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Revision as of 23:55, 21 March 2020

Kara Danvers (Scenesys ID: 186)
Name: Kara Zor-El / Kara Danvers
Superalias: Supergirl
Gender: Female
Species: Kryptonian
Occupation: Student Journalist
Citizenship: Krypton / American
Residence: Metropolis, USA
Education: Some College
Theme: DC (MFC)
Apparent Age: 21 Actual Age: 21
Date of Birth 22 Sept 1991 Played By
Height: 5'5" Weight: 135
Hair Color: Golden Blonde Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Kara was sent from Krypton at age 16 to take care of her baby cousin Kal-El on Earth, as er home planet of Krypton was being destroyed. The explosion of the planet knocked her space capsule off course through space and time. After what seemed to be three days to Kara, she arrived on Earth to find her baby cousin was now a man and a hero on Earth known as Superman to many. Earth's yellow sun gave her powers beyond her imagination, but with the death of her cousin a year later, she was lost and alone, much like the rest of the world was without Superman. She took up heroing to honor him in a place that still mourned him with her. With a love of the life and beauty (and food!) of her new world, she is trying to be the hero she needs to be.


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*1969: Kara Zor-El is born on Krypton
*1985: Kara is sent to Earth from Krypton by the parents of Kal-El, in order to watch over him. The explosion of Krypton knocks her space capsule off course, and off the timeline.
*2016: After what seems like three days' travel to Kara, she arrives on Earth...31 years after her departure from Krypton.
*2016: Kara meets Superman and is amazed at the man and the hero her baby cousin has become.
*2017: The death of Superman leaves Kara alone, and in shock as she tries to grapple with the loss.
*2018: Kara begins minor heroing in honor of her cousin, trying to help fill the void his death created on Earth.
*2019: Supergirl is first seen in Metropolis, as Kara gains in confidence and dedication to her responsibility.

IC Journal

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Kara has the charisma to charm almost anyone. She easily wins trust and makes friends wherever she goes, due to this unassuming charm. She comes across often as happy-go-lucky and cheerful, and that lends itself to her bright and bubbly personality.

Kara is full of determination, and she sticks by her beliefs, come what may. It might be easier to shift the moon two inches to the left than to change her mind.

Zest For Life:
Kara is in love with her new world. After the oppression and conflict of Krypton, she has fallen in love with every new experience on Earth. The food, the music, the culture, and the natural wonders each present their own new gifts to her with each new day.

Character Sheet


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Alien Physiology:
Kara is solar-powered. That is to say, she can absorb the energy of this yellow sun and harness it in ways that manifest in her powers, and it allows her to heal more quickly than a human. She can mend minor injuries in a day or so. More serious injuries like broken bones are more likely to mend in a few days to a week.

Enhanced Hearing:
Kara can hear a cry for help in a bustling city at rush hour, and narrow it down to pinpoint its source. She can hear voices from dozens of miles away. The spectrum of sound waves she can perceive extends for beyond the range of human hearing, as well.

Enhanced Vision:
On a clear day, Supergirl can see for a hundred miles. Conversely, she can also see microscopic details within something at her fingertips. She can look through matter like it isn't there to discover hidden, lurking dangers. But her x-ray vision, like x-rays themselves, can be shielded by lead. Fun at parties, deadly at Easter egg hunts.

Supergirl's need for speed also extends to her flight abilities. She can fly at speeds far beyond the speed of sound, if necessary. This enables her to go anywhere around the world that she may be needed, and still get there on time. (Spoiler: She doesn't actually need the cape.)

Heat Vision:
Kara can harness her energy to emit super-heated energy beams from her eyes that can cut or melt steel or make nachos, depending on the size and intensity she unleashes. She can use the beams to mend or destroy metal.

Kara is nearly indestructible. Shoot her, blow her up - she just keeps coming. Extremely focused and powerful attacks with major energy-based weapons might stun her or slow her down, but she's still likely to shake it off and keep coming if it isn't sustained. She can even survive in extreme and hostile environments that would kill a human in minutes, including the bottom of the ocean and outer space.

Perfect Memory:
Kara remembers everything that she sees, hears, reads, and experiences. Even as quickly as she can read a book, she retains the information exactly as she reads it. This is a handy skill to have when studying blueprints or city planning schemata.

Super Breath:
A breath of fresh air herself, Kara can put out brushfires like blowing out candles, and she can freeze things solid with her patented cooling process. Good for slowing things down a little, or stopping them completely. The perfect power for a girl on the go.

Super Speed:
Supergirl is fast. Really fast. Speedsters have little if any advantage over her. She can run or fly anywhere on earth in a matter of minutes, at most. She can fly to the moon and back within an hour's time. She is not affected by the abrasion of particles, due to her invulnerability, and she can therefore survive re-entry into Earth's atmosphere, as well.

Kara's speed extends to the completion of tasks. She can read, write, perform physical tasks, and think at superhuman speed. This comes in handy for times when she needs to spring clean or organize her pantry. However, she has to really focus in order to do more than one thing at a time, when she's in fast mode. Because her mind can move faster than her focus is sometimes able to, she may get careless or make a bad decision if she is too distracted. The problem is, her mind moves just as fast when distracted as it does while she is focused on her task, so it's just a matter of which subject at hand that her mind decides to follow. Sometimes distraction leads down a rabbit hole from which she had a harder time recovering.

Due to her speed, Kara can dodge most attacks. But she cannot read minds. As good as she is at processing thoughts and plans, she has only intuition to help her anticipate those attacks. If she can figure out what's coming, she can block or evade it. But if she is caught by surprise, often she doesn't have time to process an incoming blow or bullet, and thus takes a very powerful blow.

Super Strength:
Supergirl isn't as strong as Kal-El, but she is still light years beyond the strength of humans. She can tear her way through rock, steel, and earth, and would have no trouble lifting planes, ships, or locomotives.


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Kara has a great love or art that was instilled within her by her mother, whom Kara adored. Kara's talents, along with her love and celebration of art, is something she carries forward in her mother's honor.

Due to her ability to read at super-speed and with perfect memory, Kara can learn languages and information about foreign cultures very quickly. In addition, she carries with her the knowledge of Krypton: her home world's culture, language, and history.

