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  The Incredible Hulk  
Bruce Banner (Scenesys ID: 337)
Name: Bruce Banner
Superalias: The Incredible Hulk
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Occupation: Nuclear Physicist
Citizenship: U.S.
Residence: New York
Education: PhD's in Nuclear Physics, Engineering, and Biology
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Groups: Avengers
Apparent Age: 45 Actual Age: 45
Date of Birth 18 Dec 1974 Played By Mark Ruffalo
Height: 5'10" Weight: 170 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Bruce Banner is a scientific genius. The Hulk is a destructive powerhouse. They are the epitome of brains and brawn - wrapped up into one body. One body that changes... into another body... when it gets really mad.


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*1974 - Robert Bruce Banner was born in Dayton, Ohio.

*2002 - After receiving PhD's in multiple fields, Banner goes to work for the US Government in the development of a Gamma Bomb at a facility in New Mexico.

*2004 - An accident at the facility in which Banner was exposed to gamma radiation leads to the birth/creation of the Hulk.

*2005 - Banner goes into hiding to avoid capture by the US government and also to avoid unintentionally harming people in a fit of rage.

*2005-2012 - Bruce Banner continues to research gamma radiation while in exile. Multiple attempts are made to heal himself and get rid of the Hulk but none succeed. There are a few sightings of the Hulk during this time in North and South America - usually a result of an attempt to capture Banner to bring him back to the US to be studied against his will.

*2012-2016 - Banner remains in partial exile. No longer beind pursued actively by the US government, he is still nervous to stay at any one place for too long out of the fear that he may accidentally hurt an innocent person while the Hulk is manifested. Despite this, the Hulk still makes a few sightings, generally in an effort to do good and help protect others.

*2017 - The Hulk breaks Harlem in a fit of rage, of which the cause is unknown.

*2018 - Banner, through a bit of convincing, takes part in the forming of the Avengers to help protect the world while the JLA is scattered.

*2019-present - Banner continues to work with S.H.I.E.L.D. and is a member of the Avengers, although he tries to refrain from getting involved as the Hulk unless things get really bad.

IC Journal

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When Banner gets mad, the potential for disaster is imminent. This is because when he is mad, he is much more likely to lose control and transform into the Hulk. Anger is intrinsic to the Hulk, and what makes the Hulk thrive.

Throughout the years, Banner has learned a bit more control and is for the most part able to control when the Hulk manifests. He does this by staying in a constant state of anger.

Banner is a caring individual for the most part. He cares for his friends, and he cares for others too to varying degrees. He generally feels remorseful after a manifestation episode, especially so if the Hulk seriously harmed or killed someone unnecessarily.

Despite being reserved and quiet, Banner is highly confident in himself and his abilities. He is not too shy to speak up when he thinks he knows something.

The Hulk shares this confidence, but in a different way. Where Banner relies on his intellect, the Hulk recognizes himself as the strongest one there is - something he likes to remind others of as well, on occasion.

Bruce is very reserved and quiet, almost to the point of appearing shy or timid. He really behaves this way on purpose as an attempt to keep himself calm and avoid exerting himself which can lead to an episode where the Hulk manifests.

Character Sheet


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The Hulk's body is extremely resistant to damage.

Bullets, missiles, tank shells, and almost all known projectiles seem to have no effect on him whatsoever. Bullets ricochet off him harmlessly. Explosions don't even seem to irritate his skin. His skin is, to date, seemingly impenetrable. Likewise, energy based attacks seem to do little to him either, although the force exerted from energies and explosions can certainly have some sort of physical effect in the form of pushing him or knocking him off balance, provided those forces are strong enough.

With that said, he is not completely invulnerable. A blow with sufficient power, especially if delivered before he gets TOO mad, can potentially knock him out and take him out of the fight for a minute or force a conversion back into Banner.

Healing Factor:
In what very few instances are known where the Hulk has sustained any sort of injury, be it a laceration or some sort of internal trauma, there is a regenerative healing factor which seems to heal these wounds almost instantaneously. It is theorized that this healing factor provides the Hulk with immunity to all forms of disease, aging, and perhaps even permits him to go extended periods of time without needing oxygen.

