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|FullName=Elizabeth 'Betsy' Braddock
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Revision as of 00:59, 22 March 2020

Betsy Braddock (Scenesys ID: 351)
Name: Elizabeth 'Betsy' Braddock
Superalias: Psylocke
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Occupation: Model
Citizenship: Dual U.S. and UK.
Residence: NYC area
Education: Some college
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Groups: Xavier's School, X-Men
Apparent Age: 22 Actual Age: 22
Date of Birth 03 July 1997 Played By Lauren Callaway
Height: 5'9" Weight: 135
Hair Color: Purple Eye Color: Purple
Theme Song: Scars to your Beautiful

Character Info


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British supermodel who had fallen off the face of the world, and only recently has come back into the light. Rebuilding her life and career, and refusing to explain where she's been.


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*1997 - Born, along with a twin, in Britain.
*2012 - Powers start to manifest - after she and her twin were kidnapped and rescued by their costumed older brother. Shaky precognition powers at first, and then her telepathic powers rose to the fore and pushed the precog into dreams she wouldn't trust to be 'true visions'.
*2013 - Betsy starts coloring her hair purple, and begins modelling. She finishes high school early to have more time to work.
*2015- At 18, Betsy finds out about her father's Hellfire club membership, and is recruited by a soon defunct government organization to assume his membership and infiltrate the New York location - but due to intervention by another mutant, Betsy does not attempt this mission, instead taking to Europe to focus on her career. This is also when she starts using the moniker 'Psylocke' when referring to her use of her powers.
*2017 - A modelling job in New York exposes Betsy to more mutants, and made her stake a residence in the Big Apple, and apply for dual citizenship, and start taking university level classes.
*2019 - Her brother recruits her to help him against a villain with a reported weakness to psychic powers such as her own. The battle lost Betsy her pretty blue eyes, and got her kidnapped and body swapped by a group that temporarily brainwashed her and taught her intense fighting skills. She broke the brainwashing hold, and ran back to New York, but couldn't convince people she was who she said. It was only after her original body showed up in the city, and another mutant group stepped in to help, that the now violet eyed Psylocke was restored to her natural body. Since then, she's stayed in New York, affiliating with the X-men.

IC Journal

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Fake It:
Betsy is used to being in public, and has long learned to fake confidence, even arrogance, when necessary. But even a supermodel can be shy, sometimes. This one, anyhow.

Betsy has been through a lot, in the last couple of years. There's a lot of sift through and deal with, and it can make a lady a bit moody.

Stiff Upper Lip:
Betsy is British. Being stoic when everything is going wrong is part of her national pride.

Character Sheet


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'pathic Tracking&hiding:
Psylocke can track other beings that are sentient by their specific mental signature. When a person is a threat to her, this power sometimes comes online without her intention, as a forewarning.
On the flip side of the coin, she can hide her own mental presence from others, even other quite powerful telepaths. She can spread this cloaking to people near to her, or she can focus it solely on one mind and not her own.

Bits and Pieces:
As part of her telepathy power package, Psylocke can Astral Project, create telepathic illusions, project psionic blasts to mentally injure an opponent (varying from disorentation, mental pain, unconsciousness, and perhaps with refinement: death), take control of another's mind, and manipulate a memory to erase it from a mind. She can use her powers to protect herself from another psionic's attacks, if she doesn't wish her mind to be read or influenced. (Disclaimer: This ability is governed by the game's consent policy and cannot dictate another character's reaction or actions without explicit consent to do so. Attempted IC use of this ability does not guarantee success.)

Betsy has had precognitive dreams in the past. Ever since she was bodyswitched and brain-washed, she has a harder time telling if a dream has more meaning than that of a dream, only to later see something in her waking hours that she had dreamt days, weeks, or even months before.

Betsy can use her telekinesis to affect things in the physical world around her. She can move and levitate objects - animate and inanimate. She has the ability to use her telekinesis to mimic flight, but it is not something she does often. While she's far more comfortable using her telekinesis as brute force versus finesse, she is working on her ability to be more delicate with the power. She can use her telekinesis to augment her physicality in a fight - move faster, hit harder, shield herself. She can use her telekinesis to create shields in varying sizes - personal protection to using it to shield a good sized crowd.