Kara was no scientist on Krypton, but the advanced scientific knowledge attained by society as a whole on Krypton...well, that puts her on par with grad students on earth who are studying for their PhD.


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The Danvers:
Kara's adoptive parents are her primary source of love and emotional support. They would be there if Kara didn't have anyone else in the world.


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Kara was sent to Earth as her home planet was destroyed. She watched her home explode, and with it, the entirety of her home, family, and everything she knew. That image haunts her still, to this day. As much as she loves her new home planet, there will always be an abyssal darkness in the recesses of her heart and mind. It is a darkness that can be used against her to break her spirit, if someone learns the truth.

Irradiated by the explosion, shards and shrapnel from Krypton hurtled through space alongside Kara on her journey. It would take a long period of time for the radiation to harm a human, but these remnants of her home planet are now deadly to Kara. If she is even nearby kryptonite for more than a few minutes, it begins to sap her powers. Anything longer, or closer, than that will cause her to suffer and wither, leading to death within half an hour if the exposure continues. Lead can block the radiation, like it does with radiation on earth, but carrying around a lead shield isn't exactly convenient or plausible. But if the kryptonite is removed from her presence, she can recover from its damage quickly, as with any other injury.

Secret Identity:
Kara has to maintain her persona as Supergirl and that of Kara Danvers as very separate entities. It can be frustrating, but it is for the greater good. Kara Danvers is, after all, a bright, bubbly, if somewhat awkward girl with a zest for life, junk food, and all the wonderful things this life has to offer. Supergirl, on the other hand, must maintain her sense of decorum and responsibility...whenever possible, anyway.

Solar Powered:
Kara's powers are fueled by sunlight and radiation from Earth's yellow sun. If deprived of sunlight, Kara will begin to lose her powers, measure by measure, until she is essentially as powerful as a human.

Vulnerable To Magic:
Kara may be nearly invincible to physical attacks, but magic attacks can still harm her. She does take substantially less damage from magic than a human would, but it is still far greater than she would suffer at the hands of a physical attack.