Unlimited Strength:
Bruce Banner isn't paricularly strong. He doesn't exercise or lift weights.

The Hulk, however, possesses some major strength. While at his base level, the Hulk is already ridiculuously strong... but his level of strength continues to rise as he gets angrier. At his baseline he is able to toss around cars, tanks, and boulders with ease. He's shown to have been strong enough to lift buildings, even.

This strength makes him a dangerous combatant. He can use his strength to slam his hands together in a powerful "thunderclap", which creates powerful sonic vibrations and also produces powerful gusts of wind. His strength allows him to create small earthquakes and tremors in the earth which he can somewhat direct at foes. As his strength rises, he can hit foes so hard as to send them flying over long distances, potentially even into space.

This strength also enables him to move rather fast. Powerful leg muscles enable him to run faster than even the finest of human athletes. This strength in his legs enables him to leap vast distances as well - allowing him to travel over distances equal to a few miles at a time with just a single leap.


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Bruce's intellect and scientific mind allows him to construct some incredible feats of engineering. He is theorized to be working with S.H.I.E.L.D. on methods of containing Hulk (shoud he fully lose control) and other individuals of comparable strength and power.

Bruce Banner is a prominent scientific mind. He is the world's leading expert on Gamma radiation. He has multiple doctorates and degrees from multiple schools.

His knowledge of biology and medicine makes Bruce an effective medical doctor, although he doesn't actually have a medical license and is by no means an expert healer.


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Being a member of the Avengers gives Bruce access to a powerful group of friends which can be both a blessing and a curse.

While Bruce isn't rich - he has access to funding through friends and his work with SHIELD. Anything that is a large expense would have to be approved of course.


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Aside from mundane, improvised defenses (like having a good OFFENSE), Banner/Hulk is susceptible to magic attacks.

While resistant to an extent in the form of the Hulk, Banner is for the most part completely prone to psychic attacks and being mentally dominated by someone with the psychic ability to do so.

Split Personality:
While Banner and Hulk are in some ways the same person - they are symbolic of the age old Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde philosophy. They share thoughts, feelings, and memories - but Hulk and Banner are two very different personalities.



