting Genosha.
Out Learning March 6th, 2020 Robert gets some hero advice.
A Singular Event February 29th, 2020 The ex-con gets shafted. Again.
HAMMERS ARE BETTER THAN ARROWS! February 28th, 2020 The Avengers discuss their next steps.
Late Night Catching Up February 28th, 2020 Jen tries to get a hang of what's going on with the Avengers.


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Jennifer Walters has 122 finished logs.

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Jennifer Walters has been credited in 0 shows.

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Jennifer Walters has been credited in 0 albums.

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Jennifer Walters has authored 0 books.

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