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Kara Danvers has 257 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Jor-Kal's Wacky World of Science May 15th, 2024 There is a great deal of conversation, a subtle title change, and a lot of discussion about science in a tongue in cheek kind of way. Also, voting is fundamental.
Dropping in on a Bluebird April 24th, 2024 Harper does some maintenance on her off time and is given a surprise visit by Kara. They catch up.
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's homemade banana bread April 7th, 2024 Kara visits Carol in the wake of a breakup. Friendship, family, and delicious banana bread shall heal all emotional wounds.
Cookies, catch ups and future plans. March 15th, 2024 Kara stops by to hang out with Viv. They talk about possible double date plans and Kara helpfully eats the remaining cookie dough.
Momma I'm comin' home February 28th, 2024 Kara brings Damian to meet Alura, they discuss dating... and fighting a great enemy. It was super successful.
Flights of Fancy February 7th, 2024 Damian introduces Kara to one of his best friends. They hit it off famously.
Defend the Weiners! January 27th, 2024 Kara and Damian have an early training session to start to learn to work together and get advice from Vivian.
Spilling the Tea After the High Tea January 26th, 2024 A walk to the stables turns into a relationship. Weird, right?
High Tea at Wayne Manor January 26th, 2024 High Tea is served, which quickly devolves into shennanigans and socializing as soon as Alfred's back is turned!
Friends give friends wiener January 21st, 2024 It's not so hard to be social when there's wieners involved.
Amazon Training: Wally West January 10th, 2024 Wally stops by the Themysciran Embassy to do some training. Kara and Caitlin pick up on his sour disposition, but can't figure out the reason behind it.
Sing(ularity) along with Disney Movies! December 13th, 2023 Kara introduces Sing to Aladdin and Disney Movies but they are sidetracked by conversations about what Sing and Kara can be and are now.
Ruining Ma Kent's Fried Chicken December 10th, 2023 Singularity has developed the FEEL for Kara and wants to ask her out. She teleports to Kara, just to be surpised that she's at Carol's. Things are awkward, but Kara says yes. Even if the chicken was ruined. Poor Leeroy Jenkins.
Chillin in a lawnchair with a sixer... on the moon December 7th, 2023 Mia learns to fly out to the moon and Kara comes to celebrate. They talk of wieners. Fin.
The Enemy We Don't Know December 7th, 2023 Mother and daughter discuss the galactic threat from another timeline.
It's very nice to meet you and you may call me Sing December 7th, 2023 So hear me out... Some doods do some bad junk and almost get smashed by Supergirl, but then a Universe shows up and LOLpwnz their butts into the ocean, but then Supergirl stops them, but then *breeeeeath* Supergirl and Singularity talk in the sky. Basically a Thursday.
Burgers... OF FEELINGS! November 16th, 2023 Mia has a crisis of confidence. Kara gives her a pep talk. Also several burgers are demolished and the finer points of European villainy being political allegory are almost discussed.
Derby Queens vs The World November 3rd, 2023 The Derby Queens face off against the Flat Iron Flatterers in a Roller Derby game for the ages!
Metropolis Maulers! No, not the football team. September 27th, 2023 Mark runs into trouble with the Mauler Twins, and gets a much needed assist from Kara! They promise to meet again later and maybe not pound someone. And introducing Mauler 2.0.
Faking Humanity=lame September 22nd, 2023 Kara comes to visit Caitlin during boring book reading time to talk about super important Kara stuff because she's self centered and doesn't care about other peoples personal time.
Squish and Tell September 14th, 2023 Closing out old scene
Rooftops, Arrows, and Capes September 9th, 2023 Supergirl comes across Red Arrow on a rooftop patrol. They have a very awkward interaction.
The Fast and the Super! August 23rd, 2023 Kara and Wally have a chance encounter! Wally learns Kara has a boyfriend...Oooooooo!
Nacho, Nacho Man August 10th, 2023 Supergirl has a surprise craving
Community Outreach August 3rd, 2023 String theory bitches.
Kandor: Into the Bottle July 15th, 2023 The Kryptonians and friends head in to the bottled city of Kandor to learn of the struggles there-in and a dictator who serves Brainiac. A flame is lit and hope begins to spread.
Kandor: Which Way Home July 13th, 2023 Kara and Alura discuss whether New Krypton will be there home or not.
Those White Sandy Beaches July 7th, 2023 Caitlin takes Kara to visit Themyscira.
Okay, we're going to have wieners. July 6th, 2023 A scene in which lost property is located. Plans are made. And reporters evaded. Also a virtual charity auction gets planned largely by accident.
Kandor: An Alliance with Zod May 27th, 2023 Alura's failed attempt at diplomacy draws in Kal and Kara to rescue her from Zod. But Zod has bigger ideas and engages Brainiac. Kal sacrifices himself, staying behind on the embattled Zod ship to allow Kara and Alura to escape with the bottled city of Kandor. To be continued in +scene 15011
Benton's Time Capsule May 10th, 2023 Alura, Kara, and Divine go to a small town celebration for a slice of American Apple Pie life and instead stumble upon a forgotten cold war past.
A lovely winds-day May 9th, 2023 Closing out old scene
Another world, another timeline April 22nd, 2023 Mother and daughter homesick together but also celebrating the \/\/ondrous new that is Earth.
Planetary Defense Briefing: The Brood April 6th, 2023 Members of various super hero teams combine for one all out blowout cage match in the Watchtower. They discuss the Brood invasion, the Shi'ar that loved them, and how the various supers should react to it all. Act now, and catch it on Pay Per View for only 49.99!
Supers in the Park March 30th, 2023 No description
Toy Man Tormentor March 29th, 2023 In which Toyman attacks the local Nerf Superstore and his giant blimp-robot is smashed.. TO NOTHING.
Supergirls and Ice Cream March 29th, 2023 Kara and Monet have ice cream, and talk about movies.
The Last Sisters of Krypton March 29th, 2023 Karen decides she needs to talk to Alura and Kara insists she come along - with Divine. The three meet up with Alura in the Sanctuary of Solitude and family bonds begin to mend.
Look! I brought you coffee! March 28th, 2023 Kara goes to catch up with Karen. They talk about many things! Including family, clones, sisterhood and how Karen is absolutely a mom now.
In the Sky with Supergirl March 28th, 2023 Kara and Monet fly together in the embrace in the sun above the clouds, and pledge themselves to their love.
You Can't Hide Your Birthday Forever, Cat March 28th, 2023 It started as a birthday party and ended in a proposal. Nothing ever goes quite as you expect it around here!
Fire from the Heavens: The Flame of Py'tar March 27th, 2023 The League and the allies meet to discuss the Flame of Py'tar and how they will proceed to deal with Despero once and for all. Plans are formulated, decisions made and pasteries consumed.
Flying Through the Night March 27th, 2023 Kara and M talk quickly over coffee.