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Bruce Banner has 139 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
An Offer You Can't, But Should, Refuse. June 5th, 2024 Heavy hitter business dealings in The Bar With No Name.
Checking On The Doc April 18th, 2024 Kitty stops by to see Dr. Banner. She reveals she's a member of the X-men.
Hydra vs SHIELD: Counterstrike April 10th, 2024 Hydra attacked the United Nations and made many people suffer. Now it's payback, and SHIELD is putting the blast back in them. Time to remind the serpent that SHIELD has bite and claws and vengeance.
Hydra vs UN: Underground Breakdown April 3rd, 2024 Hydra bombs detonate along the Holland Tunnel, and a group of heroes from different walks of life have to team up to stabilize it and evacuate the people there, and improvise to prevent a collapse.
Empire Diner For Dinner March 30th, 2024 After a performance by a Wakandan singer visiting the US, various members of the Avengers along with a helpful Mary Bromfield meet up at Empire Diner for dinner. Joshua Foley and Jane Roe introduce themselves.
Avengers Winter Camping Trip March 12th, 2024 The Avengers do some winter camping. After a day of snowmobiling, skiing and snowshoeing, they gather around the campfire that night.
AVENGERS: Hold onto the Dark February 24th, 2024 After hitting SHIELD, the magical burglary crew takes on Avenger's Mansion. They bring a Genie to a Hulk Fight, Tony blows up a spellcaster's brain in a jar, and the Avengers discover Wanda may have been keeping some dangerous things in her sock drawer. Good news: most of the badguys caught. Bad news: Chthon's agent lose in the world? Also Clea wishes for a boyfriend.
Who owns the Cosmos February 11th, 2024 Plans form for the Cosmos, beginning with the merger of magic and science.
Emerald Empathy January 13th, 2024 Olivia meets Bruce after a show and the two go out to dinner at the best Italian place in town!
Casual Conversation with the Avengers! January 9th, 2024 Poker games always bring up different topics of discussion. This time, PR, what Nick Fury knows and doesn't know, and how good is 4 kings in hand?
SHIELD - Weaponry of War January 6th, 2024 For months, Hydra has bedeviled SHIELD with alien technology used to enhance aircraft. A group of heroes and SHIELD agents find where it is, smash it, and by destroying everything help fulfill diplomatic obligations.
Avengers vs Hydra (Tomb Raider Shadows) December 22nd, 2023 The Avengers lure Hydra troops out of the Paititi temple, but Lara Croft is captured during her attempt to retrieve the artifacts.
Stubbornly Cooking Outside In Winter December 7th, 2023 The Avengers grill out despite the winter weather.
Checking On Bruce November 25th, 2023 Steve checks in on Bruce after he apparently had Hulked out and damaged a small New Jersey town. An ice-fishing and winter camping getaway is in the works.
Seeing Red: Hulks Gone Wild October 29th, 2023 The Avengers are called to investigate a town that suffered a catastrophe. They find evidence it was caused by the Hulk, and find Bruce Banner nearby, just waking back up.
Seeing Red: Booms For Banner October 27th, 2023 A bomb goes off on the East Side of New York. A call into J. Jonah Jameson's radio editorial claims five more devices have been planted. The Avengers and Reed Richards track down the bombs. Only they proved a diversion for the abduction of one Dr. Bruce Banner by unknown foes.
Seeing Red: Lab Under Attack October 14th, 2023 Mercenaries attack a secret government lab. The Avengers respond along with help from Vintridr and Power Girl. Though unbeknownst to our heroes, someone makes off with something from the lab.
New kid in the yard October 14th, 2023 Bruce met one of Tygra's biggest fans as it were.
A Maximoff Birthday! October 12th, 2023 Pietro and Wanda's birthday goes off without a hitch...or well...almost!
Walk in the park October 11th, 2023 Mary encountered Bruce in the park. They had a nice conversation including giving her the opportunity to come to the Avengers Mansion in the future.
Seeing Green September 28th, 2023 Natasha, Bruce and Scott end up on Apokolips. It goes the way you'd think.
Slipped away without notice. September 27th, 2023 Bruce slipped out of the mansion for coffee. He happened to meet Mary Bromfield at The Coffee Bean. They had a nice talk and Captain American joined for a while.
Pool side escape September 21st, 2023 Random gathering of Avengers just trying to unwind.
Happy Harbor: Homecoming 2023 September 15th, 2023 Homecoming 2023 goes off without any incidents!