Betsy can read minds and communicate mentally with others over short or long distances. When she telepathically communicates with another person over a distance, that person often perceives her presence as a butterfly-like image bearing large eyes on its wings.

Tk Weaponry:
Betsy can focus her power to create a psi-katana of raw psi energy - it can be used to disrupt neural functions temporarily at the most basic function, all the way up to cutting through armor and leaving the body inside the armor untouched. She can also create a psi-crossbow with bolts, that she is working to refine to be as widely versatile as her psi-katana. She can She can also use this focus to imbue regular weaponry with her energy, to give it an extra kick.


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Betsy speaks English, French, and Japanese fluently.

Martial Artist:
While brainwashed and bodyswapped, Psylocke is believed to have mastered multiple forms of martial arts, in part due to the brainwashing. As a ninja that's more skilled than most Hand ninjas, it's thought she is skilled in at least Ninjutsu and Kenpo. She has shown skill with many ninja traits: Stealth, concealment, and acrobatics, as well as weaponry.

Betsy is almost as skilled in taking pictures of others, as she is in having her own taken. It is a serious hobby, and something she has considered a transition to career-wise when modelling is no longer an option.


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Family Money:
Her father was a man of means, and his three children inherited more than just his Hellfire membership.

As a model with a mysterious private life, Betsy has put aside a nice chunk of money.

Betsy is known to, and has worked with the X-men.


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Family Issues:
When your parents weren't what you thought, one brother is a British golden boy hero, and the other is a nut job - it's putting the fun back in dysfunctional.

Flight Risk:
While Betsy once trained to be a pilot before choosing modelling and loves to fly: She only loves it in a plane/aircraft. She has fears about using her telekinesis to self power herself into flight, and being up high makes her afraid - despite the fact she could use her telekinesis to save herself if she had to. Phobias don't make sense.

Only So Much Battery:
While Betsy has very powerful psionic abilities - the problem for her lays in that she can only do so much. The powers must balance, so if she is putting her everything into something telekinetic, she is much less able to use her telepathic abilities, and vice versa.

Sense of Self:
Being kidnapped, brainwashed, and bodyswapped does a number on a gal's sense of self, and even self esteem. While Betsy projects a confident air about herself and her attributes, she has internal hangups and nightmares about waking up as someone else. Again.