Seriously, 'No Electronic Devices' Is Simple March 27th, 2023 Livewire escapes Metropolis PD custody, and has the minorest of tussles with Kara, who proves sometimes a friendly face and a stunning obliviousness to how one's lunch opinions sound can disarm even the most manic lightning goblin.
Kara's Kryptonian Kall March 19th, 2023 Kara comes seeing help with her cover
Watching the Super-Sun Rise February 28th, 2023 Kara and M watch the sun rise over the Themysciran Embassy, and plan to move in together.
Supering the Stars February 10th, 2023 Happy Valentine's Day, Kara and M style
The Mother After January 10th, 2023 M and Kara catchup on recent emotional events.
In Memoriam Zor-El January 6th, 2023 An emotional moment for the Kryptonians as they say goodbye to Zor-El, who passed away in Argo city many years before but never had surviving family give him the rite of passage. The Amazons lend a beach on Themyscira and provide a touch of local ceremony to the occassion.
Supers in the Sky December 27th, 2022 Kara, Alura, and Monet talk about things which lay under the sea and adapting to life on Earth.
Kryptonian Reunion December 8th, 2022 Kara and Alura are reunited after years of being apart on the kind gentle beaches of Themyscira.
Kara and M, Floating in a Tree November 13th, 2022 Two socially awkward girls have a picnic.
Dastard! By! Science! October 25th, 2022 In which our heroes run into AIM having Transmogrifier Rays and weirdness is had and no one will ever speak of it ever again.
When Supergirls Fly October 7th, 2022 After Supergirl is put under the influence of Poison Ivy's phermones, she and M retreat and put Kara through detox.
The First Leaves of Fall September 30th, 2022 Ivy's attempt to sneak thief is thwarted and Monet may have a new enemy
Invitation to the Fortress September 25th, 2022 Kara shows Monet around the Fortress. And M has a rare indulgence of happiness.
It's Your Birthday September 25th, 2022 Monet St. Croix and Kara Zor-El celebrate Kara turning 21.
Kryptonian Kuriosity September 4th, 2022 What begins with sparring ends in revelations and cookies!
At the Car SHop August 27th, 2022 Several friends gather at Mercy's to bake and unwind. Sharing in their collective strange pasts.
Conversations with Kara August 22nd, 2022 Monet talks to Kara whil hurt about Cheetah.
Talking in the Embassy August 6th, 2022 Monet and Kara talk about Themyscira.
Training the Ego July 25th, 2022 Kara shows M some aerial combat moves.
More Then a Trouble Magnet July 18th, 2022 Supergirl does a good deed for Mercy Thompson who is on the way to the bank and meets some unfriendly types.
Making Apologies for the Mind July 15th, 2022 After fighting, Monet and Kara talk.
Even Supergirls Can be Scared July 15th, 2022 Kara and Monet make peace with one another after Monet has had time to heal.
Awakening July 13th, 2022 Kara gets cleaned, dressed, and fed. A step closer to freedom.
Innerspace! July 12th, 2022 The Titans save the day! The nasty microdart is removed, and Kara will be able to start recovering.
To test a theory July 10th, 2022 Vivian takes a gamble and tries a very unethical procedure to get more information about what is wrong with Supergirl. Thankfully it pays off.
A Road Already Traveled July 9th, 2022 Donna attempts The Power of Friendship. Kara is both denied freedom, or the consolation prize of being knocked out so she doesn't have to listen.
The Prodigal Daughter Returns July 8th, 2022 No description
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished July 8th, 2022 Supergirl nearly re-enacts Mortal Kombat with Monet. Thankfully, the Titans, the Fantastic Four, and the X-Men all make an appearance to save the day!
Brought Low July 8th, 2022 Causes and Effects are determined.
Trouble in the Tower July 6th, 2022 Kara tries to recruit Wally...and then things get tense. Violence is narrowly averted.
When The Glass Cracks June 29th, 2022 Monet meets the new, improved Supergirl!
The Last Place You Look June 28th, 2022 Vivian deals with super-bitchiness like a champ!
Take Your Mama Out June 21st, 2022 The threat has been carried out and some of Terry's team-mates visit his teenage-years bedroom to his enormous embarrassment, but slight relief that at least it was a small number that saw it. And then Raven chose violence.
Is it a bird June 21st, 2022 After agreeing to model for Vivian's art project Kara brings a guest round to the Fortress of Solitude.
Of Aliens and Egos June 20th, 2022 Kara goes out of her way to help Monet gain confidence.
Supergirls and Super-Egos May 31st, 2022 The Ego Meets the Supergirl
Trees in the Park May 12th, 2022 Kara and Groot have a lovely (if limited) conversation. Kara gets a flower!
The Last Titan: It's super-confusing April 12th, 2022 Kara and Caitlin visit Troia in the throne room at New Kronos, and learn a history of the /other/ Titans. The question is: how closely does that history resemble reality?
Kryptonian Lessons April 3rd, 2022 Kryptonian Lessons! Except not! Everyone can be magical, but not everyone is Magik!
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger April 3rd, 2022 Donna reassures Kara that her training is going well and she'll be better than Kal in no time. They discuss life in the shadow of more famous relatives and reassure each other of friendship, even though there's some questions of where exactly that friendship lies.
Checkin at Metropolis March 12th, 2022 Phoebe and Kara meet up for a brief rooftop chat
Recon Patrol February 19th, 2022 Huntress gets Supergirl's attention. And doesn't die.
Parasitic Pandemonium February 18th, 2022 Parasite attacks Metropolis! Heroes (Yes! ALL heroes!) save the day! A building crushes a child.
The Sushi Resumes! February 18th, 2022 More Sushi, More Salutations, More movies!
The Basement of Solitude January 29th, 2022 Two very tired superheroes get together for snacks and snuggles.
Robbery in a Desolate Street January 11th, 2022 A diamond heist is foiled by a trio of young heroes.
The Relationship Rubicon December 24th, 2021 Gifts are exchanged, feelings are revealed, and choices are made. Plus, poetry.
Give It Up, Kara, It's Chinatown December 16th, 2021 Peter and Kara get Chinese food and talk about role-playing games.
Fight Night at Harry's Hovel! December 12th, 2021 Peter and Kara get together for fun, games, and the eventual Serious Talk Du Jour.
The Not-So-Odd Couple December 7th, 2021 Roommates has a roommate party and talk about roommate things.
Ballroom Blitz December 4th, 2021 Kara and Peter try to have fun at a dance club, until Shocker and Parasite crash the party.
Happy Thanksgiving, Char...uhm, Peter Parker! November 20th, 2021 Kara comes to Thanksgiving Dinner and meets Aunt May (again) and Harry Osborn for the first time.
Hey I know that person. November 17th, 2021 Dinner and relationship advice
Ace is High, Deuces are Wild November 10th, 2021 Peter and Kara meet for burgers in Metropolis and catch up on their respective lives.
Metropolisn't: The Crass Menagerie November 10th, 2021 There's something very strange going on at the Zoo in New Troy, and the Titans and their allies rise to the occasion. Things are weirder than usual- even for Metropolis.
Two (Super)Girls in Search of an Apartment November 3rd, 2021 Two heroines get an apartment together in Metropolis. What could go wrong?