After the speech. September 9th, 2023 Bruce made a presentation at ESU and encountered Bart. He was impressed with the questions asked and the pair decided to catch a meal and talk about science things for a while.
Magic Soothes the Savage Beast, Right September 5th, 2023 Scott works his magic on Bruce.
Baking With The Avengers August 30th, 2023 Cap and Lara are making a cake for Jonah's birthday, when Bruce Banner wanders into the kitchen. Mistakes are made.
All he wanted was coffee...that's all August 27th, 2023 Bruce slipped away for coffee and ends up in a potential robbery. The robbery was broken up by some of the Spider family and no big, mean green monster.
Visitor at the Manor August 25th, 2023 Cir-El came to the Avengers Mansion looking for one of the
Sneaking out for coffee August 22nd, 2023 Bruce slipped out of the mansion for coffee and met a Junior Avenger, Bunny. The two seemed to have a good conversation.
Wayward Banner...sort of. August 20th, 2023 Bruce slipped out of the Mansion and SHIELD sent someone to find him. Fortunately for everyone it was Agent Houston. They had a good conversation as she escorted him back to Avenger's Mansion.
Eternals in the Avengers August 20th, 2023 Ikaris comes to join the Avengers, and speak the ancient truths of the ETERNALS!
Operation: London Calling - Part One July 9th, 2023 Jack the Ripper is located and on the run!
Loki Tikki Tavi July 3rd, 2023 Loki drops by Avengers Mansion and gives a cyber-rat to the Avengers. Bruce is sure that Loki is scheming something - Loki claims innocence.
Intercepting Intergang June 29th, 2023 A SHIELD raid on an Intergang base goes well for once without extrensive damage or injury to anyone! Even the base!
Another Savage Land visitor June 25th, 2023 Valerie encountered the Hulk on the Savage Lands. The two have a quirky encounter that looks deeper at both.
AVENGERS FOREVER: R. M. Jones, Esq. June 20th, 2023 The Avengers and their allies try to learn just who Rick Jones is.
Avengers Gotta Eat June 19th, 2023 A small group of Avengers seeks out food in the Mansion, and end up having a discussion for dinner instead.
Debriefing the Cyber-Doctor June 18th, 2023 The extracted deep cover agent from Intergang is debried by Nick Fury and Doctor Banner. Intergang has antimatter and they're charged with tracking it down.
AVENGERS FOREVER: Avengers Day June 18th, 2023 The Avengers Day celebrations are interrupted by a teleporting dude bro and smiling stormtroopers!
A unexpected encounter! June 16th, 2023 Hulk gets a surprise wellness check from Lara. While SHIELD gets the boot, she gets permission to explore the ruins. What will happen? All I know is Hulkanda Forever!
Brood of the Savage Land: Heart of the Swarm June 10th, 2023 An elite strike team infiltirates the Brood hive. They discover fully intelligent Brood drones, and not just a Queen, but a multitude of would-be Queens, each made from genetic material stolen from heroes who have previously encountered them. Meanwhile, the Brood begin some sort of space launch and an attempt to contact what seems to be a greater swarm beyond the limits of the local cluster. Although the Hulk smashes their WHOLE MOUNTAIN, things are still going bad and so SHIELD calls in the nukes, which serve as a Phoenix-snack for another psychic assault on the Hivemind. Earth 2, Brood 0. Cue Ewok Song!
Harbor Park Vortex June 8th, 2023 When the vortex to a dark world opens in the middle of small town Nebraska, Silverdane, The Hulk, The Punisher (Cameo) and Caleb and Sheila Dykstra arrive to solve the issue!
Rogues Gone Wild: Magic Ain't What It Used To Be June 6th, 2023 The Avenue of Tomorrow is again the scene of a Rogue attack as the Weather Wizard and Abra Kadabra turn their own kind of magic into absolute chaos. And just to add to the mess? Why not throw in the Hulk to deal with too!
Cheery Ol' London: Part 2 June 3rd, 2023 It's time to get dressed up and enjoy...nothing. The night is ruined. At least there is alcohol!
Why Bruce is not a morning person. June 3rd, 2023 Nat comes in for the save with purple pants.
Banner the most wanted. June 2nd, 2023 Ross attacks, but Mighty Woman, and Inez save the day with a little help from Hulk.
Astra's Final Solution - Peace March 24th, 2023 The Superfriends travel to Revolution Day, an important event in Kryptonian history when the Hegemony was toppled and the future of the planet was decided. It is here they find Astra about to change history for the worst; and also who was really behind it all - a god named Vohc.
Oh Yeah We're 'Sneaking'! March 21st, 2023 Clea and Bruce sneak out to look at flowers and try to take a breather.