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Betsy Braddock has 133 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
It Came From the Lake May 23rd, 2024 Morph lurks and attacks a victim on the shores of Breakstone, but he is thwarted by a unexpected visitor!
Prepare For Trouble Make It Double May 12th, 2024 Kwannon has an emotional breakdown and breakthrough, and then it's time for tea and biscuits!
Tandem Refrigerator Raiding May 3rd, 2024 Betsy and Kwannon have a talk about who is who, and also make Nikuman!
Having an Identity Crisis April 21st, 2024 Rachel puts Betsy's mind at ease about who is the Real Betsy, mainly by agreeing to have them both see the Professor. Or Jean, which won't be weird, honest.
When The Mirror Looks Back April 17th, 2024 Betsy encounters Kwannon, but after some tension finds a kindred spirit.
Butterflies and Firebirds April 5th, 2024 Betsy and Rachel share the moment, memories, and much more.
The Tower, Inverted April 2nd, 2024 The entity is no more, but something unknown was gained. What will be its legacy?
Hanging out by the Lake March 18th, 2024 Stones are skipped, Patty meets Betsy. Gets advice from Monet and gets soaked courtesy of Catseye.
It's My Party February 21st, 2024 The town turns out for Emma Frost's birthday bash (of whatever year it is).
Mutants and Master Molds: Getting Gyrich February 2nd, 2024 The X-Men go to sneak up on Henry Gyrich to see what he knows about recent Sentinel Shenanigans. They find he knows nothing of interest. There is mental trauma from poking about in his head while he was indisposed. And dinner goes In and Out.
Encounter whilst shopping January 28th, 2024 After buying an elegant dress for Tigra, she and Betsy go to visit Betsy's club.
Never Forget the Rice! January 23rd, 2024 Remo takes care of the thugs with some unneeded help from Betsy.
Mutants and Master Molds - Ghost in the Machine January 18th, 2024 The X-Men find a storehouse filled with Sentinel parts being stolen. While they're there to investigate they face off with the real thing!
Staff Attendance January 16th, 2024 Hellion faces trauma over his powers, and his feelins that his lack of control define them. Psylocke and Douglas try to talk to him. Or talk him down.
Avalon Calling January 14th, 2024 Betsy is feeling the need to go to Avalon. This forces her to face the reality of her relationship, leading to the amicable parting of Betsy and Alexander.
Ring in the New Year Clobberin Style January 1st, 2024 The heroes manage to fight the bad guys and stop the zombies but someone grabs the payand collects the combat energy released
New Phone, Who Dis November 10th, 2023 Auction shenanigans are narrowly avoided.
Hand in Hand October 25th, 2023 The Hand start to be all Handsy.
Not Very Greek Of You October 4th, 2023 Alexander shares some of his history with Betsy.
Tea Lights and Wine September 15th, 2023 Ok fine, Psylocke comes home and is cute.
Smoke and Mirrors September 9th, 2023 The X-Men do battle with Black Team 5 1, and the rest of his soldiers. The captives at the hidden lab are rescued after a gritty and violent battle. Magneto puts on one hell of a light show before fleeing in to the sunset, and Mr. Sinister offers an ominous fairwell.
Some Concerns August 26th, 2023 Scott reveals his concerns about Jean's Phoenix situation to Betsy.
Hello August 26th, 2023 A phone call between the two about the crazy X-Men stuff going on!
The chism Trail August 19th, 2023 The X-Men are confronted by Black Team 57 after a mission to Washington to try and garner support for ending HR-485 before it can be voted in to law. The mission rapidly goes south, with much danger and much explosions!
The True Test of a Relationship August 1st, 2023 Moving Day!
The Wire was Over-Rated July 11th, 2023 Deadwood is way better.
What Makes You Think You're 7-11 Caliber, Betsy June 20th, 2023 Wade has an idea!
Sickly, sinful, spectacles stand, shuffle, shamble and saunter shamelessly in mine scandalized sight! May 31st, 2023 Psylocke and Alexander get a slushee.
So Let Me Tell You About Kelsey May 16th, 2023 Alexander updates Bets on the Ares situation.
Why do I have to tell you anything, when you can just read my mind April 28th, 2023 Alexander catches Psylocke up on the Bauer case.
Met Gala 2023 April 15th, 2023 The annual event is a success. Everyone who was anyone attended! Or just those that had nothing else to do that night.
How Was Your Day March 31st, 2023 Alexander comes home after the Battle at the Starport.
Day of Destiny! Or: Recruiting Time! March 11th, 2023 Wade begins gathering his army, only to be foiled by the likes of the X-Men!
Almond Joy or Mounds February 21st, 2023 Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. And look! There's two of them present. Betsy runs into Wade and Harley at the park only to learn things she didn't really want to know.