Friday Night Firefight October 30th, 2021 Spider-Man runs afoul of Intergang, gets his bacon rescued by Supergirl...and then, pizza.
Bolts from the Blue October 28th, 2021 There is practice, and then there is more practice.
Cousins Catching Up October 12th, 2021 Kara and Clark meet in the skies over Metropolis, and Kara has a proposal for Clark to consider.
Lighting the Torch September 29th, 2021 Spider-Man meets Supergirl at the Statue of Liberty. Revelations of the personal and secret kind are shared...and a relationship is re-kindled.
Meeting of the Karas September 27th, 2021 Supergirl Kara visits Power Girl Kara to discuss plans and schemes for a New Krypton.
GIRL: Maiden Voyage September 27th, 2021 An intrepid band of GIRLs set out on the maiden voyage of their spaceship and arrive at the planet Rann. What adventures await them there?! Tune in next time and find out!
Some Truly Super Pizza September 25th, 2021 Peter Parker meets Kara Danvers...for the very first time.
Titans Tower: September Meal September 24th, 2021 Caitlin feeds the Titans, and she gets a nervous breakdown for her troubles (Good Job, Terry)
GIRL: Meet Q.U.I.N.N. September 23rd, 2021 Avengers Assemble, but GIRL Gathers. This time to meet Quinn a new Quantum artificial intelligence. But that's just the tip of the iceberg as Kara reveals the truth about the Phantom Zone and the start of a new adventure for our heroines!
The Day Without Invasions or Crises September 18th, 2021 Donna and Kian let Kara know they are still alive. Nobody attacks the Tower.
Experimental Data September 1st, 2021 Kara and Caitlin spend some time catching up in the labs.
Fashion August 26th, 2021 Kara and Donna talk new costumes and good friends.
Always Sunny In Metropolis August 10th, 2021 No description
A Smog Kryptonian! August 9th, 2021 No description
Heartbeats and Airwaves August 7th, 2021 Kara scans other dimensions with a magic rock. Caitlin, Bart, and Donna have questions.
Invisible Aliens Ate My Lunch July 30th, 2021 And the alien car-nivore herd was sent to a safer world and the true meaning was the cars they ate along the way.
Sorcerer's World: The Hunt For Jason Blood July 14th, 2021 Jason Blood remains elusive. For now. And just who has taken up Excalibur? And for what purpose?
Operation Cat out of Hell June 24th, 2021 Regroup and Rescue Planning. Also all the wings anyone can eat.
Spider's Web In Metropolis June 19th, 2021 Spider-Man and Spider-Woman test out the Spider-Comm (Metropolis) system and meet up with a couple of Friendly Neighborhood Kryptonians.
Sorcerer's World: A Date With DOOM June 18th, 2021 Faust's efforts to recruit another new ally are interrupted but the monarch of Latveria is hardly grateful from the unasked assist.
Scenes From An Italian Restaurant (Trap Remix) June 17th, 2021 Toni's birthday party is a reasonable success. Gift bags are given out. Linguistics are raised. A warm vibe is established, and much delicious food is had. NEXT ISSUE - A TITAN *DIES*
In Erebos: Pandora's Box June 5th, 2021 The Titans bust an underground sale of magical artifacts, and some of them get eaten by a box that sends them straight to hell. Or to be more accurate, Tartarus.
Return of the Warrior Princess June 4th, 2021 Maxima returns to Earth and declares her intent to be part of the Justice League. Kara is surprised. Aquaman is not impressed. Clark challenges her to a wild goose chase beneath the sea.
A Titan-sized Tour May 29th, 2021 Nightwing gives Batgirl a tour of Titans Tower. Kara has awesome PJs, Gar makes Terry blush, and Donna is perceptive.
Another World May 20th, 2021 Kara and Donna get some training from Philippus on Themyscira. Then they go for a walk in the enchanted forest and discuss the nature of the divine.
Sorcerer's World - The Dark Side of the Moon May 16th, 2021 Felix Faust and his allies manage to successfully draw forth Eclipso, the one time Spirit of Vengeance from Dr. Bruce Gordon and lay waste to the Gotham Observatory. But their victory is not without cost as the Demon Rath is badly injured and banished. Perhaps for good? And what is the fate of Jason Blood, corrupted by Eclipso and unleashed as the Demon Etrigan? What is Felix Faust's ultimate end? Far too many questions and too few answers.
Slighted on Opening Night May 10th, 2021 Harley Quinn saves theatre goers from Clayface's outburst at their bad reviews of his play.
Home Sweet Home April 24th, 2021 Shortly after arriving on Themyscira, Donna calls on Kara to ask her about the trip to Krypton. It's an involved and emotional discussion.
Krypton or Bust: Argo City April 17th, 2021 Argo City never made it to K-2 and the last of its people perished. But the last of Krypton -- Zod and the House of El, find a common ground laying the city and its people to rest.
Krypton or Bust: The Dead Planet April 8th, 2021 The journey takes them to the Rao system, finally, where they witness the devastation of a lost civilisation. A record was found on one of Krypton's surviving moons that showed Argo City flying away from the system and an audio message from Kara's father, Zor-El, inviting survivors to join them.
Krypton or Bust: Zod Returns April 8th, 2021 Zod turns up in a Kryptonian warship of design and capability never before seen by those on Earth. It was a good thing the Kryptonians weren't there to kill and conquer. They searched Earth for specific Brainiac technology and didn't find it. Their ship took quite a beating, as did Non, before they made a tactical retreat before more flowers grew on their bridge or Kryptonite was introduced in to their ecosystem.
Krypton or Bust: The Sins of Krypton April 5th, 2021 The Kryptonians discover that not only were their ancestors conquerers but that the Oans have a very alien idea of what's right and wrong. Grave concerns have been raised about their motives and their right to rule - and even whether it's safe to have Green Lanterns anywhere near Earth.
A Wonderful Birthday March 26th, 2021 The Amazons and Titans celebrate Diana's birthday on Themyscira, and it becomes a double celebration when Caitlin returns succesfully from her quest, an Amazon.
Amazonian Play time on the Beach March 17th, 2021 Diana and Kara chat while walking along the beach of Themyscira.
Krypton or Bust: The Sto-Oa System March 6th, 2021 Upon arriving in the Sto-Oa system, the happy travel party is met with some very unhappy Oan ships and a fleet of Green Lanterns en route. Declaring that transportation of Kryptonians is a war crime, a stand off ensues resulting in Superman, Power Girl, and Super Girl surrendering to the Oans to get answers. Meanwhile, Jon Kent escapes the phantom zone and casually meets his dad and aunties and Maxima declares Green Lanterns forbidden from her empire. I am Groot!
Themyscira Vacation: Welcome to the Island March 5th, 2021 The ladies of the Titans ride the Invisible Plane to Themyscira, paradise home of the Amazons. They are met by Diana and Hippolyta, mount beasts, and ride on to the great city where feasting and celebration awaits!
Sleight of Hand is no fun with Kryptonians March 1st, 2021 Supergirl and Ant-Man meet on an alien ship. Turns out, Supergirl isn't quite as 'intense' as her sister Power-Girl, or his benefactor Maxima.