The Great Switcheroo Part Deux March 9th, 2023 Clea weaves a spell to pull all of the displaced minds back to the dream realm and then push them back to their correct bodies before the Hulk exacts his revenge.
Astra's Final Solution - The Time Machine February 25th, 2023 When Astra In-Ze turns up in a scout ship declaring she's
Neeeeeeeerds in Da Club February 22nd, 2023 Bruce and Clea venture to the Hellfire Club for a fun outing while Dawn and Hank seek out clues to the body Dawn is inhabiting. Bruce and Dawn find common cause out on the dance floor while looking like Mike and Divine.
Too Many New Faces February 19th, 2023 Two very guilt laden people discuss mistakes and snacks.
This is not the Jen I was Looking For February 18th, 2023 No description
That Time Bruce Wasn't Bruce February 18th, 2023 What starts as simple breakfast at Avengers Mansion turns into finding out a number of people awoke from dreams to find themselves inhabiting the body of another!
Someone's In TROUBLE! February 18th, 2023 Bruce...sporting a rockstars body comes to check in on Clea and informs her of what all is going on. Which...is A LOT!
The Great Switcheroo February 16th, 2023 A misguided attempt to help Bruce Banner sleep unleashes the Hulk. In the chaos, a bit of a mix-up happens. As Sam Beckett would say,
Trying A New Thing February 14th, 2023 Clea takes Bruce to yoga. Nothing gets broken!
A Little Check In February 13th, 2023 Clea stops in to catch up with her favorite Doctor.
Of Magic and Science January 23rd, 2023 Bruce and Clea have a chit chat in the study. She tries not to float too much.
Jenga from Space January 3rd, 2023 A piece of junk from space crashes in to a skyscraper in Metropolis. It's carrying a deadly plague of inky space monsters that eat everything and replicate when attacked or when they've eaten too much. A team of Titans, Avenger, and a mysterious new Kryptonian save the day. The world will never know how close it came to being nommed in to oblivion.
Overdue Book November 12th, 2022 Kitty Pryde brings Bruce Banner some food, and after a year, they reconnect.
Green and Mean November 5th, 2022 No description
A Maximoff Birthday Party October 19th, 2022 The Avengers, family and friends gather to celebrate Wanda and Pietro Maximoff's birthday.
Pooling Right Along September 30th, 2022 Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Bruce Banner catchup on the latest series of weirds going on in the world of superheroes.
The Power of the Sun September 9th, 2022 Annie gets Bruce up to speed with the Solaris Project and its strange side effects.
The Breakup (pt 4) August 19th, 2022 Janet and Bruce catch up briefly about Janet's recent breakup.
Visiting The Gallery August 7th, 2022 Asariel receives an unexpected, but welcome, visit from Bruce Banner and tries to make a new friend.
Catching Up With Doc July 31st, 2022 Bruce asks Carol help with his status with SHIELD
Rising Star Art Gala July 13th, 2022 The first ever Rising Star Gala goes off without a hitch! Lots of people show and new friends are made.
Hulk smashes, without the capitals. June 25th, 2022 A smashing summer's day in Montauk.
Malice of Mutator! June 1st, 2022 No description
bruce May 13th, 2022 No description
Rumble Fest: The Smashfest Begins! April 15th, 2022 Repeat business is good and when AIM comes calling again, Juggernaut is more then willing to take on the job as it involves a throwdown with The Hulk. However, his quest for bragging rights may unleash something new, unexpected, darker and more cunning then what the world is prepared for.
Gamma Doomsday March 18th, 2022 The Hulk, She-Hulk, Black Widow, Spiderwoman, and Hyperion successfully thwart the Leader's plans to create a gamma powered army, defeating Red She-Hulk in the process. Though both the Leader and Red She-Hulk escaped (the latter after pushing Red Hulk off a very high place), the stolen equipment has been recaptured and the Leader is on the run.
Red Menace II January 31st, 2022 While Jen is behind bars, Bruce and General Fortean have an off the record conversation about events. When Jen is cleared, Fortean advises both to leave town, rather than seek out Sterns - leave it to the military!
Red Menace January 17th, 2022 Bruce and Jen investigate the death of Betty Ross and the mysterious Samuel Sterns, as well as what really happened at the Vista Verde base. They're interrupted, however, by Colonel Fortean of the Hulkbusters, who shows up to deliver a warrant for Jennifer Walter's arrest, supposedly for attacking the Vista Verde base!
Funeral for a Friend January 7th, 2022 Bruce Banner and Jennifer Walters travel to Vista Verde in New Mexico for Betty Ross's funeral...and discover what actually happened may not be what is publicly known. Also that the Hulk's old Nemesis, General Ross, is now the Red Hulk...and Betty's coffin has no body in it.