After the Aftermath February 17th, 2023 Alexander touches base with Elizabeth after the attack on the Triskelion.
Queen's Gambit February 6th, 2023 Wade plays chess. Betsy spectates.
Protector or Protectee January 19th, 2023 Jimmy and Betsy catch up a bit while he demonstrates his skills with an axe.
Two nerds and a cool guy. January 6th, 2023 We had tea!
I wanna be a lounge singer. December 18th, 2022 It's on. And now, you had best bring it.
Rich Women in the Winter December 10th, 2022 Two rich telepaths talk at the Hellfire Club while Betsy's date enjoys the fries.
Snitches Get Stitches December 6th, 2022 Betsy delivers some information to SHIELD. She meets Agent Aaron and invites him to an unconventional dinner for his trouble.
Xaviers: Haunted Hayrack Ride October 28th, 2022 The Xaviers School annual Halloween special. This time with limited commmercial interruptions. It aired on FOX at 6:30pm, and was viewed by approximately 82 million households.
Treehouse tea time October 13th, 2022 Ororo and Betsy catch up.
The Story of Doom October 9th, 2022 A story is told, unintentionally. A world, discovered. We might have our next Danger Room program idea.
Children's Works Gala - Gotham City October 8th, 2022 A very fun Gala with one of the few organizations that is not attached to a ctual crime in Gotham, the Children's Works. Battle of the Bands commences!
Salem Center Oktoberfest October 4th, 2022 Oktoberfest at Salem Center is full of beer and food, and there's even a fight.
Resonants: Sneaking Svartalfheim August 19th, 2022 Svartalfheim artifact is retrieved. And probably a war between Asgard/Midgard and the Dark Elves Maaaay have been started.
Duet To Me Harder August 12th, 2022 Jimmy needs to practice his stealth. He decides to two-fer and snoop on a friend at the same time!
X-Folks: Dox-M: Camping Noobs August 7th, 2022 The X-Men make the world, and a Montana Summer Camp safe for S'mores and undersized tees. A number of fankids are made and the amount of wild dyejobs at the Xavier School increases.
If one is to go to war with another at their side, then best to learn of them. August 6th, 2022 Thor meets with Psylocke and realizes she is bonkers.
A Night's Reflection August 2nd, 2022 Jimmy comes across Psylocke vandalizing the lake area so he sets her straight, I tell you hwat.
X-Ren Faire August 1st, 2022 X-folk and T'Challa show up at the Ren Faire and there are some learning and teaching.
Pieces of Mind: Outbreak (Finale) July 31st, 2022 The telepathic X-Men and Jane Foster regroup to hunt the Shadow King, to force him out of a horrible new body he's made.
X-Folks: Everyone is Getting Older July 30th, 2022 There's party, cake, booze annd people getting a year older and enjoying that they didn't end up dead. The hangover may change how they feel about the last part.
Daisho - Hai! July 29th, 2022 Daisho forged. Cosmetics handled. Fun had!
Welcome to the club. July 29th, 2022 Psylocke is introduced into he madness of Resonants, greeted by Sif and Zatanna.
Redheads Running Rampant July 28th, 2022 Ninjas spontaneously attack! And met with gossip, chatter, and life catchup.
Ninja vs Shark! July 28th, 2022 No description
Ramping Up for the Birthday July 28th, 2022 Party perparations are made. Tabby reveals new powers to her closest friends. Betsy make an even more impressive splash!
That Itchy Feeling July 27th, 2022 Psylocke and Jimmy catch up and he tells her all about South America.
Pieces of Mind: Stalemate July 26th, 2022 The telepaths discuss how to extract Charles from Shadow King -- while their mage ally offers a dangerous suggestion.
Kitty's 21st Bday River Rafting July 23rd, 2022 White water rafting in Oregon is Kitty Pryde's 21st birthday party
Poolside Daydrinking July 22nd, 2022 No description
Neenja goes sword shopping July 19th, 2022 Yet another satisfied customer. Models who are also Samurai. Yay!
Trying to fill the day and night. July 17th, 2022 And A third job is gained.
AIM of the Savage Land July 15th, 2022 The sentinel dinodaurs are destroyed as is the base which produced them. Our heroes retirn home with pit any greivous wounds for once.
HFC Silver Party July 15th, 2022 The Hellfire Club party is a success!
Butterflies and Wood Axes July 14th, 2022 Two adrenaline junkies meet by chance, and do non-adrenaline junkie stuff.
Egos and the English June 23rd, 2022 Monet and Betsy have a quick talk.
Siren's Call - Amateur Night at the Hellfire Club June 2nd, 2022 Colleen Wing wins Judge's Award, Betsy Braddock is the People's champion.
Psylocke Knock Knock May 14th, 2022 Betsy makes a wellness check on Tabby. Reminds Tabby that she's family and keeps her in the non evil path.
X-Folks: Dox-M: The Pox on 'em May 9th, 2022 Warning: Implied trauma and abuse.