Krypton or Bust: Up Up and Away February 20th, 2021 Kryptonians, family and friends gather on the Milano, which then docks with Maxima's ship. Greetings are made and the ships begin their journey to Oa.
Friendship has no dimension of distance February 19th, 2021 After talking to Power Girl, Maxima visits Kara and extends an invitation to ferry the House of El to Oa and Krypton.
flygog.com: Krypton or Bust February 16th, 2021 Supergirl to Captain Quill. Commencing countdown, engines on, check ignition. and may Rao's light shine upon you. The House of El makes arrangements to fly with the Guardians of the Galaxy to near-ish Oa, and to the dead planet Krypton, and may be a few other places before heading back to Earth. All for a worthless bucket of diamonds and some space weed.
ehrosh :bem shahrrehthu voi vo rraop February 16th, 2021 Ten With Terry's first SUPER INTERVIEW with Supergirl- on the Daily Planet website!
Catch Me Up Before You Go-Go February 9th, 2021 It's always important to know your friend's cover story, so that you don't actually blow it. This is the same principle at play regardless of whether your friend just snuck out to go to a rock concert his mom didn't want him to attend, or if your friend is traveling untold light-years in a pilgrimage to her old homeworld.
Supergirl's Pilgrimage February 6th, 2021 Kara tells Troia of her impending journey off planet and that the world will surely notice the lack of Kryptonians in the skies.
You know my names February 5th, 2021 Kara Zor-El shares her secret identity with Lois Lane, who takes the surprise shift in perception better than most.
Time to pack our bags January 26th, 2021 The plan is made, the participants chosen. To Oa they go! Up up and Away!
This is the Way January 20th, 2021 Combat training time for Kara at the Tower as Troia teaches her more of the Way of the Amazon, and invites her to think about where it might lead.
It Came from the Deep: Into the Abyss January 17th, 2021 A city is saved, a Simulacrum put to rest, and an Ancient Evil unleashed. Also Meggan is secretly a sparkly bright shining glitter princess.
It Came from the Deep: Bazaar of the Bizarre January 12th, 2021 Maxima, Supergirl, and some of Supergirl's Titan allies follow a tip from one of Namor's agents about a possible lost city sighting. There they are confronted with more of the Lurkers that have been plaguing Atlantis before following a trail leading to the deepest of all oceanic abysses.
All along the watchtower January 5th, 2021 Trying to get a handle on the Dopple Problems Kate seeks help from KAra and ends up being cleared by Donna
Ganging up on the dopples. January 3rd, 2021 Donna, Kara, Vorpal and Nadia form a secret cabal of Titans Who Definitely Aren't Dopplegangers
What if we went to Krypton December 30th, 2020 The Superfam has a Supermeeting about a Superroadtrip. Kal has a new friend. Kara is bad with secrets. Karen is bad with secrets. Conner is still a clone.
Decking the Avenger Halls December 26th, 2020 Some of the Avengers come together to decorate the Mansion for Christmas!
Titans Holiday Party - The Wintering December 23rd, 2020 The Titans Holiday party, where there was much merryment, good cheer.... and glitter. And drunk raccoons.
Wayne Foundation Charity New Years Eve December 22nd, 2020 A lovely time was had by all, and a Happy New Year
ZZGU: Themyscira December 21st, 2020 A new name, a new home, a new future. The fallen Kara Zor-El of another Earth has been granted the mercy of the Amazons. Zosime will learn to be a new person, one better suited to her name, one that honors the House of El instead of desecrates it. Themyscira on another world learns that the future of their entire world is in their hands.
The Curious Case of the Easy Button December 16th, 2020 Bane attempts a jailbreak at Arkham. Batgirl gets the worst of it and finds out what that 'For Emergencies Only' button in her Batgirl suit's heads up display does.
ZZGU: Stronger Together December 13th, 2020 The Justice League, The Titans, SHIELD, and the DEO enter another Earth to fight a space horror named Zhed'Zhud'Ger'Uth before it can launch a full on assault against our Earth. One niggling detail, there's another Kara Zor-El and she's a bit insane in the membrane. The heroes fight on both fronts and win the day. For some measure of win. (kaboom x many)
ZZGU: Here's the Plan... December 2nd, 2020 Heroes, SHIELD, DEO, oh My! all meet to discuss ZZGU and how it can be defeated. Now it is time to put the plan in to action...
Titans and Guardians. November 30th, 2020 The Guardians of the Galaxy meet the Titans, who seem to be really *angry* at pirates. Rocket seems to be really *angry* about everything.
Banshee's Scream: Investigating a Terrible Scene November 29th, 2020 A group discover that the Dark Banshee haunting the streets of New York City has something far more sinister in mind at F.E.A.S.T. and rush off to prepare for an imminent attack.
ZZGU: On another elseworld November 29th, 2020 Siobhan sees first hand what happens when ZZGU conquers a world. She meets another version of Kara Zor-El and finds an unlikely ally who betrays her at the last moment.
As American as Apple Pie November 20th, 2020 Supergirl visits the Parker house for the best free food in town and Peter and Kara do a little catching up.
ZZGU: Psychic Super Glasses November 19th, 2020 Pepper delivers Tony's latest invention to Supergirl, to help the world fight against ZZGUs attempts to invade
Dream a little dream of me November 19th, 2020 Dreamer gives a warning to Supergirl about an attack at a military base
ZZGU: Reinforcements November 19th, 2020 Dreamers premonitions take a team of heroes to the Metropolis Naval Base where they encounter a coup of the otherworldly kind. Using the slime of ZZGU intruders recruit a small army and attempt to bring ZZGU in to this world through a portal. Siobhan crossed over to ZZGUs world to battle another version of Kara Zor-El and is now trapped there. Maxima declare war against the monster. Hela thinks magic might be the solution.
ZZGU: Toxoplasmosis November 19th, 2020 SHIELD offers Supergirl access to Dr. Jemma Simmons. She begins work on a cure to the mind manipulating mucus from ZZGU.
The Daily of the Daily Planet November 18th, 2020 Kara Danvers meets new reporter Nia Nal and they have lunch where a premonition is shared.
SHIELD comes a calling November 17th, 2020 Hellboy and Daisy come calling upon the Titans about a Banshee problem.
ZZGU: Preparing for the worst November 12th, 2020 Kara explains that once again the world is on a knifes edge to Tony. Luckily Tony is already working on anti-brain-melting technology.
This Could Be The Start of a Beautiful Friendship November 4th, 2020 Supergirl, wounded from a fight, finds a new friend in a Gotham vigilante.
Broken Sky: Listening For the Echoes October 19th, 2020 The Titans follow a signal from the point of the collapsed wormhole to Jupiter, where they find a stand-off between two alien species. Much confusion ensues, but eventually the Titans find someone willing to help.
ZZGU: Suicide Squad Edition October 13th, 2020 The Suicide Squad is assembled once again! They go into a camp full of nazi-cultists, get slimed, pursued by tanks, shot with miniguns but miraculously come up on top and do the mission.