Some Christmas Cheer Also Alcohol December 24th, 2021 Two nights before Christmas and people gather at a Manhattan pub
Lots of Space in This Mall December 3rd, 2021 Someone tries to start a riot over PS5s, but some heroes aren't gonna take it anymore...
An Avengers Thanksgiving October 31st, 2021 Steve invites a bunch of people to the Avengers Mansion for a Thanksgiving dinner. It was wholesome. Even Wade.
My Dinner With The Hulk October 30th, 2021 Clark Kent interviews Bruce Banner about alternative energy solutions and almost nothing foreboding happens! Almost.
About That Eastern European Thing September 1st, 2021 What's going on in an Eastern Europe hellhole? Ultron!
A What September 1st, 2021 Hulk is rampaging in Eastern Europe. Atom Eve is sent by Cecil to stop him from stumbling into a terrorist group developing nuclear weapons that the DEO has under observation.
The Gnashing of Teeth August 25th, 2021 The Avengers perform much needed search-and-rescue as the city of Krozniev is destroyed by the machinations of the evil Ultron!
Something something Manor something I'll rename this later July 31st, 2021 No description
There's Something About NYC Pizza July 8th, 2021 Bruce Banner is feeling antsy and takes a walk in New York. He encounters April O'Neil in Angelo's Pizza.
Legal Consultation June 19th, 2021 Bruce Banner stops to discuss his legal situation with lawyer Matt Murdock, given the change of status of SHIELD
Ramen without the ninjas! May 11th, 2021 No description
Open Event: Wardrobe Malfunction April 16th, 2021 Heroes at a museum exhibit about heroes and villains find the villainous costumes come to life with the powers of their former owners. Also, Trevor had a good time.
X-men: Hijack This - Surface Assault April 14th, 2021 Anti-mutant terrorist hijack a plan with two dozen Trask engineers and researchers. The X-men assault an abandoned salt mine to save them and the other passengers taken hostage. The surface battle.
Broken Mirrors: False Widow April 13th, 2021 Shield learns their captured Natasha is not in fact Natasha and not at all what they expected.
Peaceful Ocean View March 7th, 2021 Bruce Banner's quiet day at the beach is interrupted by a Latino gang attack on Viola's father, a Maggia consiglieri. Hulk stops the attack and saves the girl from an exploding gasoline pump.
What Could Go Wrong March 6th, 2021 Nobody is Stronger Than Hulk. And Hank did not dispute this.
To Be Continued... For Real! March 2nd, 2021 I mean, some of the movie got watched! With a surprise visit from an Avenger!
Secret Doors: The Haunted Mansion February 23rd, 2021 The Avengers take on the eerie creature haunting their mansion, having forced it into the back yard and into solidity!
The day after... February 23rd, 2021 Wanda found Bruce in the mountains after the Hulk escaped his cage.
Museums...museums are quiet right February 22nd, 2021 He really shouldn't go places. Banner saw Catwoman at the museum. Then the bad robber sorts showed up.
Green With Pymmy February 19th, 2021 A peaceful time was had by all for now.
Contingency February 18th, 2021 Banner has ideas. He spoke to Druid about planting a word that would make him sleep.
Random coffee with an old friend. February 12th, 2021 No description
=Going from Lab to 'Verse February 9th, 2021 Three Heroes and an Architect and... no violence erupts?
Hank Smash February 6th, 2021 Plans are laid for the Microverse. Road trip!
Where do they get those doctors February 6th, 2021 Illyana cam by and donated supplies to the clinic where Bruce and Robert Marksman are working. A quiet get to know you sort of thing without getting too in depth.
A Most Unusual Tea February 5th, 2021 Bruce Banner, Michael Hannigan, Stephen Strange and Mando walk into a bar... for tea. And virgin web. It's a long story. Mando's glasses get broken. Poor guy!
Secret Doors: Little help here February 2nd, 2021 The ghostly monster appears in the basement of the mansion, tangling with Avengers!
Oh No Wheres Bo January 31st, 2021 Hank invites Bruce over. Bo has a timeout for using the drums too much. Mike has a LOT of questions.
Dinner Without Notice... January 31st, 2021 While not fond of crowds, Banner and Wanda managed to have a good conversation and just enjoy the other's company for a while. She helped him with his tracker issue as well.
Avengers and Ice Cream January 27th, 2021 Warren Worthington sends a gift of his company's new ice cream flavors for the Avengers to sample. Oh poor Scott.