Tabby's research into her recent bad luck turns up deeper problems in the world of social media and the internets. Plans are planned to use the knowledge for the good of mutant kind or at least feeling really good about themselves.

Also. Tabby's dad is a complete bastard.

Psychics at the Beach May 3rd, 2022 Two psychics dance at the pool.
Telepaths and Traumas April 25th, 2022 Two telepaths snark over gossip and presumptions at Xavier's.
Mutants of Finer Things April 3rd, 2022 There's some chatter amongst the well to do back at the Mansion, plans are made, gossip exchanged.
Hellfire Mardi Gras 2022 February 23rd, 2022 The Hellfire Club's Mardi Gras party for 2022 sees a lot of beads earned.
This is not medically sound. February 10th, 2022 Tabby sneaks out of the med bay cause hungry. Gets caught, shares Sandwiches and exposition with Emma and Betsy
Hellfire and the Pits February 4th, 2022 A Ninja, an Ego, and a Succubus walk into a bar..
Business with Betsy January 13th, 2022 In which the telepaths catch up and Emma makes Betsy a proposition.
Holly Jolly December 4th, 2021 Christmas decorations at the Mansion turns into the nefarious plots of the night.
XAVIERS: Caroling pt 2 November 25th, 2021 It is that time of year again. The Xaviers School gang tries to go out and spread Christmas / Holiday cheer. It sorta goes pretty good this year! Everyone is surprised by this...
Xaviers School: Cooking X-travaganza November 17th, 2021 The Xaviers Thanksgiving pre-game cooking! It is a moment of peace, calm, family and no aggressive space bird people!
Hellfire Club End of Summer Pool Party August 22nd, 2021 There was a pool party! Everyone had a time.
A drink in the VIP August 13th, 2021 Betsy and Remy share a drink and a dance.
Someone's been busy. June 26th, 2021 Nicolai makes his intentions known, Clarice throws a tantrum and Betsy proves the point: Nicolai doesn't need to belong to the Brotherhood to know that people have his back.
Ground Zero, Prologue June 26th, 2021 It was a good day, until things went sideways.
Sion Re-Opens! June 25th, 2021 Betsy hosts a gala at a nightclub, complete with barbarians at the gate.
New Beginnings at Sion June 24th, 2021 A meeting of minds at Sion turns out very well, with Nicole taken on as the club's latest bartender.
Warren Buffet June 22nd, 2021 Warren shows up with a ton of leftovers from one of his corporate business meetings. What better place to give away free food than a school!
Jukebox Zero June 6th, 2021 Plenty of drinks, plenty of food, and some jukebox shenanigans
Betsy brings ideas to Emma June 1st, 2021 Betsy and Emma agree to spread the job love!
Betsy hires a bouncer May 25th, 2021 Betsy hires James.
Time for a drink. May 25th, 2021 Logan shows up for a beer.
Betsy wants to give a beating May 19th, 2021 Rogue talks Betsy out of anger
Models and Ninjas and Apaches, oh my! March 22nd, 2021 No description
Not Quite Afterparty March 21st, 2021 Sandwiches and chatting over things best left unsaid.
Drinking Tea Like Civilized People March 8th, 2021 Ororo, Betsy, Gabby and Kitty gather for tea up on the roof.
Sam comes limping home. November 23rd, 2020 Sam and Betsy talk cars, life, and catch up.
Backyard Introductions November 3rd, 2020 A random meeting of James Hudson, Betsy Braddock, Gabby Kinney and Noriko Ashida. Insert
Not Completely Insane October 23rd, 2020 No description
HI BETSY September 26th, 2020 Spiral shows up in Betsy's nightclub. This time Betsy and a lighting technician are actually present. A lawyers card is exchanged, and then Betsy makes Spiral sound like she's awesome!
Bad Luck Darling September 21st, 2020 Bad luck, leading to a new life for Luck Bender, in the hands of Psylocke.
An unwlecome investigator... September 20th, 2020 Spiral driven off, Jackson's diary stolen, Psylocke stops the cyborgs!
X-men: Road Rage September 2nd, 2020 Betsy, Beast, Julio, Rogue and Iceman stop a mercenary attack on a convoy. But Vulture and Green Goblin get the drop on the X-men.