RIP Jawmaw and Mysterious Ninja.

ZZGU: What is he doing in Gotham October 13th, 2020 While taking out one of the missing DEO agents, Supergirl and Quake talk. The missing DEO agent opens a new gateway to the world of ZZGU and the two superheroes once again fight to close it before the worst happens.
A little way to say 'thank you' October 11th, 2020 Janet showers Kara with some gifts in appreciation for her intervention in saving Nadia and Janet from the Red Room.
Seriously Who Wears A Purple Cloak September 30th, 2020 The apparent burglar that Supergirl intercepts in Metropolis turns out to be Spoiler on an investigation. The two talk. Louis, this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
ZZGU: The DEO calls in a favor September 30th, 2020 A piece of ZZGU is in the wild, the research facility is lost, but SHIELD has a sample.
The Red Room September 26th, 2020 A combined team of Titans and Avengers assault the Red Room facility. Nadia, Janet, and even Ying are rescued. Everyone lives Happily Ever After ...for now.
While the Cats are Away: Payback September 25th, 2020 The Titans defeat the Fearsome Five!
Auld Acquaintance September 24th, 2020 Supergirl and Spider-Man reconnect and talk about heroism over pie.
A plan that will (hopefully not) blow your mind. September 24th, 2020 In preparation for the raid on the Red Room Vivian Vision and Supergirl try work out a way to remove a bomb from inside a person using the Danger Room in Titans Tower. It turns out this is easier said than done!
Gone Girl: The Quantum Beacons Activate September 22nd, 2020 The Avengers and the Titans follow the trail of Nadia's quantum beacons to what could be another Red Room trap, but she's the best shot they've got at rescuing their missing comrades.
Fearsome Aftermath September 21st, 2020 Catching up after the Fearsome Five... six..seven.. why is it five.. attack.
A Super Visitor September 20th, 2020 Supergirl visits T'Challa to ask after Three Mile Island events. He realizes she's Kara Danvers, and she reveals the Justice League has been talking about him.
These were the voyages of the Space Shuttle Enterprise September 16th, 2020 When an inter-dimensional slimy tentacle monster attempts to relocate to our Earth, Replica and Supergirl are there to stop its psychic attacks from destroying the world.
The Hall of Justice: About King T'Challa of Wakanda September 16th, 2020 The Justice League deliberate on the idea of expanding teleporter use raised by Kara. While the idea fails at logistics, the group seems genuinely interested in knowing more about Wakanda and T'Challa.
While the Cats are Away: Knock Knock, Anybody Home September 15th, 2020 The Fearsome Five show up and make their presence known. Doctor Light is captured.
London Bridge is falling down September 13th, 2020 The Justice League, with some unexpected help, repel a rampaging dragon tourist from space. Zero stars!
A Rekindling of Hope for the Titans September 12th, 2020 Timely tidings from teammates are told to the Titans, transforming temperaments.
Who is Vorpal September 10th, 2020 Terry and Kara reveal their secret identities. Kara interviews Vorpal and encourages him to join a parkour group in Metropolis.
Titanic Pyrrhic victory September 6th, 2020 Aftermath of War of the Worlds for the Titans at the Tower. Kate got everyone pizza. Newcomers were welcomed aboard after the Trial of Fire on Warworld. Kara was filled in about the missing teammates.
New Friends And Old Friends September 6th, 2020 The Titans hold a meeting on getting organized and what to do about their missing team members, and end up gaining a new ally in Sarah Rainmaker.
Return from the Depths September 4th, 2020 Supergirl returns after being missing for a few days, and reveals her secret identity to the Titans.
Thesmophoria September 2nd, 2020 Diana makes an important announcement at a public event at the Embassy, and villains remarkably manage to somehow not show up.
Different Levels of Empathy September 2nd, 2020 After T'Challa gives a talk at Metropolis U, Kara gives him a tour of the campus. Thought-provoking comments might have been made.
Of Bottles and Moons August 31st, 2020 Kara brings Maxima too the Watchtower looking for her people. There is talk of Earth Defense and Alien Supremacy.
The Girl of Broken Steel August 31st, 2020 The emotional gamut is run by both son and daughter of Krypton. Fears, Futures, uncomfortable Truths. Family makes the weight of the world seem lighter.
The Metropolis Reserve Heist August 27th, 2020 When the Shockwave gang tries to rob the Metropolis Reserve Bank, the Titans respond. Things don't go entirely in their favour though. Supergirl has flown away, Heather needs serious amounts of food (pizza may be?) and Nightwing'd bike has been trashed. Oh, the bank was damaged and a lot of gold was stolen too... and the bad guy got away.
Spider Girls and Super Secrets August 24th, 2020 Ghost Spider saves 'Kara Danvers' from muggers. Supergirl shares her secret identity with her fellow Titan and they hug.
A New Dove Dawns August 22nd, 2020 Dawn Granger makes her first visit to the Titan's Tower. She confronts a destiny; the Titans confront a memory.
Escaping the Echo Chamber August 21st, 2020 Kara and Troia share in each other their struggles understanding Earth.
War of the Worlds Finale August 21st, 2020 Earth's defenders draw away the Warzoon and finally confront General Zod. They drive the rogue Kryptonian away, but at what cost for the House of El?
The Fortress of Kryptonian Prejudice August 21st, 2020 Kara meets Conner and he's not what she expected. Conner states a universal truth, that no one is allowed to disappoint Superman. Also the S does not stand for Super.
Descent of the Warrior Queen August 20th, 2020 Maxima arrives on Earth disrupting traffic and is greeted by a contingent of the World's Finest, also Doom.
Setting the Stage August 17th, 2020 A few Justice League members chat about the upcoming opening hours before it's scheduled to begin.
Watchtower Unveiling August 17th, 2020 A crowd of dignitaries, journalists, and superheroes gather at the Justice League's moon base to celebrate the inauguration of the Watchtower.
Bishop Bow Proficiency 101 August 7th, 2020 Kate and Kara bond over giant robo-scorpions and secret identities.
The Titans Take A Time Out August 7th, 2020 America comes back to the tower. Nadia comes back to the tower, and brings Hank. Kyle visits the tower. Everyone's at the tower! Supergirl and Nightwing geek out at lego. Mary geeks out at RPGs. Donna makes kerbals explode. Caitlin bakes the world's best pie, and they all lived happily ever after.
Moonshot August 6th, 2020 Superman and Wonder Woman, with assistance from Supergirl, establish the beginnings of a base on the lunar surface.
On Krypton, it is a High Crime August 5th, 2020 Kara and Caitlin hug it out. Clones are a difficult topic.
Sometimes you can even scream when you're quiet August 4th, 2020 Pizza is had and people talk!
Green Lantern's in orbit after being exploded. Supergirl to the rescue! August 1st, 2020 Hal is rescued by Supergirl, and magically healed by Tempest. He returns the city of Kandor into Supergirl's keeping.
The Flying Grayson goes Up Up and Away July 30th, 2020 Dick Grayson takes flight, like a fish to water. Kara admits she knows his secret identity.
The acquisition of Kandor, last city of Krypton July 27th, 2020 The Superfamily catches up with each other and world happenings, they settle on a plan of action.
Benefit for Bushwick July 27th, 2020 The benefit is a success. Funds raised, and everyone who shook Senator Kelly's hand should wash it immediately.
Evil doppelgangers have goatees July 22nd, 2020 Two sisters from different universes, and together, they save worlds.
On Top of the World July 18th, 2020 Titans welcome Garth back to the tower. Exchange some childhood tales of strange days or normal ones. Also space rock.
Hunt for Green December: Sick July 17th, 2020 Cape Girl goes in search of the Hulk!
Coming to Shore July 16th, 2020 Garth is welcomed back into the Titans fold
Bowyer of Paradise July 13th, 2020 The Titans make progress on building Kate a replacement weapon: the WonderBow!
Genosha Burns: 10,000 Brainiacs (Scene 2260 overflow) July 11th, 2020 The Avengers, and more of Earth's heroes make Brainiac regret he ever chose to mess with Earth. But surely there are more threats out there aside from Brainiac...
Who is Rave July 11th, 2020 Kara Danvers meets the out and proud hero Rave and interviews her about being the new hero on the block.
Brainiac hates it when a plan comes together July 11th, 2020 The Titans celebrate victory with pizza, but console each other after a hard battle.
Titans: The Brute Squad July 8th, 2020 Donna and Caitlin drag Kara into the Danger Room for a session of Brainiac Drone combat training with the difficulty level turned up. Kara accidentally wrecks the danger room. Everyone point at her and laugh.
Superspeed July 7th, 2020 No description
Die H4rd July 6th, 2020 A Science Experiment Goes Wrong, but the Fire Extenguishers Work!
Vic, You're So OLD! June 30th, 2020 Even when the end of the world is looming, the Titans do not forget to celebrate birthdays. There are gifts, an amazing cake, illicit drinks and puzzled Robins.
Things To Learn June 14th, 2020 Kara approaches Diana about learning some new skills.
War of the Worlds - Part 2a May 31st, 2020 While the battle rages in Metropolis beyond, the Titans take the battle to the enemy, boarding one of the attacking Dreadnoughts and capturing it.
After the Battle May 30th, 2020 Kara makes sure Thor is seen safely home and they share insight into their future.
I believe I can fly May 29th, 2020 Two aliens meet on Earth.
War of Worlds Pt 1 May 26th, 2020 Mongul's Warworld entered Sol at the far reaches of the solar system and a force of Earth's Mightest Heroes flew out to Jupiter to face him. The massive weapon on the plantoid station was destroyed, but at great cost to the heroes. General Zod, the Kryptonian warlord responsible for the first Alien Alliance that attacked Earth, revealed himself as the driving figure behind the invsaion. With Superman in their clutches, Power Girl lost in Warworld, and Thor unconscious, the heroes rush back to Earth to ready the planets defenses.