The Ultimate Captain December 14th, 2020 The new Ant-Man leads a task force of Hulk, Mockingbird, and Daidarabotchi against the Planeteers. The new Ant-Man probably won't want to lead another task force again for a while after this...
A Random Glimpse November 30th, 2020 Bruce and Ruth have a brief and unlikely encounter in a pizza place.
Near Hel November 9th, 2020 Hela comes to Bruce Banner's lab and they both learn some things.
ZZGU: We have a tentacle problem November 4th, 2020 SHIELD enlists Dr. Banner to help detect breaches from ZZGU's Earth.
An offer impossible to refuse October 23rd, 2020 Pepper asks for Bruce's aid with a very important endeavor.
Science Time with Dr. Banner October 16th, 2020 Kamala Khan seeks advice from Dr. Banner
File Away August 29th, 2020 Dr. Banner and Agent Carter meet at Banner's apartment. Carter brings Banner up to speed on her current work.
Wake Up Call August 23rd, 2020 Peggy and Bruce talk after his rampage. They grow closer.
Marvelous Rage August 20th, 2020 The Hulk goes on a rampage. Thankfully, Blue Marvel and Agent Carter help calm him down.
A Quiet Place August 11th, 2020 Bruce and Peggy meet, having a very profound conversation in the process.
A Second Opinion August 11th, 2020 No description
The Skittering Dead August 11th, 2020 A swarm of undead insects--which may or may not have been accidentally reanimated by Scott Lang--threatens the safety of New Yorkers in the vicinity of Scott's van! Luckily, Julie Yan, Siobhan Smythe, Jane Foster, and Bruce Banner are on hand to competently deal with the situation.
With A Side Of Gamma August 9th, 2020 Banner, under an alias, checks out a Starrware Labs event. Karen Starr shows him around personally.
Hunt for Green December: ReBirth August 8th, 2020 The Agents of SHIELD (and friends of Banner) finally track him down and convince him not to make a terrible mistake!
Hunt for Green December: Parting Gift August 3rd, 2020 Bruce brings Nadia a strange and alien gift.
Hunt for Green December: Sick July 17th, 2020 Cape Girl goes in search of the Hulk!
Genosha Burns: 10,000 Brainiacs (Scene 2260 overflow) July 11th, 2020 The Avengers, and more of Earth's heroes make Brainiac regret he ever chose to mess with Earth. But surely there are more threats out there aside from Brainiac...
SHIELD: The embiggening of a school bus July 10th, 2020 A little faith in little Nadia makes a tiny bus big again
A Baby Wasp in a Gilded Cage July 5th, 2020 Dr. Banner brings Nadia some food. Then they discuss military secrets, second chances, and fathers...
A Wild Wasp Appears! June 21st, 2020 A Wild Wasp Appears searching for her missing father! She has a wild tale to tell the Avengers and given the numerous shady elements in her past soon finds herself under house arrest awaiting a SHIELD investigation and paternity tests.
Midnight Snack June 7th, 2020 Natasha returns from her mission abroad to find Bruce burning the midnight oil.
Banner draws some blood May 10th, 2020 Banner takes a blood sample from his cousin, but it's soon stolen!
The Hulk needs bail money! April 30th, 2020 Super Lawyer saves the day and Bruce/Jennifer have a chatty chat.
WAFFLES! April 28th, 2020 Thor makes waffles for everyone and everyone loves him.
Potato Knishes March 30th, 2020 Kitty drops by Avengers Mansion with some deli treats.
Studying an artifact... March 8th, 2020 Lara brings a strange artifact to Bruce. The dagger has her baffled as she can't pin down how old it is or whether or not there is anything... supernatural about it. It is a bit outside of Bruce's realm of expertise but he agrees to at least give it a radiocarbon dating so that she might have more info to go on.....
X-Plosions, SHIELD, and Mystics. March 7th, 2020 Natasha Tony and Bruce come by the Sanctum and get told that it sounds like the Green Lantern had something to do with stopping Genosha
Physics Goes Best With A Sammich March 7th, 2020 Bruce makes good on a promise of a sandwich, as he and Kitty talk about the Hulk, and Genosha.
A Night On Watch, Avenger's Style March 5th, 2020 Watch duty is sometimes lonesome. But sometimes, your whole team is there with you.
Any Questions NOT About The Hulk February 29th, 2020 Bruce Banner's talk on gamma radiation at ESU draws Kitty Pryde as an audience member


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Bruce Banner has 139 finished logs.

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Bruce Banner has been credited in 0 shows.

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Bruce Banner has been credited in 0 albums.

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Bruce Banner has authored 0 books.

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