Dude. Where's My Car September 1st, 2020 Betsy's car is stolen in Salem Center. She, Kurt and Kitty uncover a chop shop, and evidence they built a heavily armed military vehicle for someone.
X-MEN: The Dark Down August 29th, 2020 The X-Men venture into an unfinished abandoned subway tunnel, only to discover an underground race is in full swing! THE DARK DOWN CIRCUIT, only there's no banana peels in this race, just giant MAN EATING SPIDERS! And yeeting!
Xavier's Kitchen Meet and Greet August 26th, 2020 People catch up with Moira and Betsy during meals and snacks in the kitchen
The Zen of Gardening August 23rd, 2020 Betsy bumps into Ororo in the gardens. Home and family are the themes of the conversation.
Braddock Family Reunion August 23rd, 2020 Betsy and Brian get reacquainted after a long time apart.
A Night at the Circus August 22nd, 2020 Psylocke and Gambit answer a distress call in a far off land.
Atlantis Needs Help August 9th, 2020 Namor and Lorna address the X-men about the threat to Atlantis and the surface world and ask for help.
Welcome to the X-Men, Thor! August 5th, 2020 Betsy falls off a roof.
Telepathic Ninjas Cheat August 1st, 2020 Arthur saves the day and Psylocke tries to kill everyone and Bolo shoots a guy in the knee meanly.
You'll Find Me In The Club July 21st, 2020 A fun night out at the Hellfire Club's Dungeon night club!
Mojo's Arcade Legend: Twisted Treeline June 30th, 2020 No description
Betsy and Bishop talk security June 13th, 2020 Betsy and Bishop discuss security
Betsy plans with Lorna June 12th, 2020 Charity plans proceed
Asking for Accounting help June 10th, 2020 Betsy offers Bobby a job, and discusses her plans.
Setting up Sion June 9th, 2020 Making Acquaintance while putting Sion together
Mutants, Beer and Ribs June 4th, 2020 Alliances are made.
A Sinister Plot: Claws of Fury May 26th, 2020 Another group of hunters, led by Bishop, check out the spot Gabby was taken.
A Sinister Plot: Malicious May 25th, 2020 The X-Men fight the Marauders to search for their missing friends! Side One
A Sinister Plot: Mission Assignments May 24th, 2020 Scott has Betsy scan for the missing. THere's not much to go on, but it's a start. The X-Men are on the trail.
When Betsy met Bishop May 11th, 2020 Betsy and Bishop spend a nice afternoon shooting clay pigeons.
When Sentinels Attack! May 7th, 2020 A Wild Sentinel from Genosha's attack, arrives in NYC and goes straight for Mutant Town, luckily some heroes are there to stop it.
On the First Day of Jenny's Birthday... April 26th, 2020 On the first day of Jennymas, Jenny gave to everybody: cake. And got an awful lot of awesome gifts.
Pastries on the Roof April 22nd, 2020 Warren and Betsy catch up and talk about recent events over some donuts.
HFC: The Dungeon ReOpening April 14th, 2020 Dancing drama and drinks at the Dungeon.
Mutant Rights Fundraiser! April 4th, 2020 Money is raised, art is made.
Breakfast March 29th, 2020 Alex attempts to make breakfast for Betsy, Emma, Laura, and Gabby, but tempers flare in an argument over suspicion of Emma's reasons for being at the mansion and closeness to Alex.
A Very Britsh Ninja March 9th, 2020 Alex Summers meets Betsy Braddock and get to know each other, including what it's like to deal with unexpected powers.
Breakfast News February 29th, 2020 It is too early a Saturday morning, but some issues can't wait
Re-Model the garage February 29th, 2020 Model Garage


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Betsy Braddock has 133 finished logs.

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Betsy Braddock has been credited in 0 shows.

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Betsy Braddock has been credited in 0 albums.

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Betsy Braddock has authored 0 books.

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