The War of Worlds has begun.

20 Thousand Justice Leagues Under the Sea May 23rd, 2020 King Shark tangles with Superman and Cap. Marvel. Probably shouldn't have. Supergirl and Constantine show up for a chat about the league and the future.
Ghosts of Mars May 20th, 2020 No description
Return to normalacy, Evening edition May 17th, 2020 Lois and Clark have Kara over for introgation.. dinner.. Kara's over for dinnergation.
Familia Testimonii May 13th, 2020 Clark invites Kara and Karen to meet for dinner. The tale of two Kara's begins! Kara sees how good milk is for a body. Context.
The Bells: Mirror, Mirror May 10th, 2020 Lois Lane and intern Kara look for more information about the source of the Shadow.
Cousin time May 4th, 2020 Kara and Clark discuss 'what Lois knows', and secrets.
All The Wonders That They Do May 4th, 2020 The interview finally goes down. Terry manages not to faint this time.
Hot Fresh Cookies in Titan Tower May 3rd, 2020 The younger Titans spend more time getting to know one another.
Titans: Mary and Kara have joined the party! May 1st, 2020 Kara and Mary Bromfield get a tour of the Titans Tower, and get to meet Victor as well.
Fresh New Faces May 1st, 2020 Moral of the day: Don't talk about Sweden!
sThorytime April 27th, 2020 It is a lovely little after party at the Themysciran Embassy. Let your soul glo.
Coffee Time April 27th, 2020 Kara brings Lois her coffee and accidently reveals some family secrets.
Good News, Everyone! April 11th, 2020 Peter reveals the good news about his new job to Kara, and they chat about what to do and where to go from here.
Gold Rush Down Under(ground) April 5th, 2020 Spider-Man and Supergirl stop the Great (Subway) Train Robbery!
Dinner Interview April 1st, 2020 Kara meets Peter for dinner and an interview, and to tell him how awesome he is.
Super-Problems March 29th, 2020 Kara Danvers shows up at the Parker house to pick up stuff, and drop a bomb. Oh, the CARNAGE...
Safety Nets March 29th, 2020 Clark and Kara catch up on the attack on Peter.
Finnegan, Begin Again... March 27th, 2020 Peter Parker gets a visit from a freelance reporter from Metropolis in the aftermath of the Supergirl/Parker breakup.
Superheroing 101 - A Sense of Identity March 26th, 2020 Spider-Man and Supergirl meet up with Naomi at his favorite training field and try to help Naomi acclimate to the heroing life.
Home Is Where the Havoc Is March 25th, 2020 Some dangerous toys show up at the Parker house...and Supergirl and Spider-Man fight toy soldiers.
The Web Widens March 21st, 2020 Carbon Spider meets Spider-Man...and Supergirl. And eats the best apple pie in New York.
Burger Date March 20th, 2020 Supergirl and Peter Parker go out on a date...and potentially their last one.
Better Red, White, and Blue Than Just Red March 18th, 2020 Spider-Man and SUpergirl go out on patrol and re-enact THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER...with more Russian officers defecting and big mechs and less submarines and underwater suspense.
Two Spiders and a Sorceress walk into a bar March 16th, 2020 Gwen and Zatanna stop by to chat with Peter... Supergirl shows up. Everybody DATIN'
A Date With Destiny March 14th, 2020 It's late at night, and Supergirl meets up with Spider-Man for discussions, opinions...and tacos.
A Monumental Meeting March 6th, 2020 Peter Parker comes face-to-face with Supergirl.
A falling star named Kara December 22nd, 2017 (FLASHBACK) Kara Zor-El makes land fall on Earth after losing two decades while her baby cousin grew up to be Superman. With Batman's help, she is reunited with her seriously injured cousin and begins her journey of learning about Earth, her new home